Leveling guide

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Leveling guide

Post by Tilda »

Hey guys,

Most of my time in hib was spent at fins, or other PL spots, however, im being tempted to roll a vamp or a bainshee, and was wondering if anybody could post a general leveling guide?
Or, even better, if anybody was interested in rolling a level one, and playing a couple of hours in the afternoons/early evenings on weekdays? Possibly some at the weekends too?


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Post by relic »

Well, since it seems you intend to roll a catacombs class, those two classes can fly their way through the catacombs task dungeons. Other than that, though I've not tried it myself, the new areas are apparently good for duo'ing in catacombs. As for any set levelling guide I'm afraid I don't have one. Good luck.

Oh, and thanks for the FH ban.

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Post by Medjai »

make the vamp/bainshee on ur 2nd account Tilda and go fins ..ppl still go there and the xp is almost the same had 24 hours played on eld to lvl 50

hi btw :comf:
gonner O.o

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Post by Espen »

dont go fins.... vamps are alot of fun to play up.. heres how i did it..

start in domnann... xp/task up to 5... get pale skin.

then task up to 15-18.. and from then on youve had your last downtime... then you go to howth and do task-instances.. you are able to clear entire caves without downtimes at all.. so then the fun is.. "wohoo i did this 26 seconds faster then last time" :D from21.. tir na mbeo.. and from 31 its outside Tir na nog gates.. (one tip... at the tnn task theres one task thats REALLY easy.. takes 2 minutes tops... its where you get the mission to kill a named mob and theres leprechauns inside the cave.. kill the one that stands to the right of the entrance.. then go to where he stood... and pull the named one with powertap... get xp. zone out and repeat :)

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Post by nibs »

If you have a buff bot then the following is how i choose to solo up a character:

20 - 28: Spraggons Den

With a buff bot in tow you can just constantly pull mobs; when low on health you can heal yourself up, the pull again. As a tank styles aren't necessary.

28 - 34: Treibh Callite

Again; with a buff bot you can just chain the entrance mobs (the worms).

34 - 50: Coruscating Mines

With the buff bot you can just work your way through the dungeon; changing camps as you go. Again the ability to heal yourself gives you the ability to chain pull.

I've used this method on a BM, Eld, and currently doing it on a Ranger. Can generally do 20 through till 34 in a /play of about 12-16 hours.


Without a buffbot as a vamp - i geuss that instances would be your best bet; and vamps can chain pull yellows once you get the hang of keeping the power bar high :)

I got one throguh to level 20 via instances with ease - its a nice character to do if your botless :)
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Post by Pelquinn Nightbreed »

Id say for solo,duo or small group, instances are the best option.

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Post by Takitothemacs »

Task dungeons and catacombs quests are all viable means of leveling a vamp... advice though... if you have a spare slot or a warden... use a warden as a bot... PBT is great especially if you level the warden at the same time... your end tap is great and your power will never fall below 85-90% unless you are clawing like a dog trapped the wong side of a glass door with the dog food on the other side... ;)
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Post by Espen »

heres "my guide" to playing a vampiir...

first of all.. qbind your buffs.. i had Parry on F1, Haste on F2, Evade on f3 and weaponskill on f4... (ofc when leveling you wont get evade and weaponskill till atleast over 38 if youre going trispec and you choose to do it like i did it.. (keep SM high, with pierce under til 38, then build pierce til 43 so you get eyeshot(ubarh style) and then you finish off with VE)..

pull with powerdrain. F1 F2 hit hit hit self heal when needed, then end-tap when mob is at 20ish % or your end is drained.. then see if your power is over 25-30 % at the end of fight if it is.. just run to the next mob.. if it is under 25-30.. wait 10 seconds for powertap to come back on and pull with powertap... when you have over 80% power you can claw a couple of times on 2-3-4 mobs til you get right under 50 % ... (atleast this is how i did it)

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Post by pikeh »

Xp in instances only starts to get a bit low at 46, other than that, 2 days played up till then just doing instances tasks.
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Post by Bugzy »

Espen wrote:heres "my guide" to playing a vampiir...

first of all.. qbind your buffs.. i had Parry on F1, Haste on F2, Evade on f3 and weaponskill on f4... (ofc when leveling you wont get evade and weaponskill till atleast over 38 if youre going trispec and you choose to do it like i did it.. (keep SM high, with pierce under til 38, then build pierce til 43 so you get eyeshot(ubarh style) and then you finish off with VE)..

pull with powerdrain. F1 F2 hit hit hit self heal when needed, then end-tap when mob is at 20ish % or your end is drained.. then see if your power is over 25-30 % at the end of fight if it is.. just run to the next mob.. if it is under 25-30.. wait 10 seconds for powertap to come back on and pull with powertap... when you have over 80% power you can claw a couple of times on 2-3-4 mobs til you get right under 50 % ... (atleast this is how i did it)
To be honest, playing a Vampiir is pretty self explainatory. The only technical thinking needed is deciding where you should as you said, pull with powertap or not pull with powertap.
Bard - ML 8 - RR4Lx - 33/37/43
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