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Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:55 pm
by Satyn
<ankh> wrote:Crap :(
you poor baby :(

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:02 pm
by Satyn
Belisar wrote:I got a bit bored with the game for a while and took some time away.

My comeback coincided with SeanPaul organising NFD into creating some new toons and levelling together (largely via ORvR plus a few scens and PQ's). It seems to be working as we run 3 times a week, often as a warband as there are far too many for a single group. We have a decent balance and are pretty much at the same level.

Still not on every night or anything but is nice to be on with friends and being competitive. I like the game as it offers PvP at lower levels and PvP can form part of the levelling process, but you need friends to make it work best.
I'm not playing wow every night myself, family life is more important than game (took me some time to figure that one out ;)) Besides things get boring to fast if you do it to much anyway ...
Been thinking about the daoc times a lot lately, and that was one of the reasons why i started hammer, i really expected to find a new daoc .. but that didnt happen. Daoc ruined my game life lol, wont find anything as good as that game.

i'm not coming here often, only when i get an email something's been posted in this part of the forum.

if any of you wana have a chat or so just add me on msn ... let me know who you are tho.

anyway, got a girly friend coming over in a minute, take care
