Easiest & Hardest Class to Play in RvR?

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Post by Lieva »

Briannon wrote:Hardest: nightshade
Everyone hates them.


FORUM HUG Briannon :)

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Post by Rejecta »

Luon wrote:still dont see why you say minstrel is a hard class to play.....

you can pick fights vs non stealth classes.

you mezz stun charm abla dd´s fz ps and all dem artis. you can get artis that lower damage on you and you gain end/mana you have chain so you dont instant die vs stealthers. and its a hard class to play...

also if you look at the ra list minstrels have its kinda silleh, sos ip am and so on and so on ......

so you basically say its hard to play a class with all thoose abilites cause you have to "time them right" really ^^

im not saying minstrel needs a nerf or anything but imo its silleh to say its a hard class to play,

basically it comes down to use an ability at the right moment.. and minstrels have alot more abilites to use then if you take a bard for example :D

No ones saying minstrel is hard to play, we are saying its hard to master..theres a difference.

I could go in mash stun fz at the beginning of the fight and lose every 1v1..Minstrel played well is almost 1v1 king, there is no class I haven't beaten 1v1 and no "Well known" player I havn't beaten 1v1..I like to think its that i got "MAD SKILLZ!!1" But its because my class has the tools to win 1v1 its knowing how to use them that counts.

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Post by Luon »

hard to master get a drift :D

lets agree to disagree

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Post by Heta »

lets agree to drink more bacardi razz insted luon!
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Post by Cryn »

Rejecta wrote:No ones saying minstrel is hard to play, we are saying its hard to master..theres a difference.

I could go in mash stun fz at the beginning of the fight and lose every 1v1..Minstrel played well is almost 1v1 king, there is no class I haven't beaten 1v1 and no "Well known" player I havn't beaten 1v1..I like to think its that i got "MAD SKILLZ!!1" But its because my class has the tools to win 1v1 its knowing how to use them that counts.
Is it really that hard to learn? No classes in DAoC have more than a dozen or so of abilties to employ. What's so hard about learning the best times to use each of them?

Seems to me the things that differentiate the really good RvRers are more to do with target selection and positioning on the battlefield.

Any monkey can read how to spec, what gear to use, how to opt a group and which abilities do what. Maybe it would take a bit of practice to get it down pat, but you don't need to have any particular flare or talent. Having the awareness and wit in a fight to make good choices about where to stand and who to target are not so easy to pick up because there are more permutations.

One on one fights to me seem to have far less skill involved. I realise that's gonna be a very unpopular view with certain people but with less people in the fight you quite simply have a smaller range of choices, making it much easier to pick the right one. With classes who get the option of initiating the fight, it's even simpler since you get time to plan, prepare and be selective about targets before the pressure is on.
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Post by Radu »

Cryn wrote:One on one fights to me seem to have far less skill involved. I realise that's gonna be a very unpopular view with certain people but with less people in the fight you quite simply have a smaller range of choices, making it much easier to pick the right one. With classes who get the option of initiating the fight, it's even simpler since you get time to plan, prepare and be selective about targets before the pressure is on.
I agree, and i would add to this 1v1 talks more about gear and RAs as the glorified "skills". I cant imagine much "skills" when a fight is done in 5-6 secs...
Anyway , i see the very short fight times as a big problem in daoc, ok, fast paced good, but due the very fast fights, who gets CC first, who see the other one first matters too much - actually it makes it win or lose. I would like to see 30-40 secs fights or so - that means you have to think more, how you are using up your power or endurance.... Spamming 1 nuke button is not skill.
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Post by Xest »

Cryn wrote:Is it really that hard to learn? No classes in DAoC have more than a dozen or so of abilties to employ. What's so hard about learning the best times to use each of them?

Seems to me the things that differentiate the really good RvRers are more to do with target selection and positioning on the battlefield.

Any monkey can read how to spec, what gear to use, how to opt a group and which abilities do what. Maybe it would take a bit of practice to get it down pat, but you don't need to have any particular flare or talent. Having the awareness and wit in a fight to make good choices about where to stand and who to target are not so easy to pick up because there are more permutations.

One on one fights to me seem to have far less skill involved. I realise that's gonna be a very unpopular view with certain people but with less people in the fight you quite simply have a smaller range of choices, making it much easier to pick the right one. With classes who get the option of initiating the fight, it's even simpler since you get time to plan, prepare and be selective about targets before the pressure is on.
Minstrels certainly do have more abilities than most other classes to use and not all of them are effective against all classes, I think essentially the difficulty in playing a minstrel comes down to having so many different abilities for so many different situations but however they aren't for every situation. Also, a large proportion of minstrel abilities are timered so the issue is more keeping track of a large amount of abilities and when they're up. On top of that a lot of the abilities are somewhat restricted, for example the AE mezz is fixed 5 sec cast time and the flute is 3 sec - both are nice when landed but you can't just cast them at some silly 0.8sec cast time like most casters cast their spells.

Again it's certainly not that minstrels are weak, they're actually very strong when played well, but I guess here's a good example of a minstrel played well and one played bad. Baring in mind the flute mezz ability, 9 sec insta stun, 2 insta-DDs and insta-confusion:

Bad minstrel: Use an insta or so to interrupt a target, target next and another insta on him. Funnily enough most people probably think this is how a minstrel should work but read the next example and see the vast difference in effectiveness.

Good minstrel: This is a very realistic scenario. Minstrel sees caster about to cast stun, hits insta to interrupt starts flute mezz, targets a druid and stuns him with insta stun, targets another druid and interrupts with DD, flute mezz finishes playing and lands on first caster, start next flute mezz on the 3rd target you just interrupted and as stun wears off on the stunned 2nd target cast your 4th interrupt and start to mezz him - voila, quick and clever target switching and use of instas and you have 3 targets one minute mezzed rather than free to use MoC heals, instas, and so on. Of course this can't work perfectly every time, but you get the idea, if you know what you have as a minstrel, and use it cleverly you can be FAR more effective than if you just play blindly. On top of that bare in mind that all the way through it you'll need to keep an eye out to see if your group needs you to cast bolstering battlecry, warguard, ameliorating melodies, cleansing aura if someone is DoT'd or using your RR5 pet mezz or warlord pet scare to push pets off your support/casters.

Ironically it's not minstrels having instas making it and easy button mashing to win class like bonedancers and warlocks but it's in fact instas that allow a good player to truly shine in that use of instas mixed with fast and clever target switching along side use of other abilities at the same time makes it much more effective. It's something that's true of bards too, a player that nows how to play well in such a way as being able to amnesia one target whilst casting mezz on another or healing someone is much more effective than one that's only capable of single tasking.

Compare all that to say a tank, who just sticks and styles one style at a time or a caster that targets and casts one thing at a time and you can begin to see the difference - it's about being able to think quick and make your character do multiple things at once. Sure say a chanter may have to nuke, debuff and pop BAoD at once at one point but also remember that with minstrel instas being on a 15 sec timer it's a rolling thing, it's not just once per fight like say BAoD or other RAs it's being able to think fast and play fast non-stop for the duration of a fight.

So like Gamah said originally, Minstrel is easy to play, but much harder to play well :p On every class I've played (which let's face it, is a lot) I've known how to play it to about 99% effeciency after like 200k rps. Minstrel I'm at RR5 and there's still fights I know I could've done something differently or used something more or targetted a different class and used some ability on that or used defending martyr to save a cleric then pop IP or a heal pot to save me for example. Minstrels just take a LOT longer to learn than almost all other classes, I guess you just have to roll one and play it to find out exactly why first hand ;)
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Post by zlopke »

bard is probably hardest to play

not because the class is that hard to play
but 1 little mistake and you'll get shit over you from the whole group :(
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Post by Elrandhir »

zlopke wrote:bard is probably hardest to play

not because the class is that hard to play
but 1 little mistake and you'll get shit over you from the whole group :(

more or less the same situation as the Before Guarder and slammer, and now BGer etc is in ;D

but have to agree that bard seems to me as 1 of the hardest classes to play well.

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Post by Luon »

well if you need an ego boost of playing a class xest and gamah well cheer for you 2 :D

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