Censor Enabled usergroup

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Emerald Rider
Posts: 1763
Joined: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:00 pm

Censor Enabled usergroup

Post by Lairiodd »

I have re-added the code that handles the censor enabled usergroup.

It is a public group so anyone can join it. If you join, posts will be censored before being displayed.

Basically, I removed the code which censors as the post is being submitted and the code which censors (again) when the post is being displayed is only enabled if you are in the usergroup.

This means that those who want to can have words ****-ed out. Also, it means people are less likely to try to bypass the filter.
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
Lairirian Level 50 Mana Mentalist and Legendary Spellcrafter (TDD)
Lairgreybark Level 50 Arb Animist
Lairmindlock Level 50 Bard (TDD)
Lairthall Level 35+ Friar

Stocking one 99% of most of the useful spellcrafting gems at Houses 3304 and 3306

Over 150 gems at 99% stocked

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