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FAO mods

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:29 pm
by Monk
um not sure why but i cant post on crafters corner, just says i dont have permission :(

i want permission :P

anyway if its possible to sort it out thatd be cool

just in case its not:

whats the lowest level armor and weps proc levels (yes nich is an alchemist but i cant remember what lvls his are and hes only 400ish)

anyway thx in advance

ooh and PS b4 ppl go send pm etc
posted it here coz a: i dont know who mods are and b: maybe others have the same problem

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:15 pm
by Ayana
I don't see any settings that would restrict you from posting in the Crafters Corner. What does your Posting Rules panel (lower left corner of screen) say when you're in the Crafters Corner forum?

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:27 pm
by Lairiodd
I modified my 2nd account to have the same settings as you (registered user with hib secrets access) and I can post.
ooh and PS b4 ppl go send pm etc
posted it here coz a: i dont know who mods are and b: maybe others have the same problem
You can see mods here

This can also be accessed from the front page with view forum leaders.

In summary:

Abbandon and Ayana are the admins.

Super Mods are Banana and me (I also have admin rights).

Atm, Abbandon is working on his WOW guild web page mainly so you might get a faster response from one of the others. It is possible for any of the 4 to post about it in the mod forum the problem is complex.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:00 am
by Monk
hmm not sure why its doing it

i can reply to posts and i cant see any problem with me posting but it gives the "u may not have sufficient privelages or..." page when i try open a new thread.

its not a big deal, just cant seem to get it working

nothing about posting rules in there either

well just a bug probably so wont matter too much i guess, can always make a 2nd acct and try again

thx for replies guys

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:04 am
by Ayana
Would rather fix it than ignore it, so any information you can provide would be helpful. You should have a small panel in the lower right of your screen showing your permissions, ie. "You may post new threads" etc.

If any of those settings show may not, somethings wrong. Alternatively, PM me with your forum password for testing purposes.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:23 am
by Monk
kk its working now, dunno why it wasnt before, but from what i can gather, i have to refresh every time i come onto here and then it will do it, think that might be my IE settings tho, so ill check that out

it must have just though i hadn't been activated :)

anyway thx for the replies, got it, anyone having same problem try refresh

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:56 am
by Ayana
The only thing I can think of that might be causing this, is that you had yet to confirm your email address (activation) when trying to create the new thread.

Anyway, happy the problem solved itself.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:43 am
by Lieva
okies now the problem has been sorted ill move the orig post to crafters corner so ou can get it answered and the rest to tech help ;)