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Post by Satyn »

Ankh Morpork wrote:Imo we need more polish trucker porn in daoc to make it enjoyable for everyone :)

you took the words out of my mouth hun!

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Post by Tammuz »

Majty wrote:What does a BB have to do with people using voice com's...nothing.. I cant understand why you brought these two up in the same sentence.. BB's is in no way a 3rd party program.. :classic:
Taken directly out of GoA own page

Players undertake not to make use of any bugs, nor to use any undocumented functions, [B]nor to exploit any possible design faults[/B].

You are running a 2nd program which directly effects the game, runs as well as it purely to give you an unfair additional advantage over other players which is clearly a design flaw :) if not a 3rd party program, i just said its something that was wrong and against the CoC, BB's were only allowed simply because the company made money from it, if there were a way to do it for free they would have put it in the same catagory as radar.

I suppose its how you read 3rd party program, after all even using a 2nd account of the same game is still using another program not the same program, otherwise why arent you allowed to farm yourself in RvR ?, its exactly the same thing.

Edit : Id rather have faced a player using a RR5+ toon unbuffed then a RR1 toon buffed.

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Post by Hrymf »

Tammuz wrote:Taken directly out of GoA own page

Players undertake not to make use of any bugs, nor to use any undocumented functions, [B]nor to exploit any possible design faults[/B].

You are running a 2nd program which directly effects the game, runs as well as it purely to give you an unfair additional advantage over other players which is clearly a design flaw :) if not a 3rd party program, i just said its something that was wrong and against the CoC, BB's were only allowed simply because the company made money from it, if there were a way to do it for free they would have put it in the same catagory as radar.

I suppose its how you read 3rd party program, after all even using a 2nd account of the same game is still using another program not the same program, otherwise why arent you allowed to farm yourself in RvR ?, its exactly the same thing.

Edit : Id rather have faced a player using a RR5+ toon unbuffed then a RR1 toon buffed.
This more or less answer sharkith's question/post as well, Ladder used another program to gain/give advantage in a highly important ingame event.

now for the BBs being a 2nd or 3rd party program, Tammuz do have a point, since the CoC also says you are not allowed to use any scripts, macros or the like to you give advantage when not in front of your computer, so if you have 2 accounts logged in, it is more or less possible you would think 2 players should be there, but then again, they have made us the possibility to duel log, which should be a action helping 2 accounts for one person.
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Post by Maeloch »

All the references and interpretations to the CoC reminds me of the Yanks and their constitution. Some of u lot should be lawyers :).

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Post by Sharkith »

Hrymf wrote:This more or less answer sharkith's question/post as well, Ladder used another program to gain/give advantage in a highly important ingame event.
I am baffled - can you explain how this short sentence can be construed to refer to external programs. Lets quote it here so we don't get even more confused:

"Players undertake not to make use of any bugs, nor to use any undocumented functions, nor to exploit any possible design faults."

All of this is with reference to the game that is DaoC and does not refer in any way to posting on a notice board like this about a relic raid. If this is the evidence for your flames Hrymf then please think again because you might end up apologising. Frankly I am stunned that we could be hurtling abuse when you are using this as your reference point. Is there another perhaps? Please explain why you would be going off at someone in this manner. I have read the CoC and cannot find one myself so someone please enlighten me - I would be glad to learn something here.

Please find me the statement that categorically proves that Ladder did something against the CoC. Once you do that I will agree with you.

As for the lawyer comments - you don't need a degree in law to see this statement is clearly only referring to ingame and in program issues. It is important that someone flames that they prove why they are doing it thats all I am asking. Plus I am thoroughly baffled because Mythic constantly state they are creating a community and that might be a tad tricky if you couldn't use a noticeboard like this to plan things, chat and tell others what is going on in game.....


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Post by Mojo »

Hrymf wrote:Yes you should be banned, and it is you who should consider playing a regular RPG, since it seems you cant follow the rules there is in the online games where you are not the only person playing then.
You should be shot!
look, no hands!

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Post by Tomppodeuz »

As someone said it's very hard to draw lines between "cheating" and "normal" way of playing.

Let's say you're using Ventrilo, so you can talk to other players instead of writing, that's a big advantage imo - but it's cheating. But let's say you have a lan party with 7 of your friends, you can talk to eachother same way as with Ventrilo, but you're not using 3rd party programs - that's no cheating.

Drawing lines with cheating and not cheating is hard, guess we just have to live with it, cos there always will be opposite sides who like to argue.


P.S. I guess windows calculator is a 3rd party program too (chop logic btw) ;)
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Post by Malaeus »

Hrymf wrote:Yes you should be banned, and it is you who should consider playing a regular RPG, since it seems you cant follow the rules there is in the online games where you are not the only person playing then.
Hrymf... Having rules is good, no doubt, but the fact that its impossible to check wether people stick to em or not makes the rules useless. Contacting people not online to help ya ingame with something is wrong, but lets face it: Nobody sticks to it. Loads of people use voice com. And irl this is not a good argument but as this is a game and its meant to be fun I think we have to look at it in another way. U cant have 90% of all realms banned. Radar is not the same. It directly influences on ya behavior in RvR and tells something that the chars cant tell to each other. Voice com is just a faster form of chatting, isnt it?

Would like to discuss it, but Hrymf can u plz make another thread so all can c what its all about?

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Post by stupeh »

Why doesn't someone just right now thi question so we can get the official stance on it? I would, but i can't find my password atm. ^^

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Post by Adianna »

[quote="Tomppodeuz"]As someone said it's very hard to draw lines between "cheating" and "normal" way of playing.

Let's say you're using Ventrilo, so you can talk to other players instead of writing, that's a big advantage imo - but it's cheating. But let's say you have a lan party with 7 of your friends, you can talk to eachother same way as with Ventrilo, but you're not using 3rd party programs - that's no cheating.

Drawing lines with cheating and not cheating is hard, guess we just have to live with it, cos there always will be opposite sides who like to argue.


P.S. I guess windows calculator is a 3rd party program too (chop logic btw) ]

Third party program means it does directly interfere with the game and modify its data. So any voice communication program isn't a third party program as it doesn't interfere with the game directly. It does interfere with someone of course, but that's the players. So you are the one who is modifying the game's data but you are not third party. You are the second party and you are meant to use the game client to modify the game data. Thus windows calculator also isn't a third party tool, as it doesn't interfere with the game data itself.

Buffbots can't be third party either, as they have been programmed by Mythic themselves (first party) and are controlled by yourself (second party). It would be against the CoC when you use a program to keep the buffbot logged in. Mythic did not write that program thus it would be either written by someone else (third party, against CoC) or be written by yourself (second party). When it would be written by yourself it would also be against the CoC not as it being a third party tool but it would be you modifying the game data with an other program than the client itself and you are not allowed to do so. ;)
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