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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:43 pm
by Argyleyn
Yep, there was a whole discussion about him in general and someone admitted he did 19 tries on him before killing it. It's much easier than you think with raider gear, but doing it at the appropriate level, with green/blue gear and little raiding experience is difficult.

And ovi, noone really cared if the raids were cut to 25 man, that is until people realised someone had to go, and for them it was quite bad.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:58 pm
by Ovi
Heta wrote:problem with MC was that it offerd no challenge for a 40 man raid, think our speed record was 2 h through it

BWL was way more fun
AQ40 sucked ass
Naxx was soso, problem there I was so tierd of my druid that I just didn't want to play at all but as there were no druids around they always nagged me untill I came along
Best MC run for me was when we did it with 25 people :)

BWL was OK. AQ40 I enjoyed first time through, but hated it with a different guild second time. I never got to see Naxx, I grew tired of raiding, especially as I couldn't find a guild that raided at suitable times :(

I really enjoyed both of the 20-man raid instances though :)

Argyleyn, most 40-man raiding guilds could get down to 25-man quite quickly through natural wastage, although I suspect some classes may be hit by becoming less popular which is more to do with the class changes and extra levels than the instances. If a guild is really that worried about losing friends then they could expand to a 50-man guild and run 2 instances at the same time!

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:37 pm
by Heta
Argyleyn wrote:It's much easier than you think with raider gear, but doing it at the appropriate level, with green/blue gear and little raiding experience is difficult.
The warrior I am playing was and is in blue/greens from TBC as I had never done a instance higher then Ubrs with it. Was my druid that I had been raiding on before

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:08 pm
by Shi
Heta wrote: whats the trick to make it alot easier?
you can dot him from the point the rider jumps off already, or sth like that
never did that tho myself, we started beating him up when the rider died and he landed

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:41 pm
by Heta
Tanked Shattered Halls and Shadow Labyrinth as a lvl 68 warrior today, was alot of fun :)

but lol when I came around the last corner and saw what was there I kinda gulped a bit :)

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:33 pm
by willowywicca
I've been enjoying TBC quite a bit, started a new shaman for it, up to lvl65 now - rushed up to lvl59 then taken my time enjoying the new TBC areas since then. Leveling 1-20 in the new draenei section is an absolute joy, sooooo much nicer than all the other starting areas (and you even get to slay a dragon!).

Running the lower level instances in hellfire citadel/coilfang reservoir, I quite like how short each one is. It means it's not a massively long commitment to join a group and run one. Been doing them in PUGs with quite a bit of success, impressed by how much better druid tanks are now than warriors (they rock for holding aggro of multiple mobs (the one I grouped in was entirely in TBC greens btw), while warriors seem to be struggling with even 1 >< player skill a factor too I guess). Did the last ramparts boss first try with no deaths in a random group of people in BC greens, so dunno why it's so hard, but yeah they were clearly experienced players. Did another group in Auchindoun Mana Tombs yesterday where the warrior priest and paladin clearly all were very inexperienced, and we wiped to the first boss 3 times, killed him on the 4th then gave up on the rest x< Overall though, been surprised at the quality of the PUGs, especially given I'm leveling up now after the main hardcore raiders bracket, so most of the people I get to group with are more of the casual type (with perhaps a little raiding experience).

Anyhows, overall quite fun, tis nice (being a new character and all) that I'm not facing a massive wall of gear to climb to be equal to other chars, but can certainly see how it could be disheartening to those who farmed their old uber gear for a year..