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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:37 am
by <ankh>
Apparently Oblivion have gone from PG-13 to PG-17 in USA becuase it had more blood than Bethesda first said. Also it has one scene where you can see the breasts of a naked elf (btw, you can get a patch that makes everyone naked when you remove their cloths lol).

Official words from Bethesda "The ESRB reports that is due to content in the game that was not fully disclosed when rating the game initially. Bethesda, not its co-publisher, developed the game, handled the ratings application before the ESRB, and stands behind it."


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:45 am
by <ankh>
Thought I might aswell quite gamespot on this matter. Not that its something that will affect us in anyway..but still :)

[quote="Gamespot"]Earlier today, the Entertainment Software Ratings Board announced that it had re-rated The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the PC and Xbox 360 as M for Mature. The ESRB said the game's developer, Bethesda Softworks, had failed to properly report the game's objectionable content when it submitted the game for rating.

Bethesda has now responded to the situation, issuing the following statement:

The ESRB has revoked their Teen rating for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the PC and the Xbox 360 and has assigned the game a new rating of Mature. The ESRB reports that this is due to content in the game that was not fully disclosed when rating the game initially. Bethesda, not its co-publisher, developed the game, handled the ratings application before the ESRB, and stands behind it.

Bethesda will promptly implement the ratings change that the ESRB has ordered for Oblivion. We will not contest the ESRB's decision to re-rate the game as Mature, nor will we change the game's content to keep a Teen rating. We believe that this critically acclaimed game is not typical of Mature rated titles, and does not present the central themes of violence that are common to those products.

Bethesda will work with its co-publisher to place new "M" rating stickers on Oblivion packaging now at retail and in warehouses, and will reflect the change in rating on newly manufactured product. No product recall is being directed.

In light of the public comments that are being made about this matter, and to respond to questions we are being asked, we are releasing this statement to be on record about the circumstances giving rise to Oblivion's change in rating.

Bethesda Softworks made what it believes was a full, accurate, and comprehensive submission on Oblivion to the ESRB months before the game's release. Bethesda used the ESRB's application forms and believes it adhered closely to their requirements. Nothing was hidden from the ratings agency. No effort was made by Bethesda to lobby or influence the agency for any particular rating.

The ESRB has concluded that the game deserves a rating of Mature because: 1) partial nudity in the PC version of the game can be created by modders]


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:28 pm
by <ankh>