ML Bonanza sign off

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ML Bonanza sign off

Post by Kesxex »

Well, Bonanza is finally over.
Not in as much a rush but in a steady way.

Thanks to all the people who took part making it a success, especially the ones that just helped us to get along. Glueckwunsch to all the new ML10s.

Sometimes awkward, sometimes easy, in total a lot of fun apart from the loot splits.
I know the last change of how I do loot splits (idea stolen from Lenah) has aggrieved a lot of people tonight. To all who came and thought they can change my rules as much as they like: Please read the rules first, then decide to come.

It is for just this reason that I will no further lead any more raids (and the accompanied loot splits) in future - I simply have enough.
Good luck to all the raid leaders out there! May you not end up burned out by Hibernian loot greed.
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Post by Lieva »

:( kesxex :(

But grats :D
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
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Post by Asysh »

You dragged a lot of people kicking and screaming to ML10.

Be sure to take the day off work tomorrow and sip a cool beer in the sun >:)
Asysh Eccos RR5 Valewalker, ML10 Battlemaster
Acysh KeKe RR2 Mentalist, ML3 Warlord
Asysh Timpatik RR6 Cabalist, Pre-ToA [deleted]

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Post by Trez »

Sigh couldn't make it to ML10 today :(



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Post by Thandruil »

Nicely done Kesxex! Was a shame i couldn't make the ML6 raid, and that way couldn't finish yet with warden, but already got a lot of ML's done tho thx to u :)
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
Thand lvl51 Warden RR6L5 ML10 CL5:wave:
Vanara lvl50 Animist ML10
Extreme lvl50 Blademistress ML10

GM of Fallen Spirits :ranger:

Retired from DAoC now and started BF2142!

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Post by Puppet »

Kesxex wrote: I know the last change of how I do loot splits (idea stolen from Lenah) has aggrieved a lot of people tonight. To all who came and thought they can change my rules as much as they like: Please read the rules first, then decide to come.
Well you probably mean, with others, me.

What annoyed me was I brought 2 useful chars (who both didnt need credit for ML10][/url]
[Tuatha Dé Danann]
Puppethealer - Druid Barun ML10
Spinesprout - Ranger Emerald Ridere ML10
Pricklesprout - Nightshade Gilded Spear ML10
Spikesprout - Vampiir Thunderer ML10
Mushshroom - Animist Brehon ML10
Champtastic - Champion Grove Protector ML7
Scythles - Valewalker Raven Ardent ML10

E&E of Hibernia/Prydwen

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Post by Bugzy »

I've always believed all loot should be free for all.

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Post by Thaloria »

To see then I cant lotto for the char I wanted something for (my ranger) is just sore. Not only me where there]

You should have known the Lootsplit-Rules from the MlL9-Raid last week ...

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Post by Labello »

Thank you Kesxex for leading all these raids :) :banana:
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Labell - 50 Ranger
Labella - 50 NS
Royal - 50 Druid (BuffBot)

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Post by Luz »

[quote="Trez"]Sigh couldn't make it to ML10 today :(


Just come leech credit of here :
ML10 killer team
Bah. Lv50s.
Animist, Bard, Druid, Enchanter, Nightshade, Vampiir

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