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Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:55 am
by Gahn
Nedo wrote:Think many play mesmer as 2nd on monk (or at least I did on my alt and have seen many others do it)

The => 10 PvP arena is super nice exp as a healing monk :) Lots of people thinking "omg look at that guy charging us, KILL him" and leaving you to heal alone and earn fast exp hehe.

If you looking for guild we need to get bigger to make the high PvE parts and the fun PvP parta :)
Thx for invite whoever did it ;) Will play more constantly oO

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:10 am
by Sharkith
gah haven't been online at this - got stuck on the first quest where you need a group - must get back to it I liked that game.


Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 10:36 am
by Geralt
Sharkith wrote:gah haven't been online at this - got stuck on the first quest where you need a group - must get back to it I liked that game.

Just give me a shout, i'm usualy around at evening and still have some toons in noob area, so can help you with that (is that Ressurection signet or Northen wall quest?)

My chars atm are:
Black Rayla - Warrior/ranger - big mistake, would be lovely combo if i had more space on quickbar ;) Will be soon replaced with Warrior/necro or Elementalist ;)
Trea Devona - Monk/Ranger. I like my Strider pet ;))
White Rayla - Ranger/something.. new toon, haven't decided yet what will be second class, maybe monk or mesmer. Ranger is too good though, hard to find anything to pick up except extra healing (though troll urgent ain't bad skill).
Geralt Green - Elementalist/mesmer. Nice hot tempered nuker with some dominantion skills :)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:03 am
by Sharkith
[quote="Geralt"]Just give me a shout, i'm usualy around at evening and still have some toons in noob area, so can help you with that (is that Ressurection signet or Northen wall quest?)

My chars atm are:
Black Rayla - Warrior/ranger - big mistake, would be lovely combo if i had more space on quickbar ]

the northern wall one. Can do the lever but cannot run around quick enough which means I need some help ;)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:58 pm
by Cryn
SPOILER - you need to be grouped with someone else. He pulls lever, you run through

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:16 am
by Geralt
[quote="Sharkith"]the northern wall one. Can do the lever but cannot run around quick enough which means I need some help ]

hehe.. Too bad you can't jump in this game, otherwise it would be easy :)

btw charrs there are really nasty ones, you can see them gathering for some ritual but you can't defeat them.. not in group of 2 people ;)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:47 am
by Ankh Morpork
How much did this game change since last years E3 beta? I really disliked that one...


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:56 pm
by Nedo
I have not played that far back Ankh but according to Cassian its an entire new game, he only played Alpha testing and earlly beta though.

You should come, old Silver from Pryd is there you could prolly make the /g even more insane together ;)

Tbh it was a pain in the start. I cant take a new game without comparing much with the game I play before, so I compared alot to WoW and Daoc and was bit pissed with quite many parts of it. But after playing a bit that turned and now I totally love that you dont need uber items to compete in PvP, you dont need to travel for a day to start a quest/mission/PvP. And it feels like most chars are ok in balance if you know how to play them.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:54 am
by Ankh Morpork
Mkay, well I think i'll stick to daoc atm :)


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:47 pm
by Hatsepsut
Having played the E3 beta and hating it I'm also curious as to what the changes are, I desperately need a new game while waiting for DnL... ><