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NE Shopping lists (artifact encounters)

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:46 am
by Aran_Thule
Well thought we can make a new thread for this, just post up what your after so we can get an idea of what people are needing.
Another idea is if we mark which ones we get so we can see how well we are doing.
Red for ones that are gained from NE artifact hunt
Green for items obtained by other means

A Flask (this will be very hard i think with only 2fg)

Plaited hair (Malice)
Cloth Cinder Sleeves (Battler)

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:02 am
by Thandruil
Had a quick looksie already what i'd like to get for my warden, will prolly take a while, but my warden got time, still lvl'ing him atm as well, but would be nice to get arti's lvl'd already while on the way to 50.

Healer's Embrace cloak <from last night's raid :)>
Guard of valor
Egg of Youth
Crocodile Tear Ring
Crown of Zahur
Cyclops Eye shield
Jacina's Sash
Battler or preferably Spear of King's <depends if i can use that as a 1-hand blade>

Zahur Ring

Maybe Scorpion Tail Ring or Bracer of Zo'Arkat or so, but not to sure yet about that.

I know it's quite a long list atm, but as i said, got time on this one and will try to get as many raids running as possible.

Hope we can get everyone sorted out.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:01 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Right, I may be concidered greedy and stupid but some people (maybe even by ALL people) but ive got a goal with anthirs and that is to get him as many artifacts as possible (without ruining for others ofc) Im not getting them to sell or just show off with, no no no, im getting all of them to ding them lvl 10. and then switch between then depending on how I feel like playing..

Atm these are the ones I just need the artifact from:

Alvarus Leggings (got book), Orions Belt (got book)
Guards Of Valor, Ring Of Dances (got book)

And these are the ones I need both artifact and enc exp:

Arms of the wind, Goddess Necklace (got book)
Foppish sleeves, Maddening Scalars
Athen Shield (goot book), Crocodile Tooth Dagger (got book)

Ofcourse there are more artifacts that are possible to get for anthirs but these are the ones I actually want.

Second, Ive got Candra who could need enc exp for a few things..
Atm ive got Tartaros+book and Traldors+book..I also got the book for Spear Of God but not the artifact yet..

I will bring any of my chars for the raids we do even if we dont do any of the artifacts I need ofcourse - but since I dont have any template for my chars yet (well, ive got one for Anthirs but tbh I never can decided if I should stick with it or not) I dont have a clue what to get to my other chars or if I should even bother to get anything..

Hmm..this post is starting to sound weird as hell but Im sure you dont mind :P

Edit: Oh I forgot to say, i still got quite a few books laying about so Ill try and sort them out and the ones I wont need myself I will share with the people who joins us on the artifact raids..


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:07 pm
by Kallima
Doing the artifacts we could handle and were up seemed to give us a very productive hunt last night.

Gwennethe has everything for her template apart from the stupid magma infused buckler, which I've been chasing for about six months and seem to have lost the roll on a dozen times. That isn't in the artifact hunt territory, so effectively Gwennethe needs nothing.

I will mostly be working on Kallista's template so chasing some Eldritch artifacts, but I won't give a list because its the obvious stuff and I know a couple of them would be well beyond our ability to handle. It took a long time getting Gwennethe's stuff and I'm prepared for it to take a long time to get Kallista's.

Others need the odd item/encounter, but I worry about the encounter credit if we happen to be doing that artifact.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:41 pm
by Malisha


GoV - done

Shades of Mist


Plaitet Hair of Malamis
Sililias Ring