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Fellow Spirits of Hibernia!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:06 pm
by Sehanine
As you have noticed im not playing hib/pryd very much anymore, ive been playing alb/excal for a while.. my infil is 49 and in full template... but i simply dont wanna play daoc .. simply dont feel like it these days.. So i found myself a new game to try out. WoW hehe... heard so many bad things about it.. and thought i should try it before believing them. I must say its a positive experience compared to DAoC's disappointments on a daily basis... When playing daoc in rvr i just end up angry and pissed off every single time... with WoW im actually having fun... not much PvP yet.. but im sure it will come. WoW basicly is a big PvP server... but you can decide yourself if you want to be part of the PvP ... and there is also battlegrounds for pvp.

Alas, what im trying to say is... i think my days with DAoC are diminishing... the interest for the game is gone. The urge to play DAoC might come back.. who knows... but for now its my Undead Priest whos getting the love :)
I know ive been through alot to get my template sorted for my infil... but that also had an effect to not wanting me to play this game... In some words.. i simply had enough of it.

Those who have me on MSN.. feel free to contact me whenever you want :)

Will miss ya guys :)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:13 pm
by Domo
sad to see you go m8, have to say i've been in the same position a few times in my 3+ years of playing daoc, but i do tend to come back after i get bored with the next fotm game thats out there. hope to see you back,, well back in hib at least :)


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:56 pm
by Bourkey
Bye bye mate, is sad to know if i came back to the game would be one less decent guy :( good luck tho mate, and remember have fun :)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:05 pm
by Satyn
STEEN! bleh :( will spam you on msn dont worry ;) I really hope you'll be back.

oh and that what we discussed ... if thats what keeping you away from pryd then dont let that keep you away its been taken care off.

As for you playing WoW now, i wont even comment on that ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:18 pm
by Galadra
bb for a while m8=( hope to c u soon..I got a friend or my neighbour whom playes WoW his brother to..could ask them to help u out if u would want that=)?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:47 pm
by Thandruil
Bah :'( was already bad enough u went Alb, but now u went WoW, even worse imo. Can only hope u get bored of it asap and come back to Hib then.

All the best m8 and hope to c ya soon.

Oh btw, something i wanted to ask u once, could u send me Naomi his ranger template once m8, am working on my ranger temp as well and some things aren't yet what i want. So was thinking of having a look once at Naomi's, maybe get an idea there :)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:05 pm
by Caestar
Take care old friend in whatever you do..Ill miss you and the times we shared together in the frontier getting each other killed :)