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Post by Nejtun »

Gitt wrote:So threatening people and encouraging people to persecute and inform on eachother without evidence is justified as long as some confessions are obtained?

..didn't the Gestapo use similar methods?
noooooo , tut
bugzy opened his thread saying he would not be letting people that ruined raids attend anymore of his , then people immeadiatly started defending themselves for no reason because they though he was talking about them , had they merely stfu'd ( can i say that <---- :)) , it wouldnt have gone on to the witch hunt , blame smashing thing :)
Nejtun Eld ML10 Convoker
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Post by Heta »

Quinlan wrote:It is the G-string you just made!

Now where does Mojo fit in?
He wears it
Woho! I got a 360 \o/

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Post by Xest »

Gitt wrote:So threatening people and encouraging people to persecute and inform on eachother without evidence is justified as long as some confessions are obtained?

..didn't the Gestapo use similar methods?
Yes but they got the job done and that's the main thing!
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Mojo »

Heta wrote:He wears it
Not just any G-String either, wicked weasil wtf :)
look, no hands!

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Post by Elrandhir »

Guess I know why this thread is called warning now ;D starting to get really nasty -_-
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
Elthorian L50 6l7 Ranger Silverhand
Elthunder L50 4lx Eldritch
Elrandhira L50 5lx Druid BB
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Post by Alexandrinus »

[quote="Elrandhir"]Guess I know why this thread is called warning now ]
ye looks like prydwen still down and some peeps neeeeed stuff :'(

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
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Post by twinga »

(yes xcerus is 49)

(yes you have 3 toons that need it and 1 of them is from your friend xcerus :P and of course you dont mind doing it with xcerus one and not in yours, you are a so good person :P )

(you say here clear the name)

(yes YOUR chanter templated called Zcerus22_template.xml lol)


(this one is funny he is saying here he still need ml1 pre reqs, so of course he need 1.10 too :) and then you can read in http://www.pryd.net/showpost.php?p=15866&postcount=29
"I didnt have to do 2.10 or 2.2 or even a ml1 raid - but i did why? to help others but if this is the thanks i get i will stick to arti raids"
(rofl!? to helps others? you said in the other post you still need it? lolol but of course that sentence make you seems so good person true?,and maybe that way poelpe see more "normal" the "steal/claim without say before" of the remains and SoD of yesterday raid, tbh the more i read your posts the more lieing i find i better stop :P )

Tbh i think after all this (and i stopped like in the mid of post he done, there is still more), you can see Childofkhain and Xcerus are the same person, and tbh is fun to see that a guy that registered here "Xcerus Join Date: 02-09-2005" that just had 1 post before today, repently today has 4 new posts, well wish you have fun with the "log in" "log out" you will have to keep doing to keep 2 personalitys in forums with luck you maybe have 2 computers, but then as to every lyier, at the end they are caught the day you talk as 1 being the other :P (still remember some funny self ownage posts in FH).

Later :)

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Post by Childofkhain »

and ofc you realise that if i said i will bring my m8's enchanter along i would get no funney looks at all ....

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

[quote="twingatbh is fun to see that a guy that registered here "Xcerus Join Date: 02-09-2005" that just had 1 post before today, repently today has 4 new posts, well wish you have fun with the "log in" "log out" you will have to keep doing to keep 2 personalitys in forums with luck you maybe have 2 computers, but then as to every lyier, at the end they are caught the day you talk as 1 being the other :P (still remember some funny self ownage posts in FH).

I agree on some parts, but this thing might be cos they both heard about the forum at the same time and decided to register? good friends share information?


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Post by Elrandhir »

What did he do that was so bad, I have forgotten now, and to lazy to read from start again ;P maby we can redo the whole thread haha...

don´t know if I have even been posting correct posts for the right Thread anylonger ;P
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
Elthorian L50 6l7 Ranger Silverhand
Elthunder L50 4lx Eldritch
Elrandhira L50 5lx Druid BB
Elradah L50 Easymode Bainshee
Shimari L50 Animist
Ailanah L50 Enchanter
Vinterwolf L50 gimp Bard
<Crimson Tears> sweden:
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