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WoW is bloody ace!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:45 pm
by Nikolas
I have to admit after playing WoW for the weekend i'm totally blown away by Blizzards work. Tbh I didn't quite know what to expect, but it's class! I havent even experianced lag yet either which is a bonus :)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:48 pm
by Moley:)
Yeah i have to admit it is go0d, though it is a completely different game to DAOC. I watched my bro xp and in WoW you level so much easier .. then i watched hi fish for 3 hours ;) *yawn* any how it runs great on a 56k which is an achievement anyway.. the one pitfull in the game is not many people i have seen chat to each othetr and have a reat commmunity in game like . But hey it has just started, i wish peeps the best i the gamre but im still hooked on Daoc :D

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:04 pm
by Moley:)
PS. I apologise for the atrocious typing :shocked:

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:05 pm
by Ovi
Hopefully when people get higher level and need groups more the community spirit will start. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:07 pm
by Argyleyn
It's really cool, quite impressed with the world's size and with the amount of funny scenes :) Very interesting way to xp as well, very anti-grind, even if some fetch 'x boar drops' quests are really annoying when the boars never drop them!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:37 pm
by Miles
Love it so far :classic:

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:06 pm
by Cryn
I'm loving it. No lag (you hardly ever have to zone, which is amazing). The graphics are not as cartoony as people said they'd be, and the PvE is actually fun. Quest-based play keeps me interested the whole time.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:04 pm
by Bone
If your Alliance. The Van Cleef quest is totally amazing. The giant forge, the big boat.

I wont say anymore it'll spoil it.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:44 am
by Gitt
Yep it's official, even a die hard DAoC addict like me has gotten hooked on WoW!

The experience system is mainly exploration and quest orientated, and the quests are clear, well designed and above all fun.. the ability to share quests with friends is also a nice touch.

This almost totally removes the dull xp grind. (I even tried to slow down leveling so others could catch up... its surprisingly hard to not level :p )

The user interface is well designed and logical, I havent even bothered to look at the manual tbh, everything seems to be exactly where you would expect it, and if you find yourself thinking "wouldn't it be good if...." then press a few buttons and the chances are it's there somewhere :D

The screen is almost totally uncluttered by vision obscuring boxes and yet manages to display everything you want including a map.. the ability to see other party members on the map is particularly usefull.

The crafting system is much more involving than DAoC, as resources need to be gathered, recipe's learned etc which certainly makes it less dull than the repetative key pressing of DAoC. Personally I kind of miss the oportunity to just sit and chat or read a book while crafting but I think most people will see it as an improvement.

The general feel of the game is much more arcade style than DAoC which takes a little getting used to, and I have yet to see how this style lends itself to PvP. My gut instinct is that WoW PvP will lack the dynamic, reaction intensive edge of DAoC.. which depending on your prefered playstyle could be seen as a possitive or a negative.. to me its a negative but I'll live with it ;)

On the whole its a really, really good game.. it's no replacement for DAoC imo, as the two games are vastly different in style (would be like comparing Total War to CAC.. same genre, totally different approach) but its well worth taking a look at :)

<edit> oh yes, lag.. almost non existant, even in the huge, graphicly detailed, highly populated cities there is almost no perceivable lag... its impressive!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:06 am
by Hoonius
Aye the game has many good points, crafting is very good and doesn't stop you playing. The Gathering crafts are done in between xping and not a totally seperate side of the game, and it beats buying all the raw materials of NPC chars as in DAoC. And any class can be any profession wich i find very good as well

Lag can get bad sometimes. We been playing on Burning Blade server and, while the queuing has dropped to almost non-existance, the instanced dungeons can sometime be a little laggy and some containers don't loot properly leaving you in a halfway state of nearly looting and nearly walking. They are working through these bugged containers tho by all accounts

Play can sometimes can be a bit lonely tho. I find that some quests are too hard for solo play but way too easy for groups to tackle. But overall is a very well thought out game so far. Let's see how the quests go later on