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Post by Requiel »

centurion wrote:So you need to log in the characters(or accounts whatever) one by one to fix, sorry if this might be a stupid question but what if that account is currently in use, be it on another server or the affected characters, are we adviced to not log in while you are trying to fix characters ?
From an information thread on FH which has been reposted by Aran_Thule as the very first post of this very thread.
me wrote:Is it alright if I keep playing after making a report?
Yes of course it is however we are sorting most of these problems out by logging your character in and actually handing items over ingame. Even a GM can't log your account in if you're already playing it. In most cases we'll ask if it's convenient for you to either log for a bit so we can log your character in or if you could log the affected character yourself. Feel free to tell us you are busy, we can come back to you later, however it's obviously in your interest to let us sort you out as quickly as possible. If you're playing a character on another server then we won't contact you (as we don't have time to track you down and relog to send you a message), we'll just wait till you're offline again.

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Post by Requiel »

Childofkhain wrote:so prior to the creation of these tokens how were you "reimbursing" players for the loss of rog items if they were in their template or even in their vault etc?
You quoted the answer to that question yourself:
Me wrote:Until now we were compensating the loss of these items with gold...

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Post by Childofkhain »

so instead of gold for rog its now tokens for rog and the rog that we get for tokens has, what, a 1 in 200,000 chance of being the item we had before?

the being able to BUY tokens to get the rog you want is a good idea however giving people less cash and instead <1 token i assume> per piece of rog they lost and less gold is not how to stop inflaition as now when people get the rog that somone else wants if more than one person wants it and one of the people were the first 300 <ish> customers that where delt with they are going to get it as they will be able to pay for it unlike the now even more unlucky players who got 10 random rog for their old good rog.

I guess the only good thing that will come out of this is people lerning not to put rog in templates and create a normal template. thankfully only my pve template's relied on rog and not my final rvr templates even if i did lose both :(
Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by Espen »

i know a specific case where they havent been given back ml10 items.. and that is my guildmate on Prydwen mid / Lecturin/lecturus/lectiboom or whatever his bonedancer is called. he only received his artifacts and no ml10 gear..

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Post by Childofkhain »

Espen: he covers the ml10 thing there.

Requiel have you a responce for my question please?
Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by Espen »

Childofkhain wrote:Espen: he covers the ml10 thing there.

Requiel have you a responce for my question please?
yes i know that.. and as he stated to me on ventrillo 2 hours ago.. he has mailed them 3-4 times now.. (not sure if it was 3 times with the original mail or 3 times after the original mail) to goa about this.. and he still dont have his ml10 gear..also if you can read swedish.. this is what he posted on our alliance forum..
Originally posted by Lecturin
Kan ju bara säga att deras suport för detta suger fick inte tillbaks nån av mina ml10 grejor ingen zahur kecie ingen zahur brazer ingen armor på min hunter men jag ska fan inte ge mig dom har loggar så dom kan fan återställa allt

you get 75p to get your equ again

va fan vill jag med dom p farmar man på 2dagar

lite upprörd e man

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Post by Childofkhain »

but requiel says he can give people back ml10 items, thus he must be able to the 75p must be for other items as 1 ml10 item can cost 100p
Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by Arcsalin »

those items only cost 100p due to a player default ie one made by players not because they are worth it, the amount you receive is probably regulated to the amount that they perceive your chars items to be worth. I know norcott lost quite a bit but only got 40p in return.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Espen wrote:yes i know that.. and as he stated to me on ventrillo 2 hours ago.. he has mailed them 3-4 times now.. (not sure if it was 3 times with the original mail or 3 times after the original mail) to goa about this.. and he still dont have his ml10 gear..also if you can read swedish.. this is what he posted on our alliance forum..
Umm... that swedish quote.. harvest 75p in 2 days??


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Post by Luz »

I dont know if I should laugh or cry ...

Has someone heard about Russia some many years ago when they decided to hand out money to everyone so it all would be fair?

And then a package of milk costed 5.000.000 to buy?

or was it germany after WW2 ? I think it been done by both? But it didnt help to much

Bah. Lv50s.
Animist, Bard, Druid, Enchanter, Nightshade, Vampiir

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