Dragon Raid No2. Thursday 4th August

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Dragon Raid No2. Thursday 4th August

Post by Mailimber »

Please Sticky.

Ok ladies and gents, i am going to start a weekly dragon hunt for the next several weeks/months, more then likly will keep it up till people get bored and i cant fill the 25 places.
My advise is to anyone who wants to come on several raids, get a 99% piece of armour and swap some other resist for spirit to make sure it is maxed on your char. If everyone has maxed Spirit it may be slightly easier each time.

The signup wont be a first come first served, the people with the better equiptment, best spirit reists and the other requirements will get the first places. But with luck over the next few weeks/months everyone will get a chance.

Starting time will be 7:00 UK time / 8:00 CET Thursday evening. Leaving Innis no later then 7:30, at 7:20 if people are a no show or still on route the standin's will be given the places and we will move.

All i will say is once we pull the dragon No AFK'ing will be permitted any AFK'er will be kicked and will not partake in another of my raids.

Split will be 1 RA and 1 Respec stone Each. I will claim 1 dragon drop on the day if i require it. Other Dragon drops will be Random'ed.

Please say in your application

<name>, <Class>, <level>, <RR>, <Requirments met>, <spirit resist>.

so an example.

Malimbar, Hero, 50, r6l4, 50 Shield, full toa'ed, full spirit resist.
Zerox, Animist, 50, R2l1, Full verd,Fully Toa'ed, Capped spirit.

Requirements to Attend
- Level 50
- Heros with 50 shield
- Capped spirit resist
- Druids with 40 regrowth minimum
- Bards with SoS

Favoured Towards
- Fully spellcrafted players
- Previous dragon experience
- Wardens with 6sec PBT
- Use of the instant Purge RA

Sheild Hero: Malimbar
Sheild Hero: Sevud
Druid: Moonaki
Bard: Penlid
Druid (FoP):Zephina
Druid (FoH):Eleanor's Druid

Animist (Verdant):Niisku
Animist: Luon
PBAOE: Kathryn
Bard: Hithip
Druid (FoP): Belenus
Warden: Mastercard

Tank: Boworon
Bard: Felia
Druid: tiririn

Group 4
Enhancement spec enchanter : Lecsease

Stand In:
Druid: Bourkey

Last Week, we needed 6 replacements, 3 of them Druids, so it pays to be at innis at 7:15 and chance your arm if you make it onto list before then. But remember Stand In's get first chance on any place if they are at Innis on time.

Emerald Rider
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Post by twinga »

Would like to take 1 of this toons;

*twingazpacho; eldrich, 50, r4l5, 50 mana(pbaoe), fully toated and spellcrafted and capped spirit resists. ml10.

*krakatoa; chanter, 50, enhacement spec one, non toated but fully templated with capped spirit resists. ml10.

*tiririn; druid, 50, r3l8, nat/reg spec convoker, fully toated and spellcrafted with capped resists. ml10.

i already been in 5 sucessfull dragon raids 2 of them with eldrich, 1 with chanter and 2 with druid (have eoy lvl10).

if i play eldrich or chanter can take a BB druid with fop too, and if i play the druid can take a lvl42 BB with him too.

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Post by Ovi »

I guess I'll sign up for this rather than be a replacement this week :)

Would prefer to play

Ovidiadh, Druid, 50, r5l2, 35 reg (will respec before if you really really want 40) fully ToA'd, capped spirit resist.

Useful alts available :-

Ovimir, Warden, 50
Ovibigimist, Animist, 50, Verdant
Oviwen, Blademistress, 50, r2l?, 50 Shield ( >hero imo ;) )
Ovilond, Bard, 50, r3l1, high reg (none of this pansy music crap!), ML10 perfector

All reasonably well equipped, and capped spirit resist.

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Post by Radhoc »

Druid ml9 radhoc r4 capped spirit
Radhoc Shaman
Radhoc Druid
Aelydha Infiltrator
Rad Blademaster
Rads Runemaster

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Post by Amedor »

Amedor coming again :D.

Mana Enchanter, ml10, rr5, capped spirit.
Retired until further notice

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Post by centurion »

Zephina Druid ML5 rr7L8 capped spirit , givf grp2 druid spot again :)

game over

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Post by Firbynator »

Would like a spot at #2 dr aswell with Firbynator if u got :)
Sagittariuz, Eldritch rr4lx ml7
Rheaven, Warden rr2lx ml3
Firbynator, Blademaster rr5lx ml6
Rhiina, Ranger rr4lx ml0

Arcana, scrollbot Mentalist

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Post by Ixu »

Signing up with:
Niisku Animist lvl50 full Verdant 73%powpool capped spirit 2L5
Piki Animist lvl50 full Verdant full toa'd capped spirit 6L6

2 diffrent player so no dual loggin :)

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Post by Labello »

Signing upp with:
Lecter, Chanter, 50, r3l5, 50 mana, Fully toa'ed, caped Spirit.

Pyrros, BM, 50, R4L0, 50 Slash, 50 CD, 28 Parry, ML7, Fully Toa'ed, caped spirit.
Active Players
Labell - 50 Ranger
Labella - 50 NS
Royal - 50 Druid (BuffBot)

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Post by dolittle »

signing up

dolittle, chanter, 50, rr7l7, 50 mana, full toa, ml10, capped spirit + elf racial :D
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