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Graphics Bug

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:12 pm
by Lieva
Got an odd graphics bug where little squares appear round my toons feet.
Tried windows update re drivers but not Nvidia as i prefer til microsoft guarantee them ^^

settings are

Graphics = Nvidia Geforce4 Ti
Opp = Windows XP
Proc = Pentium 4 1.9 GHZ
Ram = 1GB

my other computer works fine

settings are

Graphics = Sapphire Radeon X300SE 128MB (default card)
Opp = Windows XP
Proc = Pentium 2.9
Ram = 512 MB

As you can see besides the processing speed and the graphics card both computers are very similar so im unsure what could be causing the problem?


also is there an easier way of finding your graphics card? Nvidia bounces at you where as the radeon - i found through the options in DaoC ! Tried the screensaver thing - only get a bunch of ATI options..
sure the hardware options only tells you about my VDU also...

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 9:34 am
by georgie
I would suggest using the latest drivers from nvidia, ignore the "not certified by MS" thingy, tis all poop anyway. :)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:02 pm
by Bidi
There was a third party group that had some accelerated drivers - Omega I think they were, but the X300 is pretty new'ish, I dont know if they support it yet.

Also dont put too much faith in MS products/certification this is the same people that that gave us IE...........<nuff said>

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:45 pm
by Lasaeonn
You could used DXDiag.exe to check your system it will give information about gfx cards and drivers (From start menu select run and type DXDiag).

I have had a problem with some faces resently they produced large triangles but after I did a full file check they seem to have gone so it looks like I hade a corrupt file. Details of doing a full file check can be found here