Battler / Itet credit Extraordinaire!

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Post by Blight »

Have to agree with amedor, the encounters he is farming simply aren't farmed enough, and he is making the prices on them drop, which is really nice.

B.t.w I think arti prices will lower when clustering hits, but scroll prices will sky rocket. Before people started doing AT, Jacina and Tartaros, the scrolls for these were really inexpensive. But look at them now. B.t.w I can't understand why love story 2/3 is so expensive, I get it fairly often, which is why I farm it spesifically for selling in order to milk the market a bit for my own profit. And gov is farmed a lot atm so the demand for scrolls is always there.
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Post by Blight »

B.t.w. when you think about availability and the time it takes to make mp's, then why the hell do artis cost more? Someone could just go and farm gov in 15 mins or less, and gain 15p+, while how long would it take to make that amount by making mp and selling? That's why I only craft for friends or at a stupidly high price.
Blight eld ml 10
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Post by Reza »

Lairiodd wrote:Monopoly profits (in the economic sense) only really apply when the producer can increase production and they don't cos they don't want the price to drop. In this case, the producers cannot increase production (and if they can, then they are not hogging the mob 24/7). This is selling a finite commodity and competition or not, the price will end up the same (unless you think farmers are holding back artis to push up the price).
You are equating production to killing the arti mob, when in fact its whether the 'producer' could supply more and chooses not to in order to keep prices artificially high that is the issue. Thus regardless of whether the farmer is killing the mob as soon as it pops, what counts is if all those artis come on to the market at that server efficient rate. When 1 or a few people are getting those artis (regardless of how efficiently the mob is killed from a drop/time basis) they can choose for themselves at what rate they drip feed the artis onto the market.

Furthermore all this ignores the fact that everytime an arti mob is killed both the arti and the encounter are 'droped' so to speak, and seeing as encounter credit isnt tradeable its not neccessarilly the best thing for the server/economy as a whole that a few kill the arti mob as soon as it pops. In its extreme this leads to encounter credit limiting peoples ability to activate artis.

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Post by Lairiodd »

Hmm, I doubt arti farmers are holding artis back (other than selling them only as fast as they farm them and maybe holding some for the clustering). You would basically have to say farm 10 artis and then put them on the CM and while you are doing that keep on farming the artis so that supply stays down (and not put those on the CM)

Once you stop, someone else can farm the mobs + while you are doing it, you will be in competition with people who did it previously as they probably didn't shift + D the artis they were holding back. The only way to get it to work is for one person or group to have been farming that specific arti since TOA came out (or at least for months).

IMO, the high price is purely due to lack of supply, the price will be whatever price is required so that the number of people who want an arti at that price is equal to the number of artis farmed.
Furthermore all this ignores the fact that everytime an arti mob is killed both the arti and the encounter are 'droped' so to speak, and seeing as encounter credit isnt tradeable its not neccessarilly the best thing for the server/economy as a whole that a few kill the arti mob as soon as it pops. In its extreme this leads to encounter credit limiting peoples ability to activate artis.
True, but as pointed out, if the arti is being farmed, you can join for credit.

Also, remember my point, the problem is not with the farmers, its with the current arti drop system.
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Post by Medjai »

Amedor wrote:And I do feel that I need to justify my rights in farming these mobs. When I started three was absolutely no Crocodile Tooth daggers on the Market Explorer, and the price for the Battler artifact was around 5plat.

Now.. after around a month since I got ml9 on Amedor, I have farmed Battler and Itet numerous times and I have provided Hibernia with loads of new artifacts that wouldn't have been around if I didn't bother due to some people here saying that farming artifacts is wrong. Luckily enough the Crocodile Tooth drops nearly every run, which helps people if they did kill Itet and it didn't drop and they couldn't get a group to do it again.

And I agree, and know that the more supply, the lower the demand on artifacts. As I said, when I started Battler was worth 5plat.. now its worth less then 1.9plat. Crocodile Tooth was non existant on Market Explorer.. and now I have one on my CM ready for someone if they needed it.

But in a way, I also agree with some of your views that artifact farming is wrong. Hate it when people would just do Eramai to sell the cloak, or Danos, Night Terror .. and there are many more. The two mobs that I choose to farm I feel aren't farmed enough, so I am just trying to broaden the number of items which drop from them, mainly the Croc Tooth artifact and the many battler sleeves. In a way this will provide more of these, so more people can get them, and the price would slowly drop as less people would be in need of them.
I dont have anything with u just that a week or so ive contacted u for cloth sleeves and made u some offers kindly refused and said im keeping them for cluster to sell for higher price ok with that ur item u do what u want with it ...
Heck i didnt know ur farming solo tought u do it with a bunch of ppl and now they dont help u anymore and u came here saying u offer help for ppl to get credits and from that i understood smth else so my bad and sorry for usless flame
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Post by Alexandrinus »

worst thing for a server isnt that artis get farmed, it is that artis dont come to market.

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Post by Armok »

Lairiodd wrote:The reason the price is high is cos they are rare. I agree it doesn't move much (an arti might stay locked at a standard price of 30p), but if alot of farmers put the arti up for 30p, then eventually, the new price will drop to say 25p as someone starts selling at that lower price as they can't shift them otherwise. The standard price might move in jumps with supply and demand, but it does move.

so true ... me and a guildy on excal wanted CB'S and they were selling on CM's for 15p . so me and guildy decided farm it..

5 cb's later we put em on cm for 10; each (all sold v quick and others had dropped theres to 10-12p) so we went n farmed em again a few days later and put em on cm for 7p .. sold em quick and others followed suit dropping there prices....

same again few days later sold em for 5p sold nd prices dropped.. dont know wot prices are at atm but it was funny seeing the grredy peoples prices drop so fast when we offered cheaper ones

what some people who do continously farm <insert arti here> is that if there are for example 5-10 gov's on cm for 20p ... if a person farms gov and ends up with five of em.. and puts them on his cm for say 15p he gonna sell em quick... hence if sticks on for 20p he aint gonan sell em nowhere near as quick.
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Post by Armok »

Blight wrote:Have to agree with amedor, the encounters he is farming simply aren't farmed enough, and he is making the prices on them drop, which is really nice.

B.t.w I think arti prices will lower when clustering hits, but scroll prices will sky rocket. Before people started doing AT, Jacina and Tartaros, the scrolls for these were really inexpensive. But look at them now. B.t.w I can't understand why love story 2/3 is so expensive, I get it fairly often, which is why I farm it spesifically for selling in order to milk the market a bit for my own profit. And gov is farmed a lot atm so the demand for scrolls is always there.
bear in mind next patch DV scrolls like battler/mt/som etc etc can ALL be farmed from ANY mobs in Volcanos reagion. i know some yabks say drop rate sucks for them but they can and do drop nn the less ... so people killing siam he's (oj con) can get ANY scroll from dv from it. hence IMO prices wil drop
Armok lvl50 Vampiir
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Post by Jupiler »

the 3/3 scrolls won't drop from orane siam-he's armok.
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Lieva »

not now but maybe next patch :)
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