Restoration update

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Sharkith wrote:maybe someone could clarify - is The Immolated Ring a rog for example? How about The Brood Mother's Fang?
Nope, they arnt rog, rog stuff is that stuff that says 'unique item' at the top of the description. Its the random generated drops you get. (Random Object Generated)
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Thanks to Tuthmes for the link.

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Post by Childofkhain »

i think the main problem with rog items are that they have no record of its stats they only know its name so to replicate it might be possible but you may have people creating their own rog that flits perfectly into a template that they may never have had thus taking advantage.

Oh yea it was af102 100% qual with + 4 to all mele +5% mele speed +20 to dex cap and +16 slash resists - thanks bye

Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by Jupiler »

Just a quick update to clarify a few things.

Rogs and crafted items. We are completely unable to replace these. Rogs are generated on the fly by the game and as such aren't recreatable and crafted items can only be created by crafting them oddly enough. If I generate a crafted item then it will look like a normal crafted item, it'll smell like a normal crafted item but you won't be able to SC, alchemise or dye it. For any Rog or crafed item we are simply going to have to give you cash to replace it.

heard its 5p..
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Aardh »

I really dont like their way of compensating us. The "sorry, we cant restore that, but heres some plat to make up for it" dont really cut it. Especially since some people get alot of cash back, when they maybe didnt lose that much. And then can go buy more or less whatever they want from the CMs. While others lose EVERYTHING they had, and gets compensated in the very same way. Ive heard/read about some who lost mostly crappy drops/rog/crafted items and got compensated with alot of cash. That will create an imbalance, no doubt. Since suddenly people (who might just play here as a gettaway from excal, or a place to try alts) that are "new" to the server become just as rich as people who spent their time on the server since day one. It is of course easier to take from a pool of cash and start building a character that never was properly equipped, than trying to rebuild a fully equipped char with new mp stuff, rogs, rare drops, etc. I lost EVERYHTING i had on my vampiir. Level 50 with full mp gear, artis and rare and expensive drops. I also lost everything i had on my eldritch. He was dressed in cheap 99% crafted stuff with basic non OC sc, for leveling. While i dont really care for the eld, since i didnt start toa:ing him yet, its still an annoyance that i will have to get new mp gear and spellcraft and fill in whatever GoA cant replace, for the vamp. Even if they can give me 75p with a click of a button, its still up to me to restore my own char if i want it to be able to perform as it did before the server breakdown.

I would really like to see the reaction if the same thing would happend to excal. And what if this happened after cluster? Could it happend? If so, what would the reaction be like?
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Post by Belisar »

Seems to me that if you are going to get cash instead of rog replacements - the faster you get it the more valuable it is.

Thinking about it, the sooner you have the cash to spend the more likely you are to find something decent on a CM somewhere (i.e. you can buy it before someone else).

Also the sooner you get the cash the less likely you are to see that dreaded price hike take full effect.

Not sure what else GOA could do but I really do not like this solution at all.

I use alot of rog on my toons and after such a long time away the last thing I want to be doing with my time is either shopping or farming replacement gear.
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Post by Lairiodd »

Morale of the story, raise prices on your CM (+200% at least) ... NOW :)
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
Lairirian Level 50 Mana Mentalist and Legendary Spellcrafter (TDD)
Lairgreybark Level 50 Arb Animist
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Post by Sharkith »

Cromcruaich wrote:Nope, they arnt rog, rog stuff is that stuff that says 'unique item' at the top of the description. Its the random generated drops you get. (Random Object Generated)

ahhhhhh <penny drops>.

Oh god then this is a big mess.
Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Wyst »

Ok I can see how Random RoG stuff can be a pain to replicate and replace, but crafted stuff! Surely there are multiple solutions GOA/Mythic can come up with to replace crafted items

Just as a starting thought they could create a ton of 100th level toons with maxed crafting skills (or above) and use some form of manipulation of the game to produce whatever was required as a replacement and then hand it over ingame, place on a specially created CM or something.

<utterly bemused>
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
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Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

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Post by Requiel »

Replacing ROGS.
Goa wrote:[6-09-2005] Random items on Prydwen

As you will know, it is not possible for us to directly replace randomly generated items (ROGs), however many players were making use of these in their templates. Until now we were compensating the loss of these items with gold however we appreciate that this is not the best answer as there is a distinct lack of items to spend this gold on.

We are pleased to announce then that new merchants have appeared in the capital cities of all the realms. These will take special vouchers and exchange them for high value ROGs. These vouchers will be given to players that have reported losing ROG items and will also be purchaseable so that those who have already recieved gold can replace their losses.

These merchants will remain available for the next couple of weeks.

In Tir Na Nog they are in the stables near to the East Gate
In Camelot they will be found by the Defenders of Albion
In Jordheim you will find them near to the westernmost marketplace.

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Post by Sehanine »

Requiel, how do GOA determine the value of a Rare drop item? Would like to know this.
Sehanine - Nightshade RR7L0
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Plus other unimportant toons.

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