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Post by Xest »

Haarewin wrote:pfft.
no point for bards/minstrels/skalds to get the mounts then, apart from the novelty for about a week.
We already run without a minstrel often, 1.75 changes to the speed of caster speed spells works in the frontiers and new caster speed + sprint is faster than speed 5, although obviously not quite speed 6.
but a hero getting an enchanters stun would be a BAD thing
Why :p ? a stun that lasts at best 6 secs vs. the usual resists vs. 9 sec guaranteed stun on annihilation/slam :p ?
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Extra E3 Darkness Rising info

Post by Venoid »

E3 is full of new things and flashy announcements, but its also the place to see new twists on old, proven games. A perfect example may be seen in the Mythic booth where the upcoming Imperator and the hubbub over the announcement of Warhammer Online have taken most of the spotlight, but Dark Age of Camelot, the venerable older sibling to those games is present, too, and Destin Bales was pleased to show off the changes in the next expansion for the game, Darkness Rising.

The story concerns the demons from the multi-realm dungeon Darkness Falls rising up and threatening the realms. The kings from each of the realms appear and players may gain an audience with their king. Through this players will embark upon the champion quests, which consist of five levels and grant players some extra abilities. Upon achieving each champion level, a player gains a champion point that he may spend at a base trainer for a mid-level skill. A 50 hero, for example, may visit a caster trainer and gain a level 15-20 spell. Champion points are achieved through regular combat, so level 50 players have a new incentive to engage in PvE combat. RvR combat will increase champion experience as well.

Players who successfully complete the five champion levels will have access to the champion epic weapon. These weapons are tailored to each class and are more powerful than the artifact weapons from Trials of Atlantis for that reason. Another advantage they have is that they will be fully repairable. Each will have a distinct special effect that will be noticeable on the RvR battlefield. Bales showed a warrior wielding a large glowing sword. When the similarity between it and the trademark blade for Imperator were pointed out, Bales grinned at the notion that it might be a bit of subliminal advertising for Mythics upcoming Roman-themed game. Regardless, the champion epics look great and will surely be highly sought after.

Another big addition is that of personal mounts. The players of Camelot have long desired their own mounts, and Darkness Rising will include them. Players will have to complete a task and spend a bit of money, but then they will have the ability to customize their steed with barding, armor, and other adornments. The mount may also have a saddlebag, giving players an addition inventory space for carrying siege gear into RvR battle or just toting around additional loot. Horses will not be killable, but players will be able to knock other players off their mounts. This begs the obvious question: Will there be in-game jousts? Bales laughed and said, not in this release. However, in true Mythic fashion, the door to this and other options is ever open.

Finally, as the expansions story takes place in Darkness Falls, the dungeon will be getting a facelift. All new graphics will adorn the halls of DF, and Legion, the big baddie of the dungeon, looks even more menacing.

It sounds good to me :o. Cant wait to see what abilities are open to other classes (awaits with baited breath as every caster goes to the animist trainer and specs a level20 shroom ;p)

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

This sounds very good aye :)


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Post by Lieva »

the darkness falls is something we've not read about before ven :) that bit sounds kewl tbh :)

They best not take away those kewl skels!
Or if they do i want a house clearence sale :( soo want a skelenton on a pole for my house :(
Champion points are achieved through regular combat, so level 50 players have a new incentive to engage in PvE combat

lol i can hear the whines now :D
a player gains a champion point that he may spend at a base trainer for a mid-level skill

i hope by 'base' they mean hero/champ/chanter and not mage/nauralist/forester.
I want my warden to have guard dagnammit!
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
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Post by Xest »

Banana wrote:the darkness falls is something we've not read about before ven :) that bit sounds kewl tbh :)

They best not take away those kewl skels!
Or if they do i want a house clearence sale :( soo want a skelenton on a pole for my house :(

lol i can hear the whines now :D

i hope by 'base' they mean hero/champ/chanter and not mage/nauralist/forester.
I want my warden to have guard dagnammit!
Gotta say tanks with spells and such bothers me somewhat, it removes the uniqueness of classes and has the potential to be quite unbalancing, if I root a tank after he's been hitting me hard as hell and just about get away it's a bit lame if he's able to nuke me down even if the nuke only hits for 100 - 200dmg or whatever. Really hope Mythic's thought it through a bit more this time.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Lenah »

base class specific : If you read the manual, Base Classes are Guardian (Hero Champ BM) Magican (Ench Eld Menta) Naturalist (Druid Warden Bard) Forrester (Ani VW) Stalker (NS Ranja). Its not yet stated what baseclass vampiirs or banshees count for, but what seems most logical they're the baseclass you've chosen before becoming one. Lotsa rerolls coming?

So Banana if you want guard for warden, it makes zero difference if its Class specific (i.e. hero could take valor from champ) or Base Class specific (Warden can still take Guard abilitys from tanks).

Currently is also unclear will it be single spell or ability, or the whole base tree abilitys up to ~20lvls. It somehow states that you get the baseline abilitys (mentions spells as many, not only single spell), but also states that "mage could spec into slash", oh, so can Hero spec to PBAOE specline? Intresting intresting, we might be watching lots more mids with healing pets+lifetaps, definetly more mushrooms, and perhaps albs get the idea that 8x stacking group heal chants can keep them alive afterall =) Lotsa fun and mixing coming up, and it will DEFINETLY make new rules to "what is owerpowered afterall" =))

I still would want to see the current game fixed, rather than ANY new things added. As probable as world peace.

Would give my vote for "Dump DAoC, and bring out DAOC2 with improved engine, clear table, and only the good things from DAOC(1) with it." But who asks from me.

Edit : Ah yes, value of mez being constantly reduced with countless new ways, artis, cheaper RA's resists and these new coming things. Added together with the fact that everyone after 35 can go with speed5 (bards get it later only by speccing to it expensively), and from the E3 it seems its usable in RVR aswell. Also added together with the fact that bards at current date are no more than speed / interruption bots, they're totally useless!! Yippee! And I just got it full TOA'ed ml8 and bought SOD Yippee!!
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

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Post by Penlid »

A Bard is the backbone of your group, The Leader. They mez, heal, play songs, have very useful RA's and are the only class with access to all of them. Without a bard in your group the group it totally useless. Bard is what keeps the group going!
They're not just interuption bots and speed bots, and they won't be with the Champion Levels either.

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Post by Lieva »


possible :)

shield is a starting factor on guardian classes i forgot this

tho void isnt an option on mage so no gtaoe or buffs (think the only spec line for natrualists is regrowth?)

Cant remember what the forrester one is
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
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Post by Lenah »

I'm not personally in any trouble I got plenty to choose from, but what I read from the expansion notes, its not going to be good to any bards.


Cant melee. Even by speccing high into it, wearing RF only with small shield with no other defensive abilitys you're a joke.

Can cast only shout as damage spell. 100ish dmg, at highest level. every 10 second. Highly resisted.

Can mezz. There is already incredible high resist rates on any mezz even if you spam it constantly. If it stacks on someone they're not mezzed more than 5 seconds becouse relatively free new IP. Passive stoicism on all tank classes (cc time reduction), together with RA with similar effect (cheap compared to what it was). Artifacts to not only counter, but also feed mezz back to caster, the bard. Thats only the current situation, in future u seem to have banners that even more reduce mezz duration, or raises resists.

Bards heals are weak (casual spec), 250ish heals with bigger heal. 700+ with Druid, 500+ with warden. (casual spec). Bard grp heals are lol. AM is nerfed in value in NF.

Bards baseline buffs (con & str) are weaker in value (with 43 nurture) than any warden ones (49 nurt), and in normal grp setting hardly used anyway becouse of BB's and wardens handling bases. (Most ppl want out-of-grp buffs, as their caster is alive even if your grp warden dies.)

Songs. Power song, FOP is lot faster. TOA brought 100's items with manacrack 3 and everyone can get it with 50g. GRP's with Mentalist always have crack of some kind. New +powerpool % - bonus, and FOP effect being percentage based on manapool size (making it as fast anyway no matter what size of pool u got) lessens powersong mainly to slightly increase manaregen on fop when u got time. Endurance, if not counting sprinting, all endurance users have free passive endurance regen. Cheap TOA items with +20% instant endurance charges. Cheap RA to instantly renew all endurance. In current day RVR doesn't really negate, but greatly reduces the value of end song (no more frontloading LW tank assist trains neither). Speed, only thing that currently makes bards the fastest moving thing, granted with aoe songs its a great song. Soon all above 35 move speed5 with horse. No need for speed =/ 1 good point, health song is still better than underhill ally health regen!! (tho they still, even after many suggestions, do not stack to be any use at all)

Bards got aoe and single instant lullaby, aoe and single instant mezz, aoe mezz and instant shout to be used as forms of interruption. (tho aoe mezz often feedbacks to your own face). This is the reason for anyone to really play bards, alot of mages out there, interruption is essential for the hope of surving and it helps if u get 1-2 of them out from the game even for that 1-5 seconds mezz lasts. But, even now great deal of other, DAMAGING aoe spells do this job (500+ dmg or 1-5 second stop?), and with bainshee its even increased. Soon everyone seems to have accses to somekind of AOE spell that causes interruption.

Can confuse theurgist pets effectively! Tho many mentalist can do it aswell, and aoe dmg kills theurgist pets like flys, its still fun =)

I cannot really tell good stories on camp fires ... and it certainly wouldn't help anyone if I could. Just wondering, will bards still exist after this future expansion? And if so, for what reason? =)
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln

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Post by Lenah »


naturalists can spec for regrowth and nurture. depending on class also to blades/blunt as warden, nature as druid, and music as bard ... confusing as it is, there is not much info what u can select from with these champion points.
Naturalists get baseline buffs as baseline naturally. But to get specs u would need to be able to select nurture (and thus perhaps lose baselines??) ... intresting how it will develop
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln

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