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Stretch goals: Depths, DF-style RvR dungeon

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:05 pm
by VidX
The latest updates include the two stretch goals so far, 1st being additional classes and races, the 2nd being a DF-style RvR dungeon but without the PvE aspect. It sounds like this could be a great idea. If they go with the same mechanics as DF whoever owns the most objectives in the world will control the Depths. The main goal of the dungeon seems to be two-fold: the most valuable resources in the game can be found here and also some special crafting areas which will let Crafters create the best items in the game, etc.

Crafters will also come into play within the Depths as in regards to defending it in a Tower Defense style. They can build traps, turrets, 'sensors' and will likely be the main way to defend the area.

You can also come across NPC spawn points where you can spawn NPCs to help you defend it. Including abilities to let you control the NPCs up to, and including, a boss-level one.

Sounds like it could be interesting!

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:26 am
by Jalanteriel
I can picture myself spending most of the time in TD whistle:

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:27 pm
by Bubble
RR10 tower defender!