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Advice on DAOC recording using graphics card s-video out to tv card

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:42 am
by Cromcruaich
NFD GG1 want to start recording their rvr sessions but rather than use fraps I would much rather use a hardware solution.

Now ive got a radeon 9800xt with an S-video out, and it looks like I should be able to get screen output to the s-video out and the vga (or dvi connector) at the same time. I've identified several tv and movie editing cards that have an s-video in for sticking in a seperate pc for recording the output.

What I want to know is are there any things I need to be aware of before purchasing a tv-in/movie editing card for this purpose, have people successfully done this with a radeon card, and finally what tv-in/editing cards people recommend.

thanks in anticipation!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:32 am
by HappyG
Ello :)

First of all, reconsider using fraps. I'm sure at least someone in your GG has a good box to run it, and when talking about quality, it seriously pwns PAL output.

About the best you can get from TV signal is what you can see in Quivna's movies. He used S-video -> digital cam -> fireware to get it back on the PC.

I don't know much about different TV cards, but I do know, some cheaper cards wont automaticly cut the black border that comes arround the picture in PAL signal, so you'll have to do it yourself when youll edit the movie later on. Not much of a problem, but if you can avoid it...

My first movie was done with GeForce S-video output on a classic VCR, than back via S-video into a cheap (cheapest I could get) TV tuner. Besides the fact that PAL resolution is crap, VCR fucks up the colors, it worked out fine, so yeah its doable.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:42 am
by Cromcruaich
Ta for that. By the response looks like not many people use hardware recording. I'll spend 40 quid or so on a card and give it a go - can always use it as an expensive and energy inefficient radio on the other PC if it doesnt work.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:10 pm
by Octagon
wtf!! you gonna record my fuckups for all to see??

the shame the shame :( :(