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Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:58 am
by <ankh>
Elrandhir wrote: Best RPG's ever in my opinion are these:

Baldurs Gate Serie (Awsome, BG2 is better though, the first game is good, but BG2 has both a great story and goes another step further in gameing experience, makeing the game feel more alive)

Planescape Torment (Those who missed this RPG has really missed something really Good (Superb, might even be better then BG)
-When you play it, it's really like you'r there yourself, I would have liked to see more of this, think it was because Interplay was bankrupt or something that we dident get anything more from them (Maby, not all sure, most games was published or released by them for awhile, but there was some troubble and then went down.
Fallout 1-2, Elderscrolls 1-4, Bards Tale 1-2, Alternate Reality, Dungeon Master 1-2, Might & Magic 2-8 (part 9 is horrible), Wizardry 1-8, Ultima 1-6, Legend Of Faergheil.

Those are the rpg's I think kick the ones you mentioneds arse :P


Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:02 am
by <ankh>
Elrandhir wrote:Well there are much worse examples out there, lets take Dungeonsiege 2 for example, that game havent improved much atall from D1 - D2, and also games like this(seeing things from above usuallly) don't have the best of the best Graphical apperance, but Im sattesfied with how it looks.
True, but Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 have still excellent graphics and they don't fill a dvd :P They arent really much of an rpg anyway...more like a hack & slash...or fantasy shootem up...BUT thats a matter of personal opinion..I can't even remember how many "what is an rpg" discussions I've been in.

Anyway, I didnt say nwn2 was bad - but I was still disapointed how a game that had been under so long development had achived so little graphical improvement. Still, I'd rather have an ugly game (nwn2 isnt ugly ofc) with great gameplay than a incredible good looking with no gameplay at all..and thats why im busy playing Demise atm (and THATS an ugly game..but like tetris, its very hard to stop once you start :D)

Edit: And thats why I enjoy Rougue games like dungeonhack and similar games too.


Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:12 am
by Elrandhir
<ankh> wrote:True, but Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 have still excellent graphics and they don't fill a dvd :P They arent really much of an rpg anyway...more like a hack & slash...or fantasy shootem up...BUT thats a matter of personal opinion..I can't even remember how many "what is an rpg" discussions I've been in.

Anyway, I didnt say nwn2 was bad - but I was still disapointed how a game that had been under so long development had achived so little graphical improvement. Still, I'd rather have an ugly game (nwn2 isnt ugly ofc) with great gameplay than a incredible good looking with no gameplay at all..and thats why im busy playing Demise atm (and THATS an ugly game..but like tetris, its very hard to stop once you start :D)

Edit: And thats why I enjoy Rougue games like dungeonhack and similar games too.


Well it's and RPG ofcourse, even though as you say D1 and D2 are hack and slash, what an RPG is depends on how the game works really, well thats how I see it.

If to compare NWN 2 and D2 graphicwise it's like comparing heaven to hell really.
(not saying D2 is ugly, but compaired to NWN 2 it is ;D)

I can give you that Elderscroll IV was good, but the earlier one really sucked bigtime (I played through the game and that was how I felt), it was a big world of nothing more or less(really horrible)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:33 am
by <ankh>
Elrandhir wrote: I can give you that Elderscroll IV was good, but the earlier one really sucked bigtime (I played through the game and that was how I felt), it was a big world of nothing more or less(really horrible)
Actually, I think Elderscrolls IV is the worst one and no 2 (Daggerfall) is way superior. But I still think all of them are excellent.


Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:46 pm
by Elrandhir
<ankh> wrote:Fallout 1-2, Elderscrolls 1-4, Bards Tale 1-2, Alternate Reality, Dungeon Master 1-2, Might & Magic 2-8 (part 9 is horrible), Wizardry 1-8, Ultima 1-6, Legend Of Faergheil.

Those are the rpg's I think kick the ones you mentioneds arse :P


We have different opinions that for sure, because I have played the latest Elderscroll games, and noone of them beat the games I stated by a longshot in my opinion, compared to BG and Planescape Torment they are crap ;D

But I think that the latest Elderscroll game have gone in the right direction of getting interessting.

couple of games that you mentioned is rather different from the RPG's I stated though so I don' really want to compare those, but I see no game that has even come close to the once I mentioned so far, but I guess it also depends what taste you have, but if you think the Elderscroll games are better, then ur taste sucks tbh =P

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:57 pm
by <ankh>
Thats what you think atleast.

The latest elderscrolls have the following negative things:

The enemies levels always stay close to your own
Green arrow that make you 100% successful with finding your goal
Anoying quicktravel button which make the rather big world feel incredible SMALL.

add obscuro's mod and the game is better than the other Elderscrolls..but if you play it as it is using no mods - its actually quite bad despite its excellent graphics and story.

And even if you don't think elderscrolls is anything compared to the ones you said - fallout 1 & 2 kick their arse even more :)

Then again - since D&D change to the D20 system i've always disliked them.
Which reminds me, I forgot to add the pool of radiance/dragon lance series to the games I think are better than Baldurs Gate/NWN :)

Edit: I only wish they'd made Elderscrolls II: Daggerfall with a new engine. Thats the best of the best!


Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:04 pm
by Elrandhir
<ankh> wrote:Anoying quicktravel button which make the rather big world feel incredible slow

haha, this is what I liked, really hated running about in the former game in the endless world of pointless caves of nothing worth to check out =P

The former game was okay looking sure, but else then that it was the most boring thing I had ever played almost.

This time you can quicktravel to places, and thats nice tbh not haveing to run through places you have been to a billion times before, and Story/questwise it was way better also.

And I wouldent say this if it wasent what I actually though after playing through them, I can't say about earlier Elderscroll games ofcourse as I havent played those.

Men men, smaken är som baken, och min bak är bättre än din förståss haha =P

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:15 pm
by <ankh>
The point is, I wouldnt mind quicktravel if there had been a slight chance of the travel being interupted - but during the quick travel nothing what so ever can happen and you always appear at your destination fit for fight. Also, there is no need to explore in any way apart from looking for herbs. Sometimes quicktravel can be nice, but when you can (after just started playing) travel from 1 side of the map to another - the game doesnt really feel realistic anymore. And as I said, the green arrow that always point you in the right direction is just pathetic...same thing with the equal level system.. thats why Obscuros mod is so great - not only does it make it abit more random with your enemies level, but it always make it possible for an enemy to have nice drops that doesnt always have to be the shite stuff you always seem to find. It also change loads of other in the original you can steal quite many things without being concidered to be a thief. Sure there are things that will put a bounty on your head, but there are 10 times more things in peoples houses that you can just grab and get away with it.

But - it's the only game I've ever stopped in just to admire the view.

Btw, Gothic 3 tried to challenge it but I never got into the Gothic games. I know they are incredible popular, but it feels like an rpg version of Tomb Raider to me :P


Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:31 pm
by Elrandhir
<ankh> wrote: Btw, Gothic 3 tried to challenge it but I never got into the Gothic games. I know they are incredible popular, but it feels like an rpg version of Tomb Raider to me :P


As you say some things could be different ofcourse, but it's still way better then how it was in the previous game, because even if you explored more because of no quick travel, it wasent any better, because there wasent really anything worth exploring, as I said, it was a endless world of nothing imo.

I actually played trough Gothic 2 and it took abit to get into, but it was actually rather entertaining, I havent played Gothic 3 yet, not sure when and if I will either.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:11 pm
by <ankh>
Elrandhir wrote:As you say some things could be different ofcourse, but it's still way better then how it was in the previous game, because even if you explored more because of no quick travel, it wasent any better, because there wasent really anything worth exploring, as I said, it was a endless world of nothing imo.
Nah, it had quick travel..but a better kind. You had to use stilters/boats or teleport from the mage guilds. I much more prefer that kind of system instead of a quicktravel you can use from any position as long as your not in combat.
I found the old ruins rather interesting in Morrowind and the expansions added quite nice stuff too.
