Small question about prices of MP Armor

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Small question about prices of MP Armor

Post by Technasia »

well ... i need mp armor (scale) and have been asking some lgm ac's and been looking on market for some mp scale and i saw boots or legs for 20plat and then sleeves for 12plat ... few months ago it wasn't that expensive and now ... hard to believe its suddenly that mutch harder to make mp's , got a lgm tailor on exca aswell , and its not that the prices of the material has gone up or smth soo the question is why :arti:


Post by Gitt »

Technasia wrote:well ... i need mp armor (scale) and have been asking some lgm ac's and been looking on market for some mp scale and i saw boots or legs for 20plat and then sleeves for 12plat ... few months ago it wasn't that expensive and now ... hard to believe its suddenly that mutch harder to make mp's , got a lgm tailor on exca aswell , and its not that the prices of the material has gone up or smth soo the question is why :arti:
At a guess its due to a lack of active crafters, so the few that are producing goods can pretty much charge whatever people are willing to pay.

Scale requires both an ACer and Tailor, making it a real pain in the backside (I hardly ever used to accept MP scale orders even tho I had both AC and Tailor LGM).

As you say the real issue isn't the material cost, which is only dependant on the number of remakes to get MP, it's more to do with the time it takes..

I know from bitter experience that taking an MP Scale order can often mean a week or more chained to your forge swapping between AC and Tailor, plowing plat after plat into materials and all along being nagged about how long it's taking :p

Having said that, 20 plat for a pair of boots is absolutely extortionate! Even at 100% mark-up (I used to use 30-45% for scale btw) that would be close to 800 remakes to arrive at that price! Possible but very unlikely :p

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Post by Heta »

well, if there is no other out there. If you dont like the price you can always skill a armor crafter and a tailor and craft your own armor? Crafting realy is the biggest bore in the game, and I would for sure put a high markup if I had some mp armor to spare.

QQ at having to make plate helm and plate sleeves :cow:
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Post by upton »

supply and demand mate.
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Post by Ovi »

Supply/Demand, and what else you can do with the time involved.

As the game has developed you can make cash easier, so to make it worth the time to craft you need to charge more for your items. Compared to the prices of some scrolls 7 artis I still think MP armour is a bargain. Btw there is a thread in the crafters section discussing exactly the same question ;)

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Post by Heta »

but a thread here aswell make us able to post twice as much! its a win win situation
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Post by Technasia »

Heta wrote:well, if there is no other out there. If you dont like the price you can always skill a armor crafter and a tailor and craft your own armor? Crafting realy is the biggest bore in the game, and I would for sure put a high markup if I had some mp armor to spare.

QQ at having to make plate helm and plate sleeves :cow:
no one likes to pay 20p for smth , doesn't matter what it is , i was just wondering why? i know supply&demand but you can look it at the other side aswell ... less active ppl ... less lgm crafters ... more work for the crafters ( wich is good ) and they get more orders in so they automaticly should make more money anyway :)

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Post by Maeloch »

Well relative to prices on scrolls, artifacts, etc, thought for a long time most crafters were undercharging for their efforts, seems inflation finally hit the crafted goods market.

On the plus side, a post like this will prolly encourage a few inactive crafters who didn't know the prices had skyrocketted to start up again to make some easy money...which will have the effect of pushing prices back down again.
Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Killder »

Also bear in mind that the market for 99% stuff has dropped off - the selling of which used to 'subsidise' MP prices.

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Post by Compton »

buy reinf!, cheaper and about as good as scale with resist tables if you're low on money

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