Dragon Raid 21st June

General 'Hibernian' forum for the entire cluster
Emerald Rider
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Post by Adalyn »

if any spots left would like to join with my Vampiir.

Animists do not help on the dragon much no more except make him breath that fire thing more often - tried it last time with 4 Animists, just as they started to hit he did a AoE nuke killing all shrooms + some poeple.

Only get Animists for adds, just get damage dealers/ss tanks on the dragon.

Adalyn - Eagle Knight - ML10



Fishyflaps - Grove Protector - Ml3

<Marsh Horde>


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Post by Kagath »

Warden Signing up....


Post by Kallima »

Could do Gwennethe healer druid or Kalli sheild heroine

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Post by Moley:) »

Maybe get my ranger -Darksaga or mana ment Moleymoleymoley or even my BM Loktah .. or just for stupidity my void eld hadukun.
IF i remember :p

Loktah level 50 Blade Master RR2 l7 :mwahaha:
Moleymoleymoley level 50 Mentalist RR4L5! :stir: *Magical Gesture*moley:
Darksaga level 50 Ranger RR7!! :ranger:

Haduken WL level 50 RR3 l7 bunny:
Necronomicon BD RR2l6 Level 39
Darksaga Hunter rr1 l4 Bane of Albion 5670 kills! :mwahaha: level 24

Retired and Retarded

spam: Master Of Spamming spam:

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Post by Abalith »

signing up with verd ani or fop druid

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Post by Ambrinoa »

Signing up as druid Madalag or Mana Eldy Madalan!
Retired Nightshade z.Z

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Post by Daenild »

I would like to join if I can?
Im told that a mana menta has nothing to do in a dragon raid,
but I still want to come.

/Aimithirse lvl50 mana mentalist

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Post by kash »

Daenild wrote:I would like to join if I can?
Im told that a mana menta has nothing to do in a dragon raid,
but I still want to come.

/Aimithirse lvl50 mana mentalist
Depends on what bards we get and HoT is always usefull so its not true they are useless they are better then anyother casters on a dragon raid i think
Na Fianna Dragun
Kashy RR6L8 ML10 Banelord BM
Kashy RR5L6 ML0 Enchanter
Blackland Skirmishers
Marlix RR5 ML5 Perfector Druid Buffbot

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Post by Trez »

Btw, u are gonna need at least 3 FG to do this :)


Emerald Rider
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Post by Hithip »

Would like a bard spot if any left.
Barding and shrooming for Hibernia.

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