Do You Want Slay The DRAGON!!?

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Post by klonk »

Will be there with Bard, and I know my m8 + gf wants to come to, with mentalist and bm. My first hib Dragon Raid, yeeey :D
Myshkin - lvl 47 - celt Bard
Maktub - lvl 2x - shar Hero
<Keepers of the Grove>

Frekke - rr8L2 - norse Healer - mend/pac
Klonk - rr5L5 - troll Warrior - axe/shield
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Post by Maeloch »

Should be there with either menta or fop druid (whatever is most use). Could really use one of those stones :(.

Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Python »

i'll be there with Animist
[Prydwen / Hibernia]
Pythoni 50 Animist <Fallen Spirits> ML 10
Pythonbuffz 50 Druid <Fallen Spirits> ML 5
Daeran 50 Enchanter <Fallen Spirits> ML 10
Vamppyyri 50 Vampiir <Fallen Spirits> ML 10
Suddendeath 50 Ranger <Stealthing Warfare> ML 10

[Excalibur / Albion]
Python 50 Paladin <The Prodigy> ML 10
Delewyn 50 Cleric <The Prodigy>

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Post by Nejtun »

i am moving house and will miss it :( , take some screenies please , unless my isp can work miracles and fix me up by then ;)
Nejtun Eld ML10 Convoker
Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>
ChungalungaWarlock :O( fun for 5 minutes )
Coal Hunter
Natheh BD

Sturgis Podmore
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Post by Sturgis Podmore »

I'll be there - wouldn't miss this for all the scrolls in TOA :)

Hibernia Prydwen

Sturgis Podmore • Lvl 50 Druid • ML5 Perfecter

Albus Dumbledore • Lvl 50 Enchanter

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Post by Lenah »

taking into concideration the ML3 raid, and I'll be in touch with the raid leader to see how many people from ML3 is coming to dragon hunt, when its gonna end, and how much delay it would cause. I hope not much, so we can all enjoy this.

edit : checked the patch notes

This is what i found from patch notes, about how dragon has changed.


- It is no longer possible to use pets to attack targets with an engage radius when the caster is outside of the engage radius. This includes dragons, keep lords, and tower captains.

This only effects pets, so in our case mainly animists. You have to stay in engage area (wich in dragon case is your max attack range) so that your pets will be active and shooting. Leaving that area, or dying outside it, will cause pets go inactive.


- All old world dragons have become more resistant to attacks from extremely small raiding parties (less than 3 groups). This does not affect the way the dragons will fight at all, it only changes the amount of people that need to fight the dragons to kill them effectively.

Well, will be a problem if we are less than 18 (count in this the pets, as they count as attackers) ... so 3 people+15 pets => over 3fg. (guess). But I dont think we gonna go dargon raiding with 3 people, so this shouldn't be problem.

- Some dragon dropped items have had their magical bonuses slightly redistributed. The power level of these items have not changed, nor will existing items receive the redistribution. The items affected are:

Hibernia: Buckler of Crystalline Mist, the Shield of Tornadic Fury, the Protector of Weary Souls, Ram's Folly, the Ring of Tarka'oz, the Frigid Azure Crusher, the Semi-ethereal Robe, Neth

Dunno how they are changed, but it cannot be bad.

Awarkle, if you know anything else that has changed, details would be appriciated =)) It still seems, that hes just as zergable mob he used to be.
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

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Post by Ricey »

I've seen the old sod a few times, but never did get to kill him. I'll drag champ or bardy boy along, depending who is needed most.

Ricey...the original Capitalist BloodSucker
and not forgetting Weefella


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Post by Ioild »

I should be able to join when the ml 3 is done :)
Bluadava, 50 light ment, ml 10 - Ioild, 50 void eldritch, ml 10
Lioney, 50 bard, ml 10 - Yeamar, 50 warden, ml 8
Mirocan, 50 valewalker, ml 4 - Nirewin, 50 nightshade, ml 5
Now, 50 blademaster, ml 5 - Partical, 45 animist, ml 1

House #3245 - cm has only 99% cloth and leather armor atm

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We tried

Post by Briannon »

Well, that was a Sunday to remember: a complete ML3 raid followed by a massive attack on the dragon. Wow! What a day!

However, one thing that depressed me about the dragon raid was just how flipping useless a chanter was in that fight. Endow Heat - resisted; Endow Cold - resisted; Endow Matter - resisted; dd attack - resisted; pbaoe - resisted. The only thing I could use to damage the brute was stick-jockeying with my staff. I could hit for 2 damage and crit for 1 more. My underhill compatriot occasionally hit too, but s/he found it very annoying when I died just as they were about to hit and they got recalled to the great underhill puddle from which they are summoned.

I did donate something like 0.6 of a bubble of xp and I hope the dragon uses it wisely, but this is not an encounter designed for a non-ToA'd chanter. Playmate will next time just watch and video the occasion, and give massages to any weary warriors seeking to go back into the fray.
Badvicar EvilIdiot: level 3x heretic - Anywhere/Gaheris
Bardsimpson Botoxxbuddy: level 50 bard - Hibernia/Gawaine
Botoxx Injections: level 50 animist - Hibernia/Gawaine
Bowlina Botoxxbuddy: tiny ranger - Hibernia/Gawaine
Briannon Silverblades: level 50 nightshade - Hibernia/Prydwen (retired)
Draccula TheCount: level 46 vampiir - Hibernia/Gawaine
Playmate Ofthemonth: level 50 enchantress - Hibernia/Prydwen (retired)

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Post by Lieva »

dragon isnt really designed for any caster tbh cause hes so high ;)
Theyre better saving their mana and taking on adds
(besides shrooms ofcause :P)
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
Peonchants x Enchanter

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