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Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:11 pm
by Kian Macslann
HappyG wrote:lol :)

In 2007 DAoC will be 5 years old, will most likely have less subscribers than today, and MMORPG market will be bigger than today. Why would they support community od 100.000 if they can aim for a million?
I seem to recall reading a quote from Mark Jacobs a couple of years ago that DAoC had a projected 5 year lifespan when they launched it - meaning that Warhammer will be coming online just at the time that DAoC is due for retirement, assuming Mythic get their project management right.

On the other hand, they may try keeping the two running in parallel, as Sony have with EQ and EQ2. Nobody has actually shut down a MMOG because it's reached the end of its natural lifespan yet - EQ still rumbles forward like a juggernaught in a zimmer frame, UO has lost the plot and rambles like an insane, drooling old biddy (since when has Ultims had anything to do with samurai and ninjas, for crying out loud?!) The only MMOGs that die, die of commercial failure and they usually die young (Earth & Beyond) or more likely stillborn (Mythica, the first Warhammer Online).

Personally, I'd like to see Warhammer - it should give us a dark, gritty alternative to EQ/EQ2 (unbelievably bland generic Tolkien-ripoff fantasy world #2164) or WoW (fun but... quirky, goblin hand grenades and gnomish clockwork robots aren't to everyone's taste).

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:14 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Looks like they have updated the homepage.


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:48 pm
by HappyG
Kian Macslann wrote: On the other hand, they may try keeping the two running in parallel, as Sony have with EQ and EQ2.
They most likely won't simply close DAoC, but if they will make Warhammer as it should be, people will go for a new one. I'm sure that as long as they do $1 profit from a game they won't shut it down.

Reason why EQ is so sucesfull is that hardcore EQers think that EQ2 sucks, I have a mate who bought EQ2 after playing EQ for years and his whole guild moved back to EQ after a few months.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:11 am
by Ankh Morpork
Hopefully they wont just kill DAoC when they release Warhammer. Personally, Im going for warhammer but it would be a shame if they ruined daoc for the ones who dont want to go warhammer instead.
