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Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:18 pm
by Bubble
Such perfectionists :)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:08 pm
by Bubble

Girls Bravo Season 2 has been Licenced :(

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:58 pm
by Luinmir
Anyone got good Homepage with nice videos? I remember we had some in the old forum .. but forgot them.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:43 am
by willowywicca
Bubble wrote:Noooooo!

Girls Bravo Season 2 has been Licenced :(

What AnimeYuki have to say on the matter:
"Girlsrbavo 2 will still be fansubbed regardless it is licensed in North America. AnimeYuki is an Austrralian group and it is only affected when it is licensed in Australia or other places within region 4. Our local distributor will be Madman Entertainment. No news from them for now, however"

So will still be fansubbed..

Bucket loads of episodes for me to watch today anyhows, I'd better get started on em!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:07 am
by Korax
Reed wrote:I'm sure it's Sousuke, Sagara.. :P Your like way of track New hib!! damn juu!! and omg?? Fumaffu???? <--- what it's that? ... A japaneese resturent for imported onigiri's?? a new brand of wet proof rubber boots??? a steam powered train with gas fuel supply?? nooo, it's UNCORRECT!!! Fumoffu!!!
resturent? Uncorrect? Get a clue n00b!

Apart for that, my anime days are over. Unless the wow servers go down my anime watching time has been devided by 100. Damn :\ .

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:10 am
by willowywicca
Korax wrote:resturent? Uncorrect? Get a clue n00b!

Apart for that, my anime days are over. Unless the wow servers go down my anime watching time has been devided by 100. Damn :\ .

I'm sure you'll find time again after you get lvl60 and have nothing else to do in wow :p And you can always watch some anime while queueing to get onto your server! (if you're on a high pop one)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:57 am
by Flippant Desires
willowywicca wrote:
Hentai is Anime porn, Anime in general is not porn, however the barrier between what is and is not porn is sometimes a little less restrictive in Anime than in western cultures, perhaps :p Nudity is more common in anime without it being porn for example ..

There is of course a large amount of anime which is in no way porn-like at all too... Tho if you listen to the series I post about you might not believe that :p

japanese business men with school-girl fetish.... errrmm... or ... hmmm :p

jap porn is great :) honour, society, role-model, hehe.

apparently.... Reed is claiming he's only 20yrs old... wtf?

ps <thinks> Malev is total pr0n freak posting those images :D

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:31 am
by willowywicca
Flippant Desires wrote: ps <thinks> Malev is total pr0n freak posting those images :D

Was bubble who made me do it! I'm completely innocent :(

Also, seems my understanding of japanese is rising! Watched Ultimate Girls 6 raw off the moe website, and actually understood about 80% of it oO Admittedly they don't really use any complicated language (the entire episode is pretty standard stuff lol :p ) but still, normally I can understand like 10-20% of a raw ep, so \o/

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:55 am
by Reed
how old did you think I was? .. and Korax your missing the point! you have no right to attack my spelling when it has nothing to do with the actual point! givf anime moderator rights again, Im gonna flower all his posts

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:13 pm
by willowywicca
Reed wrote:how old did you think I was? .. and Korax your missing the point! you have no right to attack my spelling when it has nothing to do with the actual point! givf anime moderator rights again, Im gonna flower all his posts

No! The power is mine, and mine alone! None may share in it, mwahahahahaha! :D