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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:57 am
by willowywicca
Korax wrote:GAah, whats with the spoiler!? :(!

Well, given that I always write my views about the stuff I've just watched, general discussion thread is always full of possible spoilers :x The only solution is, to watch all the stuff I watch before reading! :D

Hmm, forgot to mention it, but Samurai Champloo ended :( Don't want to spoiler it much (hoho :P )but was quite good, tho not brilliant. I think mugen shoulda been able to beat that guy more easily tho ]

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:00 pm
by willowywicca
Korax wrote:heh, most likely I wont remember the name when I start watching My-Hime as I dont know the character you mentioned. And if its not true I guess that ok too. ^^










Well, tbh, it doesn't matter if you remember the name, since at this point in the show (ep25, 1 more to go!) nearly everyone has died or atleast been defeated and had their loved one die ><

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:15 pm
by Bubble
Pfft some animes need to last longer :)

Yeah, the series got a bit messed up right at the end of the Karoke night ^^
It was 2am last night and i decided i needed sleep :p will watch the others tommorrow :)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:58 pm
by Korax
willowywicca wrote:









Well, tbh, it doesn't matter if you remember the name, since at this point in the show (ep25, 1 more to go!) nearly everyone has died or atleast been defeated and had their loved one die ><
Gah, I kinda read it anyway. :(! Someone died... but I dont know witch anime or anything so I'll be alright.

Anyway, I read abit around on Elfen Lied and seen more then one place that it has 14 episodes... Can this be true? I only have 13 and it really ended there. The episode even said the end at the end. It was a great ending, so I dont really need enother one to ruin it. :'(

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:14 pm
by Shaank
having trouble finding a comparison, but anyway, originally the series do last longer in a sense. it is fed to the public at a set hour one or two days a week over a period of time. actually a bag of chips is a good comparison to fansubbed or exported anime series.


quote from animenfo
* Episode 14 is a special that will be released on DVD only.

so it's probably like some other series, a standalone episode that doesn't follow the actual storyline. like the crimson four-leaf clover in naruto.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:13 pm
by willowywicca
Shaank wrote:so it's probably like some other series, a standalone episode that doesn't follow the actual storyline. like the crimson four-leaf clover in naruto.

Yeah, or an episode set between some episodes of the series.. probably at some point after most of the characters have been introduced, but before all the ending stuff happens (and before kouta remembers anything).. I'd say it's unlikely to be a continuation.. because lets face it, any further story would ruin a perfectly fine ending

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:44 am
by willowywicca

Picked up volumes 3 and 4 of the Negima manga a few days ago (bookstore didn't have 1 or 2, and since I've seen the anime I figured I could start in the middle ;x ) since despite the anime being rather poor overall, I really like miyazaki's character, and was hoping to see more of her in the manga. For those who don't know, it's by Ken Akamatsu of Love Hina fame (his third manga, love hine being his 2nd).. I love it :D it's really great, I enjoy reading it more than I did Love Hina, even tho I guess it's quite similar, but I prefer the characters, nodoka miyazaki the overly shy girl is sooo kawaii and setsuna sakurazaki is just *too* cool, and cute to boot! :D I really love these two characters, and would keep reading for them alone ;o but many of the rest of the cast (negi the teachers, 31 girls as his students, and a handful of other teachers) are all very likeable too, and all quite distinctive and unique..

So in summary, anime sucks (tho I still watch it cos I like some of the characters) and the manga is wonderful \o/

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:22 pm
by Bubble
sounds interesting :p

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:34 pm
by willowywicca

My Hime has ended! And omg what a silly cheesy ending it was, tho it was still fun. Shizuru's "forgive me" was very funny lol :D I went completely nuts as a psycho lesbian and killed loads of people and hurt you all, but I'll fix it all with a smile! haha :D Anyway, through some completely unexplained means, Miyu saved the day and brought *everyone* back to life.. Yep, so the ridiculously high death count was all for nothing :/ Even people who died and hadn't just glittered away (sister + boyfriend teacher for example) came back perfectly fine :x So yeah, that was all silly x< Tho Haruka's reappearance rocked :D

So all in all, a very happy ending full of lots of funny moments and overall a pretty entertaining series throughout, even if the ending is a total copout and all the pain and suffering should of continued! But a funny cheerful ending ain't so bad either ;) And lots of breast cuddling by mikoto never hurts either :P

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:27 pm
by Bubble
I was waiting for #STATIC-SUBS to release it :)

I liked the series, shame it ended like that and it was so fluffy untill the episode where they all discovered they were going to have to kill each others most Precious people :)