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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:48 pm
by HappyG
... am I schizophrenic or BG thread evaporated?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:32 pm
by Shi
HappyG wrote:... am I schizophrenic or BG thread evaporated?
it evaporated :)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:08 am
by HappyG
I blame Xest...

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:52 am
by Succi
K so who's gonna whine about queues first ?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:37 pm
by HappyG
Well than...

Played with 5 men party yesterday - Warsong Gulch. Had 5 games in 5 hours, average wait time 40 minutes, average play time 20 min.

And that is on Daggerspine, very balanced server with about 1.1:1 A:H ratio.

Queue lines for AV are a bit shorter here, however once you've seen alliance base bridge fight you never ever want to go in again.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:04 am
by Ovi
HappyG wrote:Well than...

Played with 5 men party yesterday - Warsong Gulch. Had 5 games in 5 hours, average wait time 40 minutes, average play time 20 min.

And that is on Daggerspine, very balanced server with about 1.1:1 A:H ratio.

Queue lines for AV are a bit shorter here, however once you've seen alliance base bridge fight you never ever want to go in again.

Sounds much like Stormreaver, we even had a few games we won 3-0, where we got 2 flags in 5 mins and it took much longer to get the third... no idea why :o

I guess if lots do that though it will make the queues even worse :(

Still get more honour than the same time spent at TM would've provided though, and much more fun :)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:46 am
by HappyG
Well than, here's my impression on BGs after the first week...

Warsong Gulch
I've played this one with guild party and 4-5 randoms to fill the spot. We had "ok" setup 3x mage, 1x priest, 1x shammie, used voice comms, but in general we were far less strict and trained as DAoC groups are. In about 15 games we lost one against 10 man GG, and won all others against randoms. With weekend wait times around 45 min now, there is no joy winning against random group in 10 minutes, and since you don't get any more CPs after 4th kill, there is no point in holding a flag and just having fun massacring enemies. All in all there is a lack of good fights, because randoms never stop and fight, they just run run run run, and get killed without resistance, while you must have damn luck to fight a organised (guild?) group. Thers one more cookie - because there is general lack of alliance in WG on our server, many times you fight against 8, which is even less fun...
Than when talking about rewards... On saturday I got 11.000 CPs for 5x 3:0 win in WG. On sunday I only played one game, which we lost 1:3 and in total I got 1800 CPs. Now if you compare 2200 CPs for a pure win, and 1800 CPs for well lost game... wtf

Alterac Valley
During the weekend at least we had a chance to fight in WG. Although our server population goes in favour of alliance, on monday most alliance zerg guilds had PvE fests (MC, Onyxia, stuff), so WG queues extended to about 2h. So we went to AV. After 45 min of nice fights (we've done quite some kills outflanking the alliance, and well AEing zerg with 3 mages seems like great fun for a while). Than we got stuck at alliance base bridge. It seems like a common practice on our server - every time you enter AV, you find horde stuck at that bridge. Anyway, we soon got fed up of zerg-ae-ressurect-zerg-ae-ressurect fest, so we went around, took a mine, done some quests, saved that engineer guy, basicly we've done all the faction stuff you can in area between our base and alliance bridge. Actualy it was quite fun, but than doing PvE stuff aint what BGs are about? After 2, 3 hours or so we went back to the alliance bridge, and guess what zerg still fought there, our guys had ice lord on their side, but it didn't help much. I had some fun cleaning alliance mages and hunters on the hill to the right side, but after killing same faces over and over again it got kinda boring. So I took another hour to ninja loot the alliance bodies when they pushed over the bridge. Not much fun clicking on the bodies, that are aswell clicked by everyone else, but than this is what you need to do if you want nicerewards and stuff. After 5 hours or so, I logged out, I got 5000 faction points and 4000 CPs...

But than, ther's a fun side aswell. Often I encounter some alliance hunter named Ayleryeblala or sth, and he is good income of free arpees \o/

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:01 am
by Venoid
Ill put my 2 cents in as a pve'er :p.

I played the WSG BG about 6-7 times, it was fun, Ill give it that, but it did have a couple of problems:

The queue system is just retarded, I can understand them wanting an even game, but it doesnt just queue you on how many instances are running, it queues you on a minimum requirement of at least 5 per side.

This quite frankly sucks, basically dont even bother past about midnight unless your capped in a few months, as neither side will ever reach minimum requirements meaning you will basically have a 8hour+ wait till people log in in the morning.

The other beef I have, was with everyones favourite gank groups :p. I said they would come, and I got the pleasure of meeting my first the other day. 10 level 40's in the 31-40 BG, 1fg on defence, 1 fg on attack, they were assisting and dropping level 38 tanks before my heal spells were going off. Put into the fact we also could only grasp together 5 people vs 10, and we were not at the cap of level 40, and you can imagine the slaughter that occured, needless to say losing 3-0 in under 5minutes sucks ass after waiting 20mins to get in.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:20 am
by Flippant Desires
Venoid wrote:
The queue system is just retarded, I can understand them wanting an even game, but it doesnt just queue you on how many instances are running, it queues you on a minimum requirement of at least 5 per side.

It is a bit mess-up atm, it's suppoed to generate new instances for the demand, that seems a bit doubtful atm tho. But I don't want the system you want. Blizz ought to let ppl in as solo and designate their side, horde/alliance is not relevant.
The other beef I have, was with everyones favourite gank groups :p. I said they would come, and I got the pleasure of meeting my first the other day. 10 level 40's in the 31-40 BG, 1fg on defence, 1 fg on attack, they were assisting and dropping level 38 tanks before my heal spells were going off. Put into the fact we also could only grasp together 5 people vs 10, and we were not at the cap of level 40, and you can imagine the slaughter that occured, needless to say losing 3-0 in under 5minutes sucks ass after waiting 20mins to get in.

Whine! :) Nothing different from daoc, because in any game, some will seek to maximise their group/raid set-up.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:56 am
by Geralt
Flippant Desires wrote: Whine! :) Nothing different from daoc, because in any game, some will seek to maximise their group/raid set-up.
Except that DAOC does'nt have wait queues and also there are some strategies you could use for your advantages :)