
General 'Hibernian' forum for the entire cluster

Post by Gitt »

The principle of a fair and honourable fight between evenly matched opponents sounds great, it just doesn't work in practice.

Personally, I used to find it intensely irritating when duoing with Lenah and in the middle of an evenly matched combat half a dozen rangers/shades would suddenly pop up and get involved.. but I also admit that its reassuring to know there's backup around just in case its needed :p

As has been stated already RvR is WAR, if I encounter a battle involving my realm-mates I will stop to assess the situation.. if my stalwart comrades are winning I will leave them to it, if they are in need of assistance I will wade in.

Everyone has their own opinion on when it is ok to add on someone elses combat, the issue is really how you deal with people adding.. a polite request along the lines of "Thanks for the help, but we prefer to fight alone if thats ok so please try not to join in next time" is going to be far better recieved than "FOAD leeching scum!"

It's very frustrating for our more casual RvR players when they try to help their realm-mates and are met with abuse rather than gratitude. I know a great number of people who have been put off the RvR aspect of the game purely because of this attitude.

Finally, a word of warning for those players who choose to throw abuse rather than ask politely..

Some time ago I was experimenting with my void eld in RvR, I saw an Alb and started casting, unaware he was being stalked by a pair of Rangers. Despite it being unclear who had targeted the Alb first I recieved a torrent of abuse and obscenities for "adding"....

...Unfortunately for the Rangers concerned, it had been my BB they had asked for Buff's at Ligen and, not wanting to compound the situation with further assistance, I removed their buffs... just as the albs friends arrived. :p

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Post by Elrandhir »

Gitt wrote: As has been stated already RvR is WAR, if I encounter a battle involving my realm-mates I will stop to assess the situation.. if my stalwart comrades are winning I will leave them to it, if they are in need of assistance I will wade in.
This seems fair enough to me really, is acceptable. Just annoying when people jumps in to help kill of 1 or 2 enemies that would have been dead in seconds neway... aaah we did it for the realm ;P
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
Elthorian L50 6l7 Ranger Silverhand
Elthunder L50 4lx Eldritch
Elrandhira L50 5lx Druid BB
Elradah L50 Easymode Bainshee
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Ailanah L50 Enchanter
Vinterwolf L50 gimp Bard
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Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Gitt wrote:Some time ago I was experimenting with my void eld in RvR, I saw an Alb and started casting, unaware he was being stalked by a pair of Rangers. Despite it being unclear who had targeted the Alb first I recieved a torrent of abuse and obscenities for "adding"....

...Unfortunately for the Rangers concerned, it had been my BB they had asked for Buff's at Ligen and, not wanting to compound the situation with further assistance, I removed their buffs... just as the albs friends arrived. :p



Post by Kallima »

[quote="Elrandhir"]Annoying thing, but then he really takes things to seriously and shouldent play either, if something like that happened to me I would get annoyed Cursing the person, and then try it another day ]

People do get annoyed about something, then forget it and carry on another day and have fun again. The problem is that things accumulate. There is one more argument over loot, one more conflict over an artifact encounter, one more theft, one more burst of temper in rvr, one more bit of casual rudeness... The final straw could be something relatively small, but maybe this is the tenth argument over GoV, and its suddenly too much. Someone gets annoyed, and decides to forget it and have fun elsewhere. We lose another player.

Yes perhaps we shouldn't take things so seriously in a game, but I reckon about 90% of us are guilty of doing this at times. Its a game, the characters and their equipment are just pixels, but the players and the emotions are real. Whether you share a laugh with someone or say something nasty makes a difference to whether they have fun or not.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

I get angry/upset/anoyed very easy... but I usually just swear abit, log and wait 30 sec before I decided to give it another go :P

Anyway, I dont mind if you add on my kills as long as you dont cry if I do the same :)


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Post by Alexandrinus »

Briannon wrote: The RvR side seems to be becoming increasingly elitist. .
when i started daoc two years ago,RVR was for Albs and Mids Hibs get slaughtered all the time (sometimes we had luck and reached one of the milegates and sometimes we bashed some others /OF emain), RVR is now much more easy also for low RR players, thats a fact.

And everyone in NE-alliance should think about what he says about NE-RVR we do not have much high RR players, but everone of them dont care about your RR or ML ...or equip. and can join our groups.

These genarlismn really sucks,and sometimes i feel myself offended in it.
There are alot of fine peeps out there and there are some wich want to play theire own rules.

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
and plenty of other chars between 10 and 30

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Post by Elrandhir »

Kallima wrote:People do get annoyed about something, then forget it and carry on another day and have fun again. The problem is that things accumulate. There is one more argument over loot, one more conflict over an artifact encounter, one more theft, one more burst of temper in rvr, one more bit of casual rudeness... The final straw could be something relatively small, but maybe this is the tenth argument over GoV, and its suddenly too much. Someone gets annoyed, and decides to forget it and have fun elsewhere. We lose another player.

Yes perhaps we shouldn't take things so seriously in a game, but I reckon about 90% of us are guilty of doing this at times. Its a game, the characters and their equipment are just pixels, but the players and the emotions are real. Whether you share a laugh with someone or say something nasty makes a difference to whether they have fun or not.

Well just the thing you wont escape dum people in any game, so where will you go?

If you can´t handle it and I know if I took everything that serious, "not seing it as that big problem for myself, havent had that much trouble", and ofcourse it bad, but if I got that annoyed yeah I would leave and you shouldent play the game if you don´t have fun.

But can never escape things like this happening in any game, disagree with this and there is no point in continuing this converation ;P

I played WoW for a short period and it was far from any better in that game.
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
Elthorian L50 6l7 Ranger Silverhand
Elthunder L50 4lx Eldritch
Elrandhira L50 5lx Druid BB
Elradah L50 Easymode Bainshee
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Post by Argyleyn »

Reading this thread made me feel like i have entered a time machine and landed back in 2003 :o

Everyone's right tbh, but fgs, don't use the 'if we were in WWII' analogy, it doesn't take a genius to realise how flawed it is.
Argyleyn, ex raven ardent prime prestidigitist.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Argyleyn wrote:Reading this thread made me feel like i have entered a time machine and landed back in 2003 :o

Everyone's right tbh, but fgs, don't use the 'if we were in WWII' analogy, it doesn't take a genius to realise how flawed it is.
How about ww1, korea war, vietnam or iraq? ]/Ankh[/B]


Post by Gitt »

Kallima wrote: Its a game, the characters and their equipment are just pixels, but the players and the emotions are real. Whether you share a laugh with someone or say something nasty makes a difference to whether they have fun or not.
So true :)


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