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Can anyone help me understand what's going on here?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:42 pm
by OohhoO
On my new ATI X1950 graphic card I have a wierd situation regarding DAoC, & I would like to understand what exactly is going on.

If I start DAoC in fullscreen mode, as soon as I get past the server-choice screen everything looks like I'm looking at it through a horrible yellow filter. When I log off or Alt-Tab, for the last 1/2 second the graphics are perfect.

I tried the newest manufacturers drivers, the newest generic drivers, changing resolutions, changing screens, deinstalling & reinstalling DAoC - nothing made any difference.

I found a practical solution in the end by setting the desktop to 1400x1050 & starting DAoC in windows mode in a 1400x1050 window - et voila - The graphics are perfect in windows mode.

What's going on?
Why does the game run perfectly as a fullscreen window but looks totally lousy in real fullscreen mode?
(This only happens in DAoC BTW - All other games look fantastic thus far!)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:53 pm
by Xest
Sounds like it is setting a filter or something, but if you haven't got any set it shouldn't!

Not meaning to sound mean but this is exactly why I avoid ATI cards, the ATI card in my replacement laptop (the old one was a nVidia) fails to run DAoC in Windowed mode properly despite being a vastly higher spec card than the nVidia it replaced, it stutters horribly such that it's unplayable but works fine full screen.

All I can really suggest is look for any per-game filtering options and if there aren't any set, try playing with different drivers - newest aren't always best when it comes to graphics cards, you may want to backtrack to older drivers.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:09 pm
by OohhoO
I'm perfectly happy with it, apart from this little problem with DAoC in fullscreen mode.
LotRo just looks fantastic :)
What could be happening differently in fullscreen mode than in windowed mode which makes it activate a yellow filter?
Windowed mode must be DX9C steered I guess
Fullscreen mode something else? OpenGL or something?

The X1950 isn't on the list of supported graphics cards for LotM or DR, but then again, no graphic card which has been released only in the last year or so is on the list of supported cards so... :p

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:26 pm
by Elrandhir
OohhoO wrote:I'm perfectly happy with it, apart from this little problem with DAoC in fullscreen mode.
LotRo just looks fantastic :)
What could be happening differently in fullscreen mode than in windowed mode which makes it activate a yellow filter?
Windowed mode must be DX9C steered I guess
Fullscreen mode something else? OpenGL or something?

The X1950 isn't on the list of supported graphics cards for LotM or DR, but then again, no graphic card which has been released only in the last year or so is on the list of supported cards so... :p

It's just some feature on the new card that need to temporarely be disabed probably, you might be able to fix it yourself from the GFX card interface menu.

I would try to search the net about the Cards compatibility with Daoc, and if there is a fix suggestion.

ATI is in no way worse then NVIDIA, compatibility wise one or the other may have problem at times, but I have never had any problems really, also I have had both types, and performance is more or less Equal, but you usually get ATI's Cards cheaper.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:10 pm
by Xest
Windowed and fullscreen are both DirectX in DAoC, it doesn't use OpenGL at all, so you can at least save some time by ignoring any OpenGL options as you search for a solution ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:03 pm
by Etharion
Something to look into might be clocks your card is using in fullscreen 3D mode. Even though i doubt it to be the issue, since in other games it works fine apparently.

In windowed mode the card will run on 2D clocks/voltages which are lower (and slower) than the 3D clocks. When a fullscreen 3D application is started the cards core/memory clocks and voltages get raised automatically. This is one of the differences between windowed and fullscreen mode for sure.

Can try something like ATITool to manually control clocks (and voltages), but better know what you're doing then. Could try forcing it to stay on the 2D clocks when swapping to 3D mode to see if the "yellow filter" is still there.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:28 pm
by Belisar
I had some aggro with my ATI card and DAoC. Even took it to a computer hospital in the end and they could not find anything that would help. Ended up with a new card.

It seems there is an issue with some (not all) ATI cards and DAoC. I did see a note once from Mythic acknowledging this but not actually saying what (if anything) could be done.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:38 am
by OohhoO
My "solution" is to run DAoC in windowed mode, and make the desktop size & window size so it looks like it's fullscreen.

I can still run maximum graphics with zero lag like that so I guess I'll just wait for ATI or Mythic to sort it out. It's a very popular gamers card apparently so I guess it'll get fixed at one end or the other eventually.