Byebye for now.

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Post by pikeh »

dont go thand :( its probably becuase our relics were taken that everyone was whingy today.
<White Rose>
R.I.P Severance

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Post by Mirari »

Anger leads to the dark side... :(

HAven't played hib for very long, but already made a good impression on me at least, dont leave imo :(

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Post by Briannon »

Belisar wrote: The less support we give the few who are prepared to lead raids (RvR or PvE) the less we as individuals will have the chance to progress as the less raids we will see. Barely a raid goes by when I do not hear of arguments over the /bg or comments that the raid leader was bad.

^^^ That's why I don't lead raids. Completely and utterly thankless task and until some people learn some social skills and manners, fewer and fewer people will lead raids.

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Post by Briannon »

Cuchuluhain wrote:Dont even think about it munchkin

Youre allowing a game to affect your real life emotions, think about that.

Take a break, relax, realise people are muppets, and do stupid things.

Then get a big bar of chocolate, eat it slowly, savour its taste.

then realise, life is short, dont sweat the petty things, and dont pet the sweaty things.

in short, get your ass back in game, The Almighty One commands it.

I think you've just given him several reasons not to come back. Putting it like that, chocolate sounds much more relaxing that DAoC.

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Post by Briannon »

Gitt wrote:
Having said that, with so many immigrants from Excal these days its always a good idea to clarify loot split rules at the start of a raid to avoid this kind of mess, can't really blame the guy for trying to get a fair price for his winnings if he was unaware that kind of behavior is frowned upon. :(

Hmmm, another good reason to vote for clustering? To have more of these misunderstandings?

Yep, seems about right.

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Post by Sharkith »

Sorry to see that the argument over /as and in your BG has spilled over like this. Take a bit of time off eat chocolate (nice advice) and maybe enjoy going for a walk in the better weather. All of this should hopefully become less of an issue.

If you want us to help farm you the remains you know you only need to ask and I am sure many here would do what they can (set the date well in advance).

I am also getting a bit depressed at the whole 'immigrant' language thing. Expect this to get much much worse.



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Post by Asysh »

the longer the goodbye post
the quicker they come back
Asysh Eccos RR5 Valewalker, ML10 Battlemaster
Acysh KeKe RR2 Mentalist, ML3 Warlord
Asysh Timpatik RR6 Cabalist, Pre-ToA [deleted]

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Post by ladder »

welll well thand dont hope u leave but be sure i well go same if u do :( :( :( :( hibs is not what is use to be ;/

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Post by Satyn »

oh god never in my life i thought i would read this!

Me and thand have lost each other so many times cos of this game. But luckely we always found each other again and again and again. And you know why? Because of a lot of ppl in hib that i'm proud to call our friends!

I was online with the alliance discussion tonight and i fully agree with thand here ..... not cos he's my boyfriend ....

Actually it would be all in my favour if thand would quit the game, spend more time with me, with our boy, helping me do things ....
But it wouldnt make me happy cos he wouldnt be happy. That's why i'll do everything I possibly can to get him back online asap.

My heart breaks tbh ... so many things happening in the past and he never gave up on hib, and now ppl finally got him to make this move.

I didnt know he was going to post this, the told me to leave him alone for a min so I went to bed and waited there for him. I asked him to wait for whatever he's posting till he came back from work ... he didnt listen.

Going to call him in a minute and see how he feels cos i know he'll feel terrible about this. He's dedicated to this game behond believe.
Fallen Spirits GM
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Post by Aerendur »

First off, Thand, its not worth leaving over.

Second, Ill post my view on this.

Freezingwiz leads an ml6 raid that went great, except that 6.2 bugged. We waited 45 minutes and then he had to make a decision. Which is run 6.2 and 6.10 tomorrow (monday 8 cet).

Some people would like to do 6.10 anyway and Thand says he'll make a BG for this. I join this, and there Thand says he'll claim the remains. Which in itself I dont mind, but well you didnt preplan or gather people or anything. You just pick up an already existing BG and do one step. Bit over the top to really claim anything.

I guess some people tried to bite your head off for it, which in itself is stupid. But if people (unlike me) really want that trophy, then its sorta understandable.

So with an offer to get the remains, and many people getting ml6 (yesterday or tonight) lets just all be happy and leave this behind.

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