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Naruto (No Manga Spoilers!)
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 1:16 pm
by Bubble
pff going to recreate this thread again

Since most of the readers of this forum download Naruto as soon as its subbed theres not much point me going WOW YOU GOTTA SEE EPISODE 120!
For those who haven't seen it before
Naruto is a Action/Ninja anime, its a fun anime but suffers from DBZ Syndrome (ie 1 fight lasting 6 episodes). It has good music and fight sceens but unfortunatly in the Anime (not the manga) they are always trying to Push things like Teamwork/Honestly/Trust and everything else you see in childrens cartoons.
It might have a slow start but it gets very goof fast after that.
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:16 am
by willowywicca
It's s0000000ks!!! 
Well, it's alright and watchable, but highly overrated by many!
Has many good points, but a lot of flaws too imo, mainly a lot of things get too long drawn out and flashbacks are at times overused, or used at rather inappropriate times (eg during the middle of what should be climactic fights! but the flashbacks kill any tension off x<)..
That being said, I still watch it 
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:34 am
by Bubble
Yeah the flashbacks often repeat themselfs over and over
Like there was a whole episode of flashbacks in the Gaara V Rock Lee fight which kinda ruined it (it was still a kickass fight tho)
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:11 am
by Korax
I bet you would like it alot more if it werent "overrated" malev. Anyway, since peoples rating reflect their opinion, its only overrated to you. I do hate the flashbacks (ep. 120 was packed with it, arrrgh), but I simply love the rest of the show. Part of the reason that it beats the crap out of other animes is probably that 10 of my IRL friends watch it, and that makes it more fun.
Its not an accident that it is as popular as it is.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:44 am
by Bubble
I wish i didn't put no Manga spoilers
because you got to read it

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:20 pm
by Bubble
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:46 am
by Korax
Baaarrrrgh. I really hope some subbers will keep subbing it. I assume someone will.
Will they dub it? Could be funneh to see what they make out of it. But DONT DELAY MY WEEKLY NARUTO! xD
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:36 pm
by willowywicca
Korax wrote:Baaarrrrgh. I really hope some subbers will keep subbing it. I assume someone will.
Will they dub it? Could be funneh to see what they make out of it. But DONT DELAY MY WEEKLY NARUTO! xD
I'd say it's pretty safe to say *someone* will keep fansubbing it, it's too popular a series for it to completely disappear just cos it got licensed
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:52 pm
by Jalanteriel
AOne is still subbing it. Episode 124 was a right laugh. Though I'm starting to get a Dragonball feeling it to it all, where fights can lasts up to 20 episodes and there's no progress at all in the storyline
Bleach seems to be the best alternative out for me atm. Though I'm getting quite Drawn into Yakitate Japan :bandit: An anime series about making the ultimate japanese bread, Ja"pan" geddit? :surprise: highly enjoyable.
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 11:51 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Jalanteriel wrote:Bleach seems to be the best alternative out for me atm. Though I'm getting quite Drawn into Yakitate Japan :bandit: An anime series about making the ultimate japanese bread, Ja"pan" geddit? :surprise: highly enjoyable.
You gotta be kidding, thats actually the story???