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Game crashes to desktop without an error

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:50 pm
by nibs
Well here we go, lets see if any hibbies can help me out:

When i play my mentalist in typhons reach/ashen isle, it has a nasty habit of crashing to desktop without warning, just closes teh game, and leaves me in windows.

Yet i can play my other characters out there without this happening.

Ive ran no end of tests on pc to ensure it wasnt faulty hardware, ive reinstalled windows and the game, ive ensured drivers etc are upto date, tried old drivers. Deleted the character .ini file, tried standard UI's, turning client sleep on or off, running game in a window or full screen.

Yet i still cant think up a reason for this to happen :)

And the reason i want the mentalist to work is so i can get me my scrolls!! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:20 pm
by Genedril
Don't suppose you're running an ATI gfx card are you? I know some people have had issues with them over heating & doing just this.

Mine, on the other hand, have been fine - though my GF does complain about living in a fridge :nervous:.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:28 pm
by nibs
i am runnign an ATI Radeon 9800 pro, and it over heating has crossed my mind. I have under clocked it, and checked (the touchie feelie way) and it seems to run about as hot as my cpu (50 ish) at a geuss

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:32 am
by Flippant Desires
nibs wrote:Well here we go, lets see if any hibbies can help me out:

When i play my mentalist in typhons reach/ashen isle, it has a nasty habit of crashing to desktop without warning, just closes teh game, and leaves me in windows.

Yet i can play my other characters out there without this happening.

This has nothing to do with technical problems.

If you really believe that it's 1 character only, then have a chat to GOA support. As there is no tech. solution to solve this.

Ofc, it could be that you've been playing your Ment a lot, and so have suddenly noticed an existing problem more clearly. In which case look back and note down every bit of software and config change you have made in the last 2 weeks or so.

Things don't suddenly screw-up, it's nearly always a new prog installed or , seemingly minor, config change.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:53 am
by nibs
tisnt only the menta, tryed to go on DV farm with my chanter last night, and same thing kept happening in the dungeon :(


if i stay clear of typhons reach/ashen isle/ml7 im fine. sadly that means theres some things i cant get or do tho.

grrr :)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:58 am
by Norcott
have you run all the adware ware spy ware stuff and give ya reg file a good clean out,.. i think cuch got a post in here somewhere with some software names which are good to use..

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:08 pm
by Ovi
nibs wrote:tisnt only the menta, tryed to go on DV farm with my chanter last night, and same thing kept happening in the dungeon :(


if i stay clear of typhons reach/ashen isle/ml7 im fine. sadly that means theres some things i cant get or do tho.

grrr :)

Done a complete file check when starting DAOC? It could be one of the files related to that area has become corrupt.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:12 pm
by Selenia
Right, I've had this on a couple of occasions and at one point it made the game completely unplayable.

Firstly, have you (as Norcott stated) run a complete file check. Sometimes when your game crashes it corrupts certain files that are needed to run the game.

Secondly, have you any customised user interfaces? I had one that made playing one character completely impossible for one reason (and har har, yes I'm still a noob after three years). Have you added any additional hardware programs since?

Also, get yourself something called MotherBoard Manager 5 and monitor the temperature of your CPU. I crashed repeatedly during summer for no reason that I could determine. After Slar's advice I got this program and found out that my CPU was running at 77 degrees C. Took the sides of the computer off and added another fan, no problems since.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 pm
by nibs
well then, heres the list of what ive done:

Reinstalled Game
Reinstalled Windows XP SP2
Tryed Different RAM Chips
New HDD (didnt do it especially, me old ones died)
Old GFX Card Drivers
New GFX Card Drivers
Old Motherboard Drivers
New Motherboard Drivers
Running Game from a different hdd
Running a program to check whether ram is faulty (for 12 hrs straight)
Scan disked
Cleaned Fans In Case
Ran adaware pro

Tryed Standard UI's, clean install of game with no custom UI's present.
Running a complete file check

As for mbm, always used that and it tells me my cpu idles at 54, runs at 59 fully loaded (which its done for over a year now ;)) and side of case has been off since i built it :P

So i've tried a fair few things, and it still happens :P

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:09 pm
by klonk
You're not running a ATI Radeon 9800 card? :p

I am (a 9800xt - 256 ram) and I had crashes at the same spot in old Emain, right on the edge of the Breifine / Emain border. I suspected there was some corrupted game file or smt, because it seemed I would go LD when the game tried to load a bunch of trees that were there.

But I switched off ToA trees, and still go LD. Bought new RAM, still go LD. Sucks, my comp is supposed to be quite good, but it's very unreliable atm :(

Trying complete file check now on Daoc to see if that helps