ML1 group steps 5/4, 7/4, BG steps 9/4 - signup

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Post by Aran_Thule »

failed doing them tues and missed thurs so if you can do them Sat before main ones i would be very greatful.

Bringing Vamp
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Finolin »

New thread started for Saturday, sign up there, though I must warn you that group steps will be at 10:00 am (UK time) and I will be seriously hung over.
Finolin, 50th Elven Void Eldritch ML10 Convoker
Felia, 50th Celt Bard ML10 Sojourner
Fert, 50th Sylvan Arboreal Animist ML10 Convoker
Finality, 50th Sylvan Valewalker ML10 Battlemaster
Finoshar, 50th Shar Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Findrid, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Fiat, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Finesty, 50th Shar Mentalist ML10 Warlord
Fung, 50th Sylvan Verdant Animist ML10 Convoker
Finchant, 50th Elven Mana Enchanter ML10 Convoker

Emerald Rider
Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:44 pm

grp steps ml1 - and others

Post by Symask »

pls. sign up Aminara - 50 animist - Thursday ,cant make tues.

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