we have a new officer

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Emerald Rider
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we have a new officer

Post by Satyn »

I forgot to put up a post to tell you this.

Couple of weeks ago we made modz officer and day before yesterday it was Fert his turn.
Both have done a great deal for the guild and still do.

We needed new officers cos a lot of the officers we have now dont play or hardly play at all anymore.

So grats to the two of you
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Post by Finolin »

Woot - it's a pleasure.

And in case anyone missed it, I'm running a set of ML5 group steps on Friday afternoon/early evening before Bugzy's ML5 BG raid. Come along for steps or MLXP, sign up is here.
Finolin, 50th Elven Void Eldritch ML10 Convoker
Felia, 50th Celt Bard ML10 Sojourner
Fert, 50th Sylvan Arboreal Animist ML10 Convoker
Finality, 50th Sylvan Valewalker ML10 Battlemaster
Finoshar, 50th Shar Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Findrid, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Fiat, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Finesty, 50th Shar Mentalist ML10 Warlord
Fung, 50th Sylvan Verdant Animist ML10 Convoker
Finchant, 50th Elven Mana Enchanter ML10 Convoker

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Post by Thandruil »

Oh crap, HIM!

Nah, well done m8 :) and grats to both ofc ;)
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
Thand lvl51 Warden RR6L5 ML10 CL5:wave:
Vanara lvl50 Animist ML10
Extreme lvl50 Blademistress ML10

GM of Fallen Spirits :ranger:

Retired from DAoC now and started BF2142!

Emerald Rider
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Post by ladder »

yaya nice done :) sehesp: sehesp: sehesp: sehesp: :cowgif: :cowgif: :cowgif:

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Post by Jupiler »

the end is near ! :D

gratz fert, im sure you will do a great job :)
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Monk »

im still about, just cant play for 7 months out of 12 :/ but im back on the 27th June so ill be online then rdy to help out (and ding 50 on my vamp) grtz u 2, bah now i cant give everyone transvestite rank :(
~~~GM of Fallen Spirits - Prydwen~~~
Spetsnaz lvl50 Celt Valewalker 6l2 -Currently Main
Nicholai lvl 50 Elf Ranger 4l0
Moscow lvl 50 Shar Vampiir 3l8
Vanyia lvl 50 Celt Druid 3l2
Aequitas lvl 50 Shar Hero 2l0 - running old school epic!
Trident lvl 45 Elf Chanter 1l5

Emerald Rider
Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:51 am

Post by ladder »

:noone: :noone: :noone: :noone: :noone: :hijack: :hijack: hhHhHhHh

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