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Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:05 am
by Tuthmes
Let me start first be say'ing you contradict yourself.

- The most common theory of the start of time and the universe is that in the beginning the whole universe was created Via the Big Bang when all
matter was spread out across and the stars formed

- the big bang being the start the universe getting to its maximum point of expansion and the start of the collapse being the middle point then finally when the universe collapse fully upon its self the end of time will come

First you talk about the universe spreading out due to the big bang, then you talk about it beeing at the maximum point and collaping. It's a fact the universe is spreading out, so it's expanding atm and still accelerating.

- planets were created Gravity and Time started

Funny thing is, time is something people created. the earth goes around the moon in 365 1/4 day's, which makes a (earthly) year. Objects move relative from eachother, as Einstein has shown.

But to get back on the subject, people have bin try'ing to comprehand the beginning (of time) for as long as we know. All religion's start with some god who create's himself or whas there already.
As I have already explained in order to create something you must first have something to use to make the item
It's in people's nature to find a solution and if we can't we'll try to make one. Same goes for time aswell, it's just something we use to try to get a hold of thing's.

Now i'm not say'ing there's an answer or even that einstein is right (although he still is atm). Also they've only just discovered that there's dark matter in the universe, of which the universe seem to be full of (gravitational effects).

We will find the answer some day!

P.s. prolly lots of typo's :<

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:41 am
by Lieva
365 and quarter days..

so im actually older than i think i am :(

darn :( <gets zimmer frame out>

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:13 am
by Kabane
cheers guys this is making for good reading i have always loved the idear that if someone has an idear then others will have a differnt one along the same lines, so keep em coming guys, but remmber dont take what ive said seriosuly im not into physic's idont understand half of it and tbh im not sure i want to understand the other half lol

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:25 pm
by Goiby
VegetaFH1 wrote:OHH.. ur the one to talk ankh mate... :D
an to be honest... i braged my intelligents knowing that i have it... not to prove a point
Besides from all of that rejecta actually has a fair point
basicly.. humans are to stupid to understand the universe in its infanite glory....... thats ofc if it actually is infanite, witch i dont think it is.. but its very very big to put it very bluntly lol
and some humans arent intelligent enough to spell Infinite :D

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:37 pm
by Goiby
Tbh Vegeta,

Theres no point in arguing with anyone, in the will end face it - the way it ends doesnt actually matter, when it comes to it anyones guess is valid, it could be a meteor, it could be that the sun eats the planet, it could be that giant spaghetti monster from space decideds he wants to lay his eggs on the planet so he eats everything.

intelligence is just a state of mind people use to impress, the real genius's are the guys who stumble upon tings by accident while doing something that really pushes the envelope ^^:gopack: :bunneh:

My Two Cents anyways :P