Slight issue in leading raids ...

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Post by Sharkith »

Lenah wrote:Also I was PM'ed ingame about this matter, one thing that makes some raids hard to get people in, is that there might be more than one raid going on same time. This is another thing we can work on. Every raid should be on the calendar page, with clear time and duration info. Also I know not many are used to follow that calendar, majority just scrolls trough the threads. Many of the thread topics are unclear aswell.
Ok I am not a raid leader Lenah (so I don't claim to know very much) but your post suggests that we can do something.

1) all guild leaders and guild officers should tell all members about this site and what is on the calender for the day.

2) I would suggest 'reducing' the number of raids to a sensible amount and avoid clashes at all costs

3) for Guild Masters to come along here and report on the numbers of players they have in their guild that are relatively new to Hib Pryd. Give the numbers below 40 and who are regular and then give the numbers who are 40+ and who need ML's and Artifacts. This should be in a new thread. This way with a kind of player survey you can get a feel for numbers.

4) weekends are different because we have an awful lot of weekend only players I would suggest a seperate thread to look at what is happening in guilds on weekends..

5) have one proper realm wide event a week to get as many people together to meet each other and hopefully to mix the groups up etc.

just suggestions - I will leave the thread alone for now at the risk of spamming and apologies if I already have...


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Post by Tomppodeuz »

There was 147 people online last night, and 47 of them in Hadrian's Wall, so Hadrian's is not dead :P

But i agree, we have a problem with the population, but i'm hoping (as many others) that Catacombs makes is better.

I'm not gonna quit just cos others have, i like this game and want to play. Period.
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Post by Kesxex »

I am thinking of taking a five week break atm to push more players up to ML3 at least so that for the later ML6 to 8 raids of mine I can at least hope to have the numbers.

Problem with this is that someone comes along, does a rush raid and reduces the numbers again. This is what currently happens with ML9.10.

From 86 players on my ML1 raid around 36 are still attending the later raids. So over 4 weeks 50% attrition due to RL, IG restrictions and ignorance.

I hear a lot of players whine about MLxp but I don't see them on arti raids either.

All we can do for now is keep going and better schedule raids and make sure every guildie reads this board. Make them feel they miss out if not doing so. Curiosity and greed are a powerful combination.
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Post by Argyleyn »

Perhaps you should try after catacombs, i suspect a few people are waiting for it to reactivate.

Other than that, there's also the issue of prydwen running for 3 years now and its current population mostly consists of people who have pretty much done it all, ml's, artis, dragon raids etc etc and propably don't feel like doing them again and don't really need to. Not much you can do about it other than waiting until the next expansion and checking the situation again then.
Argyleyn, ex raven ardent prime prestidigitist.


Post by Kallima »

Kesxex wrote:I am thinking of taking a five week break atm to push more players up to ML3 at least so that for the later ML6 to 8 raids of mine I can at least hope to have the numbers.

Problem with this is that someone comes along, does a rush raid and reduces the numbers again. This is what currently happens with ML9.10.

From 86 players on my ML1 raid around 36 are still attending the later raids. So over 4 weeks 50% attrition due to RL, IG restrictions and ignorance.

I hear a lot of players whine about MLxp but I don't see them on arti raids either.

All we can do for now is keep going and better schedule raids and make sure every guildie reads this board. Make them feel they miss out if not doing so. Curiosity and greed are a powerful combination.
There always seems to be a big drop in numbers after ML1, possibly due to people wanting ML1 convoker on an alt.

I have four ML10 alts. I am not desperate to get more ML10 alts, so I am doing master levels but only when it seems likely to be fun. I am currently working on master levels with two alts. I've been on all your raids with one of them. I expect it confuses the raid leader when the same person turns up on different MLs with different alts, I was popping up on Venoid's raids with four. I currently have (pauses to count) four more alts who could start master levels. Depending on other commitments, I may also come along on something like 4.2 even if I don't need it myself, just to help out with an ML10 alt. I watch out for 4.2 raids as an obvious one where people need numbers. I must have done 4.2 at least 15 times.

Since my characters have benefited from your raids so far, then I would definitely try and help on later raids whether I have an alt who needs and can enter that master level or not. Fun is more important than what I get out of it.

My personal preference is to only play one character at a time on these raids. I won't bring two characters by my own choice, but if vital then in addition to the character who needs the master level I will bring an ML10 druid with FoP to help the raid out.

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Post by Aran_Thule »

Kesxex wrote: Problem with this is that someone comes along, does a rush raid and reduces the numbers again. This is what currently happens with ML9.10.
Not sure i read that right.
With regards to the last 9.10 raid, i heard there were several people trying to do a ML9 hunt on the saturday so went along to help, and because i know it fairly well i kinda end up leading it.
However after doing all the steps we didnt have the needed people to finish 9.10, then mids RR so i offer to try to do it the next day so we have a chance of getting more people in.
suggested times and people mentioned other things that were going on (dragon raids ect) so we settled on a time when most people could make it and we thought we were giving enough time before other raids in that day.
However find out later that the time we had picked conflicted with the ML4 big raid, so i ended up canceling it and going to help with ML4 instead.

Problem is that you have limited numbers of people willing to lead.
Of these you then have the issues of when they can play, can they get whats needed to complete the task, and wether they want to do it.
On top of this you have everyone else, wether they know of the raid, wether they want to help, wether they are doing something else at the time ect.

There are realm events, alliance events, guild events as well as what you do yourself.
As im sure you know its a lot to juggle with and can be very hard work.
The main point is that this is a game and ment to be fun, as long as it is then ill keep doing stuff.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Sturgis Podmore »

Kesxex wrote:I am thinking of taking a five week break atm to push more players up to ML3 at least so that for the later ML6 to 8 raids of mine I can at least hope to have the numbers.

Problem with this is that someone comes along, does a rush raid and reduces the numbers again. This is what currently happens with ML9.10.

From 86 players on my ML1 raid around 36 are still attending the later raids. So over 4 weeks 50% attrition due to RL, IG restrictions and ignorance.

I hear a lot of players whine about MLxp but I don't see them on arti raids either.

All we can do for now is keep going and better schedule raids and make sure every guildie reads this board. Make them feel they miss out if not doing so. Curiosity and greed are a powerful combination.

I am grateful for your ML raids and have attended one. I am now ML1, but have completed ML2 &4 so just need ML XP and ML 3 to make some real progress. The problem for me is always real life. I either am at work and cannot get home early enough to attend raids during the week, or I need to visit my GF.

I definately think it would be a good idea to do MLs 1 - 5 again in the next few weeks. As long as the timings are inclusive (no start before 1900 GMT during the week) then I think you'd get a lot of attendance.

Hibernia Prydwen

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Post by Darktail »

things are not all that bad as they seem, just feels like that

To kesxex, i would say keep the ml's coming as u planned them, there seem to be enough people turning up so far ;)

we cant spank people to look at the webby's we try'd and they stil dont visit it

lets calm down and prepare for catacombs, so far we are making history with our server, low population but they stil getting the jobs done *cough* lets say the dragon died with alot of pain last time ^^
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Post by Scabs »

As it has been posted before in this thread, alot of people would like to run raids but feel there is too much pressure. I know I'd like to run raids / artis session but feel that I don't know enough about them to run the well enough to be effective.

Saying that I will be running ML7 dungeon farming sessions and ML5 farming sessions soon. Which don't take much organising
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Some random thoughts about this:

Post by Seanchai »

Just some thoughts, from my point of view:

Reasons I tend not to attend raids:

1) Uncertain Rewards: I have pretty odd playing hours between a job that involves a lot of shift work and other RL activities. It makes attending raids that have a 'serial' approach unattractive. I.e. MLrush raids and Open Cumulative Modifier raids as I am unlikely to be able to consistently attend them and get MLxp fast enough, high enough modifier to win arti or whatever.

2) Pick-Up Group setups: A lot of raids have a drop-in approach, which leads to some rather peculiar group compositions. Coming to a raid and being stuck as a Mentalist in a group with 4 Rangers, 2 Shades and an AFK level 41 Battle Druid for example, is just hard work and not a lot of fun.

3) No goals set: It might sound like a funny thing to say, but a lot of raids are 'open' in their goals i.e. we will raid x,y,z twice a week until people can't be bothered to show up. A raid that states (and ML raids are better for this due to their nature) we will raid x,y,z and stop when we have achieved a,b,c is more attractive, as it is easier to gauge the level of commitment required prior to signing up.

4) Lack of planning: Again it might sound like a funny thing to say, but it is not unusual to turn up to a raid and find the only person that knows the plan is the raid leader :) That's fine, but it is easier to plan and know what to do if the order of mobs and tactics used are posted / emailed / linked to before the raid starts.

I rather like the sound of what Monk says, except for the whole lottoing thing ;)

Anyways my 2cp
Seanchai - Mentalist Migraine Giver
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