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Post by Korax »

willowywicca wrote:
Just focus on the pretty racoongirl magical maid in my avatar and ignore all teh confusing things! Hmm, and ignore what I just said she was then too :D
I have played a hentai game called "Lets meow meow" that has alot cuter cat girls in it!

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Post by willowywicca »

Korax wrote:I have played a hentai game called "Lets meow meow" that has alot cuter cat girls in it!

I too have played Let's Meow Meow, and I cannot agree to them being cuter than koyori ]

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Post by Korax »

With the exeption that the Girls in Lets meow meow was cute and all, it wasnt really a great game. I enjoyed it alright, but you dont take any real choises and if you say the wrong thing, you just take it back and say the other thing. I've seen other hentai games that uses the same interface. Meaning either its the same people making all those games, or they use the same program to make the games. Anyway, they seem to be the same... cute girls, no actual story or choises. Granted, you are there for the girls, but it would be alot more fun if you actually earned them and if they had a decent story.
Anyone know of any good hentai games?

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Post by willowywicca »

Korax wrote:With the exeption that the Girls in Lets meow meow was cute and all, it wasnt really a great game. I enjoyed it alright, but you dont take any real choises and if you say the wrong thing, you just take it back and say the other thing. I've seen other hentai games that uses the same interface. Meaning either its the same people making all those games, or they use the same program to make the games. Anyway, they seem to be the same... cute girls, no actual story or choises. Granted, you are there for the girls, but it would be alot more fun if you actually earned them and if they had a decent story.
Anyone know of any good hentai games?

Most hentai games seem to be like that, think brave soul is sorta like an action rpg if you want to try that. Ones I would say have good stories would be Come See Me Tonight (1 not 2) and Heart de Roommate.

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Post by Bubble »

Good story in a Hentai game... I thought Divi Dead was pretty good it had a semi story too it and didn't have that much Hentai in it (notice the games with not much have better storys) Heart de Roommate was okay, bit of a sad ending tho

I know some good Anime games with great storys (like Xenogears)

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Post by willowywicca »

Mwahahahahaha :D

This new season of anime ROCKS! There's so many things I want to see, and there's 2 series which get the official malev seal-of-uberness!

Did anyone watch the original futakoi? :o Well, I didn't, it was a romantic drama thing about many twins afaik, and not particularily popular. Anyway, futakoi alternative is like a parallel universe or something, same twins except it's an action/comedy, the opening alone probably will cause anyone who watched the first series to have their head explode (aerial snowboarding, swords, machine guns, helicopters, many missiles and rockets and explosions and twins). So yep, it's completely different to futakoi, and it's also completely brilliant :D The first episode introduces us to rentarou (21year old private detective) and his 2 assistants Sara (uber!) and Souju (15year old twins), and also some Yakuza people and 2 police officers, one whose nickname is Dirty Harry lol. And it's basically a day in the life of the Futaba Detective Agency, won't really say more than that, but it's not a quiet day by any stretch of theimagination hehe. The first episode has set a very high standard, if they can keep it up throughout the entire series this'll be one of the best animes of all time :o I sure hope they can :D

Wow bloody :x This is kinda like elfen lied in that it's extremely bloody and much cuteness, tho it's a comedy not serious like elfen lied. It's about dokuro-chan, the angel who clubs people to death (yes I'm serious, translate the title if you don't believe me).She has come from the future with her mace escaliborg to kill a guy named Sakura, except she changed her mind and instead protects him, altho she regularily gets upset by him and kills him with her mace, then brings him back to life with her magic after calming down. It's maaaad, but eally really funny. Next episodes not out til May 15th tho :(

Those 2 are both must-watch series, you haven't lived if you don't watch both! Another interesting series is erementar gerad, from the first episode, it seems to have a lot of potential imo, seems to be action/adventure and it seems very FFish in setting (airships, pirates, people who become weapons when they merge with a partner). Also Sousei no Aquarion could be good, if you're into mecha stuff.

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Post by Korax »

I guess we cant just ignore "the official malev seal-of-uberness! (tm)", so I'll check it out :).

Anyway, I saw abit of Golden Boy yesterday. Really funny anime. I think its only 6 eps. so everyone should watch it if you havent already. Its about Kintaro Oe, a 25 year old guy thats a dropout from the university. Thats right, he stopped going to the university because he learned everything they had to learn him. Now he is continuing his study in the real world by getting part-time jobs and learning from everyone around him, especially pretty girls. Just so its said, Kintaro's facial expressions > all.

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Post by willowywicca »

Spoilerless futa alt screencaps! x< Didn't take pics of any of the really good bits :p

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Post by willowywicca »

And some dokuro-chan too! x<

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Post by Korax »

Im pretty sure that poor guy hasn't done anything wrong.

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