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Marsh Horde starting more RvR activity

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:28 am
by Wyst
Hi All

Me and some of the other MH officers are starting to try and get our act together and become more RvR oriented as a guild.

We have been randomly turning up at zerg events in random numbers, but now trying to get a bit more organised. Tonights first attempt at guild group rvr saw us start with nearly 2fg roaming around getting wiped out a lot (mainly by the same Mid GG who must have thougt it was Christmas), but we didnt quit and managed to help take 1 hib tower back and take 2 mid towers. I would like to thank those from the alliance for turning up and helping us out as well as those from other alliances who were around and probably saved our butts more than we noticed.

We are a bit like the blind leading the blind and probably will be for a while, but we are willing and have a laugh with whatever we do, so if you randomly see me leading a BG there is probably something chaotic going on and joining it actively may well lead to your doom, so be prepared. I will keep most of the BGs I run passworded but if even having read this you want to join, pm me at the time, and if I know who you are, and decide I like you, I may let you in ;)

Final words of warning for anyone still potentially interested, We are all low RR (I am highest I think at 4L3) and most are RR1 or 2, and most of us havent got beyond ML1 (with a few exceptions) so dont expect any serious stuff to come from the Hordies, at least not yet, but we cant get there without trying and learning from our mistakes etc.

With perseverance I hope that we may be able to field 3 or 4 fgs on really good turnouts with which we can achieve things and as one of the biggest guilds, in terms of members, this is where we are aiming to get to. Please just bear with us a while and try not to laugh at all the Horde deathspam (at least not too hard), or if you wish to laugh, join in and laugh with us, not at us.

Also, if you see Hordies randomly joining BGs run by the rest of you, invite us to your groups and teach us a few things along the way. We would all rather group with friendly allies than run around solo, so give us a chance and hopefully, in time, we can become a proper benefit to the alliance and the realm.

Thanks for any time you have spent reading this, even if it didnt interest you in the slightest.


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:26 am
by Alexandrinus
nice to hear , and good luck will team up with you if possible ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:28 am
by Moley:)
I'll try to join you :D . It's more fun in a big grp as i don't die straight away .. unless i'm using my mentalist :mad:

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:42 am
by Briannon
Nice post Wyst. You forgot to mention that anyone taking the RvR too seriously (i.e getting stroppy with realm mates and being arrogant or unfriendly) will be automatically ported naked into the middle of an alb/mid zerg. For the creed of the Marsh Horde is fun fun fun fun fun (repeat ad infinitum).

Wyst and other Hordies know that I'm not the biggest fan of RvR (I deleted ALL my Camlan alts yesterday after getting killed standing at my trainer!! Thoroughly unsporting that was), but I do enjoy it when out with large groups, roaming around looking for random enemies, taking and defending towers, and dying within range of a rezzer! So if I can be dragged out to the frontiers then something must be going right.

What we can guarantee if you join a Horde group/battlegroup is a positive attitude to dying (eventually :)), some very suicidal guys who just love getting into the thick of a battle, and loads of chances for ressers to farm realm points off Horde corpses.

See you in the frontiers?

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:18 pm
by Belisar
IW has managed to run RvR groups for a while now - we are not always full (but often find others help us), we are not always 'balanced' (whatever that is) and we often get wiped.

Against the decent GG's most of us stand little chance, they are well organised, have well specc'd and equipped toons, know how to play them and have that vital group experience. However, as you said, the aim to have some fun and not get frustrated. Eventually you find you all get better, win a few more fights and become more of a nuisance to the enemy.

Just remember to take a little seige equipment with you, it is nice to have a handy cata or ram to do those spur of the moment things.

We look forward to seeing you and joining you on the field of battle.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:20 pm
by Ambrinoa
*Agrees with Belis*

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:27 pm
by Nored
When I can I'll try to get my Ranger with you, sounds nice ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:13 pm
by Wyst
We have had a few runs out now. Apologies to all those who have had to suffer their screen filling up with Horde deathspam.

We have had some minor successes too tho, taken a few towers, made some dents in keeps, and we are gradually getting a bit more organised.

We persevere well and that seems to be a good start, and most of the time the Hordies follow me to their destruction without too many questions and hopefully they have learnt that it is better to follow the leader than mess about on their own. In this respect I hope to groom people others will happily take into BGs they are running, whether RvR or ML raids.

Many thanks to those who have taken pity on us and helped us out recently. Much appreciated by me and the others who have been with me.

Tonight was especially good fun.

Please continue to assist us and we will help to keep the realm strong for the future and helpful hints thrown in dont go amiss. I try to take them on board as I fully admit to not being the greatest leader or best player etc.

We seem to have at least 12 or so really keen people who like RvR and a fair few who come along for the laughs we have.

Fun and enjoying the game is still our top priority and it has been nice to see so many allies helping us in this respect.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:57 pm
by Sharkith
Thank to Wyst for bringing us out and thanks to others who come along and join us for some good sport!


I think we are getting better and we teamed up with some seriously good characters last night and this did help. This is one of my main reasons for joining the game and I am delighted to see the Horde becoming more organised in RvR activity. So I am definitely going to be around a lot more on this front along with trying to get my final template for this character sorted out!

So yes thanks for helping folks and keep it up Wyst!!



Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:17 am
by Thandruil
Briannon wrote:will be automatically ported naked into the middle of an alb/mid zerg.
HAHA that actually reminded me of one time when we had a stealth group long time ago in Emain, we were near the tower at amg and were jumpig around it naked. The faces on those albs were hilarious, even better after we still killed em then lol.

But anyway, if ur out RvR'ing and need some help or some more people, just give us a yell and we'll come help a bit. I always liked big groups and BG's for RvR, yes it's less rps, but at least ur having fun with ur realm mates and they might maybe learn from it :).