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Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:49 am
by Venoid
Flippant Desires wrote:It is a bit mess-up atm, it's suppoed to generate new instances for the demand, that seems a bit doubtful atm tho. But I don't want the system you want. Blizz ought to let ppl in as solo and designate their side, horde/alliance is not relevant.
The new instances for demand is not the problem, the fact that it wont create an instance unless theres at least 5 people on each side wanting to get in is a huge least for anyone under the level of 51-60 come a year+ down th road...except they havent made a 51-60 version of WSG yet afaik :p.
Flippant Desires wrote:Whine! :) Nothing different from daoc, because in any game, some will seek to maximise their group/raid set-up.
I never said it was any different from DAOC and yes it was whine from someone that got owned ;(, in fact all this time Ive actually been telling people WoW is more like DAOC than many people make it out to be, and these are the reasons why I dont PvP much :p, this is just another example of its similarities, the only missing ingrediant is /assist, but /assist was never a core necessity for gank groups even in DAOC, it just allowed PuGs the opportunity to become gank groups or at least be able to kill a couple of people, and God I hope Blizzard arnt stupid enough to add a command like that into the game :p.

I dunno what Alterac Valley is like so I wont comment on that, but WSG isnt my idea of what a DAOC PvPer would be looking for in PvP anyway, when the focus of the game is on who can grab the oppositions flag and run like hell first, most the other rounds I played in there I just came up against kamikaze druids and rogues that just materialized and grabbed theflag then hit every speed spell they could to get away (standing on the flag ftw now ;( ), but thats not really PvP, at least not MMORPG PvP that Ive seen. That said, Ive had some great fun in WSG and I made it to Scout!...which has surprised even me, but I doubt come 6months time I or many others will be "queueing" to get into that particuler BG, at least not as they are now.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:46 am
by Shi
I've spent 2 evenings in WG at lvl 40 and it was quite fun :)
Teams were even in numbers altho the lvl spread was quite significant.
1st night Alliance side was pretty well organised and well balanced class-wise, while our side was a bunch of headless chicken ;)
2nd night other way round, few folks with sense in my team and on other side total lack of team-work.
Generally good fun, waiting not so long (5-15 minutes).
Next patch they introduce some npcs in capitals where you can sign up for a given BG and get in queue.
They should do that imo for all Innkeepers, that way you can eventually go kill some mobs in right lvl area for ya.
Main pro for me as for BGs is they seem to tight a bit some population of bored high lvls in, so it's pretty ok to actually go out and xp/quest.

And aye, agree here with Ven, worse thing Blizz could ever do would be to add /follow /stick, /face /assist and similar to pvp.


Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:19 am
by Ovi
/Assist <name> works fine on WoW :o

I just hope they don't add /stick :)

I don't think the instances work for PvP, especially the "Epic" one. The WSG bg is fun and is a good way to get an almost fair fight (Numberwise at least). Alterac Valley just forces people to have to queue for PvP fun, before the BGs they could just go to TM/SS and join in :)

The goal of having even numbers is good, but in the MMORPG world that is rarely, if ever, going to be practical. The same way Albs generally have higher populations in DAoC, The Alliance (Alb for short...) has generally higher populations too. No idea what attracts people to Alb more than The Horde (Hib for short ...), but the pattern is clearly there.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:22 am
by Shi
Ovi wrote:/Assist <name> works fine on WoW :o
aye true, oops, /blush :)
default key F afaik

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:59 am
by Argyleyn
I was wondering if you could do a macro to do something similar to /face.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:12 pm
by HappyG
Flippant Desires wrote:Whine! :) Nothing different from daoc, because in any game, some will seek to maximise their group/raid set-up.
True however in DAoC casual players eventualy gather up a zerg and beat that opted group, when in WoW you are forced to play 10v10.

Big problem with WG is that opted groups rarely face opted groups, most likely they face some randoms which isn't fun for any of them, especialy when you wait 45 minutes for a game that lasts 5-10 minutes. This problem could be solved (and PvP guilds half-satisfied) with pre arranged GvG fights. Unfortunetly...
Worldofwar.Net: Will a guild be able to sign for there own Battleground instance against another guild at any point in the future, for a Guild vs Guild battle?

Blizzard: We have discussed this option, but at this time we would like to streamline the existing battleground queue system before we add any new functionality.

Btw, when talking /assist and /face. First one is in game, and with some mods you can automate it to the extent that main assist can activate /assist ma anytime he wants for everyone in group. /face unfortunetly isn't in game, but I wonder how do hunters for instance feel when Im running up and down throuhg them and spam AE, when they can rarely land a hit on me...

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:04 pm
by Geralt
HappyG wrote:/face unfortunetly isn't in game, but I wonder how do hunters for instance feel when Im running up and down throuhg them and spam AE, when they can rarely land a hit on me...
Then they are doing something wrong, no? Hunter should hit you from range :)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:34 pm
by HappyG
Geralt wrote:Then they are doing something wrong, no? Hunter should hit you from range :)
Should yes... but its hard to kill a Mage once he blinks on your head.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:14 pm
by Ovi
HappyG wrote: Btw, when talking /assist and /face. First one is in game, and with some mods you can automate it to the extent that main assist can activate /assist ma anytime he wants for everyone in group. /face unfortunetly isn't in game, but I wonder how do hunters for instance feel when Im running up and down throuhg them and spam AE, when they can rarely land a hit on me...
I think /face should be added, my biggest issue was /stick.

/face helps some classes overcome latency issues, the main problem the hunter in the above example faces is the fact that due to latency he can't be sure he is actually facing where he thinks he's facing at the right time. He proepr /face command would stop that and, since it would only work while stationary, it is hardly unrealistic / overpowering.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:46 am
by alemain
Hoi happyg free rp's eh was being friendly and waving at ya and ya nuke pff dodgy horde . :moose: