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Guild Wars

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:24 am
by Shi
So, it's out the 28th.
Anyone gonna play it? :)

was a nice game in beta, that's a vague memeory since WoW 'consumed' my soul shortly after.
But since I'm free now (screw the (dis) honor system in WoW) was wondering if some of ya folks who played in beta gonna buy the retail box.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:25 am
by Geralt
Not sure at 28th, but when i'll get money i'm thinking about or GW or Catacombs.. still not decided, maybe i'll use you Shi as my tester :))

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:46 pm
by Gahn
Preordered it so u'll see a Warrior/Necro called Gahn soon enough ^^

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:29 am
by Shi
Things have changed quite lot since last time i played it :)
Which was pre-WoW-usopen-beta.
I was quite surprised you are offered to either create straight a lvl 20 char which is limited to PvP or a lvl 1 starter character (called RP char).
Sounds nice, no? :)
Although there is of course a limitation. PvP chars do not have all skills , abilities unlocked untill you do that with any of your RP chars.
The 'unlocking' is valid for the whole account.
Well, that would be it for the 1st impressions.
Ah, and my account was still there btw, and as I had the 10$ pre-order pack last year even my char names were reserved :)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 8:41 am
by Gahn
Graphic and interface are awesome, playstyle it's quite similar to WoW, got me an RP character for now to unlock account. I really like it so far :)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:35 am
by vampirela
just got it too, have to say healing class on GW is hell lot more fun than DaoC, havn't left the noob areas yet but even there fun tbh, and the /dance command rocks :P

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:41 am
by Gahn
I'm looking to have an 8 man group running maybe 1 fixed night per week if any1 is up btw.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 10:34 am
by Cryn
Gonna see if I can pick up a copy of this today. Their whole approach (not having to spend forever leveling every alt) is exactly what I'm looking for. Whether I do more than just try it out will prolly depend on how much fun the PvP is.

EDIT Just bought it.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 9:32 pm
by vampirela
been playing got my Monk/elem to 7, only took elem for the heal when cast and few protect spells, as most my points so far gone into the heal and protect lines + monk special divine thingy...

healers in this game realy are great, did first arena to reach post searing and none of group died and we won :) with healing breaze, fortune and normal heal enemy simply couldn't touch us :)

now running about with henchmen geting some extra heal spells, having great fun, geting spammed by group invites (must be coz im actually a healer monk in full suit the good af30 armour)

tips: salvage everything and sell the stuff in stacks 10, had 1.2 plat when reached post searing, so could get well equiped :)

will be looking for regular group, don't care if im higher lev so give shout, also need guild (realy want a pretty cloak) would be nice join hibs from pryd

Snow Drop lev 7 monk healer

almost forgot pay the 50g for vault guys, as all your toons share same vault, so no need find people to muel for you :)

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 3:02 am
by Flippant Desires
I did love playing this game in beta :)

But, i don't think it's long term :/ It's enjoyable to play, but I 'm not sure it's a community game.

I will give it another go soon, it got that much interest for sure.