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Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:42 pm
by Haarewin
Bone wrote:If your Alliance. The Van Cleef quest is totally amazing. The giant forge, the big boat.

I wont say anymore it'll spoil it.
i like the cannon ;)
shame stockades is a huge letdown in comparison

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:40 pm
by willowywicca

Loving it here too, have been having a great time running around on daggerspine pvp as horde shaman. I was a bit worried when rolling pvp that it might be a lot like camlann.. but it's pleasantly surprising, there's lots of people from alliance who won't attack you at all, and will even help out if they see you in trouble, so it's not a case of being chain-ganked in contested zones.. ( Only exception to that being the "Hug Me" alliance guild, who must all be killed no matter what! )

As for the game itself, lots of fun to be had on the various quests and instances, crafting is nice since it's not such a time sink tho the items created aren't all that useful overall (drops/quest items seem much better at the levels you can get them), atleast I've only rarely used some of the stuff I can craft on myself (225 leatherworking now, 284~ skinning), I probably should of picked a different profession or something tho lol :p Engineering or Alchemy seems most useful end-game.. But then, it's not a hassle to start over, since wow doesn't require you to get respec stones or any such nonsense.. oh and that "craft all" button is a godsend ;o

Instances are fun, I've played a bit of alliance and horde (lvl23 mage now retired as had to move servers for various reasons, lvl40 shaman active) and the deadmines instance in alliance was really cool, the ones in Horde, while also quite nice (firechasm ridge? or something lol, wailing caverns and razorfen downs) weren't quite as "omg cool" as deadmines. Recently have been to scarlet monastery which is an instance shared by both realms, it was.. very monastery like :p

The whole feel of the game tho is just nice, it doesn't feel unfinished like daoc did when first playing, even tho it *is* unfinished as numerous instances aren't added yet (they just have placeholder portals) and not everything else is done either.. and of course there's battlegrounds the pvp addition to come, which is something to look forwards too :) Atleast for me with my rp lust :P

Pvp so far has also been very fun, it reminds me of the early days of daoc, rvring in yggdra forest, fast, chaotic but a helluva lot of fun :) But I guess I would enjoy it being an overpowered shaman :D When I get lucky with procs and crits can do totally insane damage (eg, one time I did over 65% dmg in one attack to a lvl41 mob at lvl39 -- windfury + crits = wtf dmg lol)..

About the only thing I can find wrong with it is.. I have too many spells!!! I only use like 1/5 of my spells regularily, maybe 1/2 at all, and the others go to waste as I haven't found places to use them, or maybe I suck and don't know what I'm doing ;) The sheer range of abilities is quite fun, as I'm sure different people playing the same class could end up with distinctive playstyles.. but still, it makes me feel bad that I don't use all of my abilities lol :p

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:05 pm
by Cryn
I think rolling on a PvP server might be in my future. I'm still massively enjoying the game as it is on PvE, but I'm a bit worried that at higher levels I will be bored. Instances are okay, but they suffer from long raid syndrome. You can easily start feeling worn out/bored before the end of the longer ones.

Crafting is the best I've seen in any MMORPG. Seems kinda like what SWG and Horizons wanted, but failed, to achieve.

Although the game can get very solitary if you let it (since many things are typically done solo), grouping is in many ways better than DAoC. Unlike DAoC a casual group is viable (outside instances). You can join one, do a few quests and then leave again without people saying "I only need 1 bub for my ding" etc, and the prevalence of hybrid classes makes it easy to form an effective group from random people. Some classes have a bigger impact on the group (eg. warrior, priest, warlock) but even without them groups get by nicely.

Have to agree with onion girl about the number of spells. As a priest I have one whole bar of spells that I definitely want right there on my main qbar. Then I have buffs (both long and short term) and additional heals and cures, as well as funky things like Mind control and situational spells like Shackle Undead. It's all a bit much for the tiny little brains in my fingers, and when under pressure, it's fairly common for me to blow my whole power bar buffing myself or something when I think I'm attacking.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:13 pm
by Argyleyn
Well, i actually play a shaman too and i like very much the variety of spells we get. Some of them are truly never used (hello frostband weapon buff) but i must say that almost all totems have been of use in some situation.

I am doing WC the last couple of days and i use tremor totem all the time, which i didn't do anywhere else. Earthbind totem is another one i never used at low levels but now that i am in contested areas (level 24 currently, have a 15 priest as well) i use it all the time to kite around all the rogues that pop out of nowhere!

Stoneclaw is always useful when adds come in pve, stoneskin is default totem in tough 1vs1 fights, i am not sure if i should use fire nova or searing totem though, i usually use fire nova because searing's range causes me a lot of trouble usually by bringing me unwanted adds. Poison cleansing was also useful when i was doing those quillboars and scorpion quests at south barrens.

As for our spells, i haven't had windfury so far but rockbiter+lightning shield do wonders in solo pve for me (if i wasn't bored of renewing the shield :p) and all the dd's are on my qb, frost shock does great damage and snares, earthshock is super vs casters (mobs or players-but only for solo play since it causes too much unwanted aggro in instances) and the fire dd is a good mana efficient finishing move for mobs that attempt to run away.

Lightning bolts are also ok, good for picking mobs out of a crowd.

Ofcourse up to 40 we get more spells but so far i am pretty pleased by the utility of most of our spells, even if some of them are situational (i.e. tremor+poison cleansing totem).

Only things i have found completely useless so far are frostbrand and flametongue weapon buffs. I suppose the could be of some use against heat/cold weak mobs, but i have no idea which mobs those are :p

I like shaman a lot, i played mana eld in daoc and i thought i had utility, but playing a wow shaman totally redefines what 'utility char' means. My only concern is that there are quite a lot of us and i might have trouble getting groups when i am higher level.

Generally, i think most wow characters have a lot of depth but at the same it's not necessary to use all their repertoire. For example, most shamans can hit rockbiter+frost shock and then melee and finish most quests like that. But by using totems and taking care to utilise the most mana efficient spells you can really devastate whole camps of mobs (up to a certain level ofcourse). Best fights i have had was fighting 3-4 mobs of my level (in pve i mean), which was quite challenging.

P.s. Ghost wolf is just the best spell out there!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:37 pm
by Tammuz
Loving the game so far, thou unlike some posting here i havent obsessed myself with leveling (i actually saw a 52 today, good god do some ppl have lives), the fact that you can pretty much get away with any combo for a group is a massive advantage (although a heal class helps alot) especially with things like bandages/healpotions etc.

And the number of players is great, reminds me of the early days in DaoC where you could walk around getting ppl helping you, random buffs, just talking as you xp (or quest mainly in this games case).

The simplicity is also a major advantage, quests which have real information in them, warnings as you go to contested areas (i spend my time on PvP server), even the addition of things like cooking and fishing which are useful giving little stat boosts mean theres a much bigger variety of things to do in the game.

My only worry is that RvR is kinda pointless atm, then again theres alot inline to change that and since im in no rush odds are itll be in by the time i get to the max levels.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:06 pm
by Lieva
its ok when i get bored
still doesnt beat daoc though.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:47 am
by willowywicca
Banana wrote:its ok when i get bored
still doesnt beat daoc though.

It's completely replaced daoc for me, partly because all the people I played daoc with are playing it now, and because I was really bored with daoc, having played it to death pretty much already :p Wow is different to daoc tho (since more pveish and less pvp oriented, atleast thus far for me), tho perhaps will become more similar to daoc after they implement battlegrounds..

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:00 pm
by Briannon
I'm very much enjoying the game too for all the reasons people have said above. However, I do have one small bugbear and that is the number of people who "help" with kills without checking first. I don't know if these people are new to MMORPGs and haven't quite got the etiquette sorted out yet, so I tend not to react to what they've done. I suspect they genuinely think they're helping but it is a minor irritation for me.

But, notwithstanding that, WoW is the first of many MMORPGs that is competing with DAoC for my time.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:08 pm
by Hoonius
Briannon wrote:I'm very much enjoying the game too for all the reasons people have said above. However, I do have one small bugbear and that is the number of people who "help" with kills without checking first. I don't know if these people are new to MMORPGs and haven't quite got the etiquette sorted out yet, so I tend not to react to what they've done. I suspect they genuinely think they're helping but it is a minor irritation for me.

But, notwithstanding that, WoW is the first of many MMORPGs that is competing with DAoC for my time.
I get that 'kill stealing' thing all the time. TBH the community is the thing that's letting the game down at this time, but the community is built up after the free month so i'll just have to wait and see

another thing is people joing a group for an instanced encounter, just to pillage the drops and then leave when they win, or lose, the roll. i'm sure it'll all turn around soon though.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:28 pm
by Argyleyn
However, I do have one small bugbear and that is the number of people who "help" with kills without checking first. I don't know if these people are new to MMORPGs and haven't quite got the etiquette sorted out yet, so I tend not to react to what they've done. I suspect they genuinely think they're helping but it is a minor irritation for me.
That's because on 90% of cases they ARE genuinely helping. If only 1 person helps you kill a monster, you lose almost 0 xp, you still get credit and loot for it and you save mana+time. Only if a group of 5 adds to your mobs you will really see your xp go down the drain and it might get annoying, but really, there's absolutely nothing wrong with 1-2 people adding on you occasionally, unless you really wanted the challenge i guess. I don't do it because a lot of people like you don't understand this game's mechanics yet, but if someone does it on me i mostly feel grateful for helping me save mana.

I actually believe that the mana you save from people adding on you will help you get much more xp over time than if they never helped and you got all the xp.