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Lag in game ;(

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:21 pm
by Mailimber

I am having terrible bad lag in-game on and off and several LD's, linked to a SS of ping plotter, there are no server's with a big latency as such but i notice alot of packets are being dropped. The only difference between this pic and one when i ld is the ld one has ERR on a couple of the severs at a time and this seems to jump from server to sever at different times.

Dont know much about this area so any help would be nice. I am on a Wireless microwave internet connection btw odds are thats the problem, but i was garunteed by the company that there would be nearly no lag or latency in-game ;( I recently moved home and this wireless was the only broadband i can get. Any advise/help is most welcome.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:40 pm
by Adianna
Simple answer. On the 9th hop you get routed to .nyc02. where nyc stands for New York City. So these 6000 kilometers across the lake and another 6000 back in addition to all the cross-atlantic traffic are what causes your lag and packet loss. I'd say this is mainly a provider or over-regional provider issue.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:36 pm
by Ankh Morpork

Dunno what to do about this one :(
