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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:43 pm
by Flippant Desires
Cernos wrote:Yeah, the auction system is great and really helps develop a bustling economy. And being able to mail items to other characters as attachments (with a reasonable delivery delay to prevent abuses of the system) is a wonderful feature.

I'm just starting to get a name for my gunsmith atm, and a few ppl have started asking for guns to be delivered by mail-order (touchy subject hehe). It's great as I can place the delivery as 'Cash on Delivery'.

With the Auction system, combine it with a few add-ons [player made scripts], and my enchanter knows which items to buy - and then rip-apart for the raw materials he needs for enchanting. ToolTip addon also gives you info on every item - what it's used for and sell/buy price.... superb idea.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:15 pm
by Cernos
Ovi wrote:As for the graphics, I think they are actually really good. The clouors are bright and vibrant, but the scenery doesn't really look that cartoony (I think WoW Water > DAoC Water for example).
Some of the scenery is genuinely breathtaking and the changing light really adds to this too. Things can look very different at different times of the day and night and depending if the sun or moon are up, stars are out etc. Sometimes just travelling about is a pleasure in itself.

Best of all, you can actually SEE at night. None of the eyestrain inducing darkness that some other games including DAOC favour. For me this is a huge plus (too much RvR at night in DAOC would give me headaches from straining to see the action).
The biggest plus for me though has got to be the fact that I can play one account and be happy with my progress, not only saving £8/month but also the cost of replacing my 2nd machine.
Yes, this is huge. I've gone from paying for 4 DAOC accounts (2 EU, 2 US though not always concurrently) to just one WoW account. My credit card is going to like that - a quarter of the subs but not a quarter of the fun :D

Besides the money, it's a real breath of fresh air to not have to deal with all the hassle of dragging a buffbot around (yes I know you don't HAVE to in DAOC but we all know how the game has evolved to make it more or less necessary). My 2nd computer has remained switched off completely for a whole month. No more shoulder strain from reaching across to the buffbot keyboard all the time.

There was a time of course when buffbots were unknown of in DAOC and things may change in WoW. However, the buffs offered by priests and druids aren't extensive and are on a timer. Whilst they are very useful to have they are far from essential. Those seeking a bit of a boost in 1v1 PvP have in-game things to turn to, such as alchemy and engineering toys. But since these are options available to all, it's a level playing field.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:13 am
by Cryn
I've not done PvP in WoW, so can't comment on it (I'm prepared to accept Rami's assessment since I can't see it being that great), but PvE is much better than DAoC.

In DAoC, I can't face PvE these days. I only ever do it as favours for people, and when I do, I rely heavily on the chat to help alleviate the boredom of standing on one spot for hours pull-kill-pull-kill.

In WoW it is the reverse. I actively enjoy exploring all the zones, which are put together very well, and you rarely have to stay in one spot too long. Even when you have to hunt a certain mob type for a quest, you generally have to move about a fair amount. This gives us a problem for community, though. It seems most people are not natural socialisers, and if are not given groups on a plate, they won't go look for them when they can solo. Also, WoW has some mechanics that can give rise to negative grouping experiences, leading some people to avoid grouping with strangers.

So at the moment, I am enjoying the gameplay of WoW, since I'm not 60, and PvE is fun there. I'm also enjoying the social side through the guild, but not as much as I did in DAoC.

This compares to my options in DAoC, which are what? The game is built around solo classes now, and I don't have one. I can't face rolling an alt, so I have no good options. If class balance didn't encourage everyone to roll rangers, I think DAoC RvR could still be a lot of fun, but it does, and with Catacombs it'll get worse because everyone will be given the option of another great solo class. I may still return to DAoC if the WoW endgame is as bad as people say, but if I do return, I don't expect to have huge amounts of fun.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:23 am
by Alexandrinus
Cryn wrote: This compares to my options in DAoC, which are what? The game is built around solo classes now, and I don't have one. I can't face rolling an alt, so I have no good options. If class balance didn't encourage everyone to roll rangers, I think DAoC RvR could still be a lot of fun, but it does, and with Catacombs it'll get worse because everyone will be given the option of another great solo class. I may still return to DAoC if the WoW endgame is as bad as people say, but if I do return, I don't expect to have huge amounts of fun.
im doing alot of solo atm at beno bridge,and you know a BM isnt the solo class for daoc, but this insta RVR like we have atm with two realms holding a castle in the enemies land makes a lot of fun, its like in the battlegrounds.
You die you port back,buff up and you back into action one minute later.
There are always some enemies around there if steathers or rangers or any others who think they can make a kill theire.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:09 am
by Gahn
Alexandrinus wrote:im doing alot of solo atm at beno bridge,and you know a BM isnt the solo class for daoc, but this insta RVR like we have atm with two realms holding a castle in the enemies land makes a lot of fun, its like in the battlegrounds.
You die you port back,buff up and you back into action one minute later.
There are always some enemies around there if steathers or rangers or any others who think they can make a kill theire.
Mate u can't really expect that a situational period is the future of the game, i left Daoc for this big problem; it can be fun provided there are some lucky coincidences working togheter but it can be utterly boring if those same things ain't clued up in a fashionable manner.
I'm happy altho that u got fun atm ^^

Edit: for peat, PvP Work in Progress seems very good and i had a shot of PvP in WoW when i got my 1st quest to complete in Ashenvale, it's far from boring tbh :D When we'll have Honor System and PvP Battlegrounds it will rock imo.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:49 pm
by Argyleyn
Yeh, i think wow pvp for people who get the pleasure from the thrill of pvp battle is great, if you are looking for rp's and stuff...well, it's not...not that it's bad wanting rewards, but for me they are a secondary thing in pvp, the thrill and the sense of danger is what makes it worth it. And actually classes are not one trick ponies like they were in daoc, they have huge depth and almost any class has really lots of things to throw back at you. In Daoc i played a mana eld which was considered one of the most versatile and variable classes and i hardly had 2-3 qb's of 10 spaces filled with spells, now i have 2 qb's of 24 slots filled and i use 90% of those.

As i said it's mostly the endgame pve and the effect it has that worries me the most.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:13 pm
by Tammuz
Currently i play on a PVP server, and ive been questing/PvP'ing in the same contested area since lvl 20 (im only lvl 31 atm), and its great fun) personally i never did RvR just to get the rewards and RP's like so many other people i did it for the fun, the thrill if you like, ok i can admit it was nice seeing myself get extra titles thou unbalalncing it by giving lots of abilities (basically lvling all over again) was never my love i also understood that part of it.

People who enjoyed the old days of RvR when you used to just get up, go out and try to fight what arrived will like PvP in WoW because basically thats it atm, battlegrounds and the honor system will ofc change it, it will allow those who only see a point to it when they can show ppl how uber they think they are to do so with titles, ranks and abilities to make it even easier for them to farm lower ppl (like i already said i do love titles :)).

Dont knock it till you try it really, i mean what is a good PvP system really ?, personally its a way to stop ppl picking on the greys and a way to balance a game so that just cos you play 50 times more then someone else you dont get 50 extra abilities that stop you from fighting reasonably against anyone else, but thats my personal opinion.

WoW is a couple of months into its release and ppl are already complaining, if you really expected it to be perfect for you and include everyting as soon as you logged on your kidding yourself, try comparing it to the timescale of DaoC and when things came in there.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:16 am
by Vai
DAOC sucks balls compared to WoW.Only thing imho that DAOC has an advantage over WoW is a better ( more simple even ) UI.Give WoW 6 months and I think you will see a highly polished game,fun to play like DAOC used to be.....tis a shame...Wonder how many DAOC accounts now on Ebay lol.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:49 pm
by Rami
Tammuz wrote:Currently i play on a PVP server, and ive been questing/PvP'ing in the same contested area since lvl 20 (im only lvl 31 atm), and its great fun) personally i never did RvR just to get the rewards and RP's like so many other people i did it for the fun, the thrill if you like, ok i can admit it was nice seeing myself get extra titles thou unbalalncing it by giving lots of abilities (basically lvling all over again) was never my love i also understood that part of it.

People who enjoyed the old days of RvR when you used to just get up, go out and try to fight what arrived will like PvP in WoW because basically thats it atm, battlegrounds and the honor system will ofc change it, it will allow those who only see a point to it when they can show ppl how uber they think they are to do so with titles, ranks and abilities to make it even easier for them to farm lower ppl (like i already said i do love titles :)).

Dont knock it till you try it really, i mean what is a good PvP system really ?, personally its a way to stop ppl picking on the greys and a way to balance a game so that just cos you play 50 times more then someone else you dont get 50 extra abilities that stop you from fighting reasonably against anyone else, but thats my personal opinion.

WoW is a couple of months into its release and ppl are already complaining, if you really expected it to be perfect for you and include everyting as soon as you logged on your kidding yourself, try comparing it to the timescale of DaoC and when things came in there.
Question is: How long will this "thrill" last, it's exactly like it was in DAoC.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:31 pm
by Bourkey
i agree with you on everything uve said rami. Moving server and starting again may not have helped but the game just seemed to go downhill for me after 2-3 weeks. I miss the lvling experience in daoc i dont like the fact i have to move every 20 mins and how you could call normal exping in daoc boring i personally dont know, the mayhem at the blackthorns? the total anarchay in muire tomb, The great grps you used to get in sprags i can think of plenty of spots i used to love going. But in wow oh look byself, if i invite someone much less xp unless epic mob oh well, oh look ive killed 10 mobs have to move spot again.