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For all Alliance folks, material for more QQ :P

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:26 pm
by Shi
So yesterday I was running around the plaguelands doing some quests
and getting ganked over and over right ? And this one time I was getting
attacked by 14 rogues at the same time (I'm a warrior) and hit shield
wall, I made it into the vision range of a shaman who instantly healed
my 4k hp to full with an ultra mega healing wave and then all the rogues
went for him. Why he dropped a poison cleansing totem and the poison got
sucked off all the rogues weapons!

Then he dropped a nova totem which hit all the rogues SO HARD they fell
off the internet and their characters got corrupted and had to be
deleted. I thanked him and he said s'ok. He then decided it didn't want
to be there anymore and cast astral recal the uber duper overpowered
super mega giga ultra shaman teleport and because it's so overpowered it
didn't teleport him to his bindspot it teleported his bindspot to him!
On our server the barrens is nopw where the plaguelands used to be and
the plaguelands are where the barrens used to be! OMG talk about

Anyway since this shaman was so giga mega overpowered I got forced to
follow him around because his overpoweredness caused for a field of
gravity to form around him which I wasn't strong enough to get away
from! He went to gadgetzan and saw alliance inside the city ganking poor
defenseless horde generally 15 levels lower then them and he got ANGRY!
He Warstomped, used berserking AND bloodfury all the same time (A shaman
isn't bound by race, they are too uber for that) which utter
overpoweredness forced all the PCs of the ganking alliance to explode
into as fine dust!. A paladin however had shielded and tried to hearth
but he purged the paladin shield cause purge is so overpowered right and
punched that alliance so hard the force causes a fist to come out of the
player's monitor in RL and gave him 2 broken teeth and 2 (ZOMG) black eyes!

Then, he just frost shocked for fun and tanaris stopped being a desert,
it turned into a frozen tundra. Not only that, but it killed ALL the
alliance on ALL the servers at the same time which also caused 2 servers
to crash cause of all the overpowere flowing trough them offcourse.
However the shaman didn't care. Anyway he told me he had enough for
today so he logged out. However because he was so overpowered he didn't
only log his character off he also forced the server to reboot!


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:48 pm
by Geralt
Seriously. Get. Help. Stop. Playing. Warcraft.


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:28 pm
by Shi
Geralt wrote:Seriously. Get. Help. Stop. Playing. Warcraft.

pffff ;)
i still played DAOC much longer than WoW.
WoW only since November :)
In short, no need help yet ;)

ps. or maybe indeed need? hehe, no better game out there anyhow
ps2. For the Horde!
ps3. and it's World of Warcraft pfffx3 ;)
ps4. i should actually play Warcraft 2 again for better immersion, hehe
ps5. over

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:33 pm
by Flippant Desires
I wonder tho...

How many alts have you made so far? And how many of these do you still play? :army:

And why are the alts there? :p

PvE: ...bored
RP:... no groups
PvP:... ganked


Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:38 am
by Radu
Flippant Desires wrote:I wonder tho...

How many alts have you made so far? And how many of these do you still play? :army:

And why are the alts there? :p

PvE: ...bored
RP:... no groups
PvP:... ganked

Same true for daoc, making alts in daoc very same to every mmorpg, you can do the same things over and over repeatedly.. btw no pve groups in daoc, and they are in wow - which matters alot.
Ganking in pvp is very true in every pvp game, but i dont see why people care on it - in wow you dont lose anything if you die in pvp, shrug. Btw you get ganked in frontier zones too in daoc - oh, wait a bit, same people play the both game :D

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:19 am
by Shi
Flippant Desires wrote:I wonder tho...

How many alts have you made so far? And how many of these do you still play? :army:
2 Horde side :)
And only 2 coz I wanna finally actually reach and do some end game content.
And aye playing them all.
Flippant Desires wrote:
And why are the alts there? :p
I always like vary my play thus alts, not coz of boredom or sth
Flippant Desires wrote:
PvE: ...bored
RP:... no groups
PvP:... ganked

guess u speaking of server types.
well, picked pvp to get suitable for me mix of things.
Indeed solo is tuff, but since I play quasi all time with friends I rarely get ganked.
And I know where to go, where not, at what time etc, all that matters.
on normal servers you still got BGs, so not sure what you would be bored of :)
anyhow, boredom is often a personal thing, not arguable matter.
some ppl get bored by anything, it's their problem. no pb for me to keep myself entertained.