DAOC Status

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DAOC Status

Post by Alexandrinus »

wondering if only the english servers are loosing so many people to WOW or is it the same at the german or french server :confused:
anyone has a oversight whats the status of the other servers?

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Post by Tammuz »

Alexandrinus wrote:wondering if only the english servers are loosing so many people to WOW or is it the same at the german or french server :confused:
anyone has a oversight whats the status of the other servers?
There were alot of none English ppl playing on the English servers i know alot of spanish/italian even isreail etc. ppl who played on the english servers as English is the most common 2nd language, that may have something to do with it.

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Post by Alexandrinus »

hhmmn yes i speak german myself, but i would like to know are all the servers loosing so many people to WoW, or arent they?

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
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Post by Toshi »

It's the same at others servers.

A guildmate of us met some players from german servers @ WOW too and i heard about player / guild -emigrations as well.

Don't worry about that playerloss. I guess a bunch of players will come back after the first ( free )month. Catacombs will catch some old players back also.

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Post by Asterixxx »

were losing so much players because of all the ingame aggro and because of WoW.
"How do you pick up the threads of an old life, how do you go on, when in your heart you know, There is no going back. There are some things that time cannot mend, some hurts that go too deep..."
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Post by Darktail »

there was a realmpopulation statistic overview on the old Doac homepage, to bad when they make things better good things disapear.

Imo catacombs wont bring population bak to normal level, catacombs issn't even worth paying alot of cash for, u wil get more joy out of the purchase of WoW, then the upgrade Catacombs

Catacombs wil give
- a bettersoftware engine (wich they should give us anyways to compete with other games)
- alot of dungeons to explore (without intresting itemchanges to find)
- no new pvp grounds
- 2 new classes (ok, this is a good thing)

my conclusion, i wil not pay euro 2*45,00 for 2 new classes to enjoy in an empty server, the question of clustering realms remains, wil they clutser or are we doom'd on prydwen.

i think alot of people wont return and i would love to hear GOA's opinion on this mather.
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Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

asterixxx wrote:were losing so much players because of all the ingame aggro and because of WoW.
What ingame aggro?? I really doubt any 'ingame aggro' is the reason for people leaving the game..


Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Darktail wrote:there was a realmpopulation statistic overview on the old Doac homepage, to bad when they make things better good things disapear.

Imo catacombs wont bring population bak to normal level, catacombs issn't even worth paying alot of cash for, u wil get more joy out of the purchase of WoW, then the upgrade Catacombs

Catacombs wil give
- a bettersoftware engine (wich they should give us anyways to compete with other games)
- alot of dungeons to explore (without intresting itemchanges to find)
- no new pvp grounds
- 2 new classes (ok, this is a good thing)

my conclusion, i wil not pay euro 2*45,00 for 2 new classes to enjoy in an empty server, the question of clustering realms remains, wil they clutser or are we doom'd on prydwen.

i think alot of people wont return and i would love to hear GOA's opinion on this mather.
We kind of got NF for free not so long ago..and daoc isnt alwaya about pvp/rvr.
Personally I look forward to catacombs but I can understand if not everyone does...but after all - everyone have their own kind of taste in games..


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Post by Ovi »

I can see the logic on the upgrades, the order thay are done and which ones are free. I still don't think there is enough to keep the game alive.

When I went to WoW I always expected to come back for Catacombs, but I can't see that happening now. Not only do I think WoW is a better game (at least except for the PvP part which is still being addressed), but also DAoC seems to be running out of steam.

The other thing that makes a huge difference to me is that I can easily play WoW with one account, there is no need to run 2 accounts like there is in DAoC. Given that my Crumbly old laptop won't support Catacombs, I have the choice... pay £8/month for WoW, or £16/month + £600 for new machine to play DAoC, and no, running second account in the background just doesn't cut it after playing 2 accts side by side.

Whilst we talk about money, WoW had 500,000 subscribers over the US and Eu launches, think of their profits ... and their Development budget!

Sorry to say it, but I think the timing of WoWs release combined with the current state of DAoC really is going hurt DAOC hard :(

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Post by Sharkith »

I dunno these discussions are getting kind of dry because we go around in circles. I wonder what would really be the bit that would make us all sit up and listen? What do you think might really get people going so that they want to play more?

I tend to think of it like this:

a) PvE - the form of the PvE game is now fairly set and due to get more content which is very nice however it is not a fundamental reform just an expansion. A very nice one though to be honest.
b) RvR - the RvR form was changed quite a bit and it is a big improvement for some players but with the low population it is now under some pressure

What would really change it fundamentally and give people an added dimension?

How about player v's player or group versus group questing? The outcomes of which could decide on another whole dimension of the game. Like in traditional roleplaying only turned into a proper instanced competitive process.

I am not going to get into mechanics because I ain't qualified to do so but maybe this could be one of the next generation forms of game?

I won't play WoW because it will be more of the same with probably a nicer interface and different content. I am interested in a totally different gaming experience

- the assassian goes after an important player the important player knows they are and goes to ground. The assassin can cross realms to track the other down and has to look for clues.... He has protection but when in the other realm is incommunicado. He has to take the form of a native but if his cover is blown he will be 'popped' and have all native mobs in a state of aggro including realm guards plus the natives will know because an alarm could be raised - bringing new home based RvR on a limited scale and home based 'protectors' chasing them down - they could be restricted from hitting anyone too low.... If he is successful the result is posted to the Chronicles and the assinated player cannot log into that character for 24 hours... They can play an alt though... have a series of rewards and challenges ask them if they would like to post a narrative and give them money for trying...

- a group broadcasts for a competitive quest against another group. Groups can identify ways to make life more difficult for the other group in order to get items of importance. Hiding clues through a range of other skills and perhaps a new class or two.... The idea being that these can be cross realm as well - imagine going through Albion with no-one willing to talk to you - you not understanding anyone cos you haven't got a language ability. With natives generally giving you the wrong directions twarting your group as you try to beat the clock and kill the mob and get the item before the others.

all blue skies - all things I would love to see - whether it worked or not or is even workable at this stage I don't care much. But it would be interesting if it could be done.... you could even have inner realm group versus group...


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