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NE arti raid :)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:36 pm
by Thandruil
OKi doki, since Ankh got his animist 50 and is making another one, lvl44 or something atm <god knows why he need 2??>, i'm gonna abuse and use him to help people in the alliance with arti's they need. Wont be just me tho, just starting this, and hope more people will start help each other.

I will need help with certain locs of encounters and so, been a while since i lead some arti raids, and forgot a lot about it tbh, so all help will be more than welcome.

Will try get a raid running tonight, will depend on how many people interested in it, and what they need ofc, if we are able to get them what they want.

So far i know Ankh is after Croc Tooth Dagger and RoD for his ranger, Modz is after Eriny's charm, Eibhing needs Atlantis Tablet and 2 more, Ladder needs Khaos Shield, i don't know yet if i'll arti up my warden or bard :), once i decided, i'm gonna need some as well.

Everybody is more than welcome to join, and we'll do whatever we can to get u what u want.

Would also be nice if we could do some scroll farming sessions as well then for those who still need scrolls for their arti's.

Also i won't be able to do this every night, cause of work and so, would be nice if someone else kept this going then.

Let's get NE what they need :)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:00 pm
by Aran_Thule
nice idea, one of the best ways is to do a few artifacts by zone.

i might be up for leading a Typh/ashen artifact hunt for a couple of days.
But will also probably be doing it again after Catacombs when people need credit for new characters.

Artifacts that might be done if i run with this:
Shades of Mist (also good drops)
Battler (also good drops)
Ring of fire (prob no need as its a group one)
Malice (also good drops)
Erioys Charm
Tarts Gift
Mad Scaler (group can do this easily enough)

Problem is for some of them we will need about 2-3fg, which might be a bit differcult to get.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:30 pm
by Thandruil
Oki Aran goodie, ur help will be more than welcome :)!

Hope we can get this going for a while.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:56 pm
by Wyst
Excellent news from both of you.

We (the Marsh Horde) have quite a lot of new level 50s and a fair few alts on the edge, and despite me offering to help all and sundry to get artifacts in the past, my experience is limited still.

Wyst is just missing Scorp ring (Terkari just wont drop it, 11 successful deaths, no ring) and Eirenes Hauberk (now bored of farming Idols) and my BM Vilcleft is now 45 and starting the arti trail (and scrolls arrgghh) so thats me from a personal point of veiw.

I am sure we can bulk out your numbers for the artis you need big groups for as most of the Horde still need a fair few artis and we seem to have around 15+ level 50s on some nights.

Give us a shout on /as if you need help and I am sure some of us will come help or join the raids on a regular basis.


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:28 pm
by Thandruil
First rid tonight was a big succes i can say, we had around 2fg, and every encounter we did, the artifact dropped... oh except Band of Stars, but that was more for fun anyway :).

We started with Golden Spear, then Terkari for Scorp Ring, after that Nailah's Robe, Healer Embrace, Guard of Valor and finally Ring of Dances.
Only Itet and Shield of Khaos were down :(.

All those who joined tonight and didn't get any artifact, will get a +10 mod on next roll, to make sure u come back ;).

This is from tonight:
Sethlar: Ring of Dances
Robinu: Golden Spear
Candra: Nailah's Robe
Smiral: Scorpion Tail Ring
Malisha: Guard of Valor
Thand: Healer's Embrace

People who get +10:
i got 1 name missing, plz let me know :)

There are drops left from tonight, some MP, will put those in BG again next time for roll again, if no1 wants em then, i'll put em on CM and give money towards RvR fund.

Also many thx to Fernglade and Malis for the great help on teh artifact locations, couldn't have done it without u!

If possible also post here what arti's ur after, be easier to get things organised then.

Will try to run another raid tomorrow, if for some reason i'm not on, someone else feel free to start the BG and run the raid ;)!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:29 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Well, I won nailah's robe yesterday but since I havent actually got the scrolls or a template for my animist I kind of feel like I stole it from the 2 others that rolled...kallima and that other guy from Luna Caligo. Anyway, I know I might regret this laters but if you too meet up with me tomorrow or when ever I am online you can both roll on it...I've got loads and loads of chars to get artis for and also my big plan is to get even more artis to anthirs...but that doesnt mean I wanna be a gready pig and steal everything right infront of ppl who needs artis for their mains...


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:39 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Thandruil wrote:Smiral: Scorpion Tail Ring
eh...I didnt know you got one this one Smiral, then the nailah robe goes to Kallima no doubt about it.. IF its in her template ofc..


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:28 am
by Kallima
Thandruil wrote: People who get +10:
i got 1 name missing, plz let me know :)
Gwennethe/Kallima were both me, just to make it clear. I came with Kallima to try and get credit on a couple of encounters she needs, but then got Gwennethe as well since second group had no healer to start with.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:30 am
by Ankh Morpork
Oh, then you really don't need nailah (doesnt look like so when I look at your character list) phew...looks like I didnt 'steal' it infront of needing people after all :) <feels abit better now>


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:42 am
by Kallima
Ankh Morpork wrote:Oh, then you really don't need nailah (doesnt look like so when I look at your character list) phew...looks like I didnt 'steal' it infront of needing people after all :) <feels abit better now>

Well I wasn't rolling on something I don't need of course. I was rolling on nailah for Kallista, and it is her planned template robe. She is void eldritch and I really want Nailah for the spell range bonus. The idea is that she is to be my alternate rvr character together with Gwennethe. Since Gwennethe never actually kills any enemies, it is nice to do some damage for a change, and get the odd death blow. Kallista has actually killed evil albions already. She is level 48, RR2, and doing master levels and collecting artifacts as she runs up to 50. However since there is usually a healer druid shortage in rvr, I suspect Gwennethe will remain my main character for rvr, and I will have to settle for playing Kallista in rvr when circumstances allow.

I don't think you should feel you stole something by winning a roll. Discuss this in game if you wish.