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Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 11:23 am
by Flippant Desires
On day-one of the european launch of WoW, 280,000 copies of the game were sold.

Now you put yourself in Mythic's shoes for a moment. How can you justify maintaining a game such as DAoC, which has been in steady decline?

I think Mythic have scored a goal here, they needed something along the 'fantasy' setting to replace DAoC, and they needed that to have an existing fan-base. Warhammer is perhaps one of the few games out there to challenge WoW in subscriber numbers. WoW subscribers are now 15times that of DAoC worldwide.

Only other game I can think of atm, that could come close to this, is MEO (lotr).

I'm sure when the time is right, any DAoC players left will be offered a free month or two "for your loyalty", to sign-up to Warhammer. But that's still a few years away.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 12:47 pm
by Ovi
Flippant Desires wrote:...

Only other game I can think of atm, that could come close to this, is MEO (lotr).
D&D Online maybe too.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 2:33 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Flippant Desires wrote:Only other game I can think of atm, that could come close to this, is MEO (lotr).
I think they renamed it from Middle Earth Online to Lord Of The Rings Online or something similar btw..


Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 3:04 pm
by Shi
Flippant Desires wrote: I'm sure when the time is right, any DAoC players left will be offered a free month or two "for your loyalty", to sign-up to Warhammer. But that's still a few years away.
maybe a /level option ? :p

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 3:12 pm
by Gitt
Ankh Morpork wrote:I think they renamed it from Middle Earth Online to Lord Of The Rings Online or something similar btw..

I believe it's now Lord of the Rings - Shadows of Angmar

Probably a good move to rename it as almost every time I mentioned Middle-Earth Online to someone they failed to make the connection.

Most of its fan base will of course come from the popularity of the films rather than people who have bothered to read the books...

Oh well, guess that means it will be populated by people who actually believe the elves turned up at Helms Deep and invented surf-boarding rather than saying "sod you lot, this is all your mess in the first place, we're off.. nice knowing you" :p

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 3:29 pm
by Alexandrinus
i looked into warhammer webpage and saw all those fire weapons and mechanic tanks and so on, hope they will not impact that in the game.
Would be like warlock 3 button killer :angry: in one button.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 3:53 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Alexandrinus wrote:i looked into warhammer webpage and saw all those fire weapons and mechanic tanks and so on, hope they will not impact that in the game.
Would be like warlock 3 button killer :angry: in one button.
You sure you checked the right page? That sounds like Warhammer 40k..


Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 3:55 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Gitt wrote:Oh well, guess that means it will be populated by people who actually believe the elves turned up at Helms Deep and invented surf-boarding rather than saying "sod you lot, this is all your mess in the first place, we're off.. nice knowing you" :p
True, but now that you mention that part - imo it was not so bad they made them turn up...same thing with Tom Bombardil, can't say that part would have made much difference in the movie apart from getting abit dull.. (and ofc the list goes on and on )


Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 4:10 pm
by Gitt
Ankh Morpork wrote:True, but now that you mention that part - imo it was not so bad they made them turn up...same thing with Tom Bombardil, can't say that part would have made much difference in the movie apart from getting abit dull.. (and ofc the list goes on and on )

Yeah, I have to agree... while being a remarkably interesting character if you understand his origins, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry wouldn't add a lot to a film other than a strangely surreal sequence reminiscent of the mad-hatters tea party :p

Shame that this exclusion also leads to the loss of the Barrow Wights and Old Man Willow, but I guess they had to keep the films at a reasonable length (shame about the last half hour of Return of the King tho.. that should have been left on the cutting room floor imo :rolleyes: )

I'm just wondering how much reference will be made to the genuine history and setting of Tolkien's work, and how much will be drawn from the more familiar films.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 4:18 pm
by Lieva
they had the hobbit eating tree though :) just they didnt explain it much...

just wish they had put more in about shadowfax!
(and the hobbit cleanup - could have put that in the extra-long dvd :p )